Thunder's Place

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Girth theory: glans and corpus cavernosum.

Thanks a lot, what are the ligs? And what is the difference between the tunica and the ligs? When we are gainins in length \ girth, what are we getting? More tunica + CC + CS ?

I would like getting a little explanation, thanks.

Conquering my goals.

Originally Posted by remek
According to the many diagrams I’ve seen, the bottom half of the CS is only covered by 1 layer of tunica (the top is covered by 2, and the CCs are covered by 2). An important point here: A few of the diagrams are in conflict with one another, as some of the rare ones (generally the older ones) show that the bottom of the CS is covered by two layers of tunica.

Also, some penises have 3 layers of tunica and some only have 1.

You’re looking to enlarge your glans, eh? Have you tried any glans-specific exercises?

The following paper published in 2006 discusses this very topic and the possible effects of the variations.

“Variations in the morphologic structure of the TA [tunica albuginea] of the CC [corpus cavernosa] were detected. The two-layered TA was the most common with 71.4%, while the three-layered TA was encountered in 21.4% and the single layer in 7.2%. The exact significance of the structural variations of the TA during erection is not known. It is likely that the degree of tumescence depends on the TA structure. Thus, we assume that the triple-layered TA gives more firmness to penile erection than the single or double-layered TA. Similarly, the TA of 2 layers, which is the most common pattern, would provide a stronger erection than the single layer. This comparison of the role of the different layers of the TA in erection seems applicable, provided the other factors of penile erection are standardized. Alternatively, it might be that the increase of the TA layers impede the erectile process. On the other hand, the CS is covered by a single layer of TA, and this fact might diminish its rigidity on erection compared to the rigidity of the CC. However, the role of the different layers of the TA in erection needs to be investigated.”

Shafik A. Histological study of the tunica albuginea of the penis and mode of cavernosus muscles’ insertion in it. Archives of Andrology, 52 (2006) 1–8.

They go onto describe the corpus spongiosum (CS) and its fiber orientation:

“The TA of the CS consisted of only one layer with circularly oriented fibers; no longitudinal fibers were detected in any of the specimens examined.”

Same paper.

This finding will have to be included as part of any discussion of CS expansion and lengthening (probably by fiber bundle splitting). This paper did not look at higher
magnification to describe the fiber types in the single tunica layer around the CS. Textbooks describe it as being high in elastic fibers, but I have yet to find the original papers that looked at this. Still looking

They go on to describe how the Bulbocavernosus muscle (also known as the retractor penis muscle) lies over the CS where it travels up the penis where it splits and attaches to the tunica of the cavernosa. Contraction of this muscle puts compression on the CS and squeezes blood toward the outer penis and glands. Because this muscle contracts at complete erection by reflexes (just like the Ischiocavernosus muscles), this keeps the glans pressure higher to keep it rigid for intercourse. (see attached picture).

Last edited by pudendum : 01-20-2008 at .

Thanks remek.

Later - ttt

I looked through Drilla’s pic thread because I remember I saw a comparison of his new and old girth and his CS chamber was extremely bigger in the new girth picture. I mean he has to contribute at least half of his girth gains to increase in his CS chamber. More proof and examples for this thread. Sorry I couldn’t find the pics.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Relationship between Corpus Spongiosum Pressure and Glans erection

We’ve talked a lot about the effect of the contraction of the Ischiocavernosus muscles on the pressure within the cavernosa (Girth theory: Pumping vs. clamping). These contractions are the result of reflex activation at full erection. These contractions drive the internal cavernosa pressures much higher than the upper blood pressure number (systolic blood pressure).

The same appears to be true in the spongiosum. The bulbocavernosus muscles wrap around the bulb of the penis which is the base of the spongiosum. The reflex contractions of the BC muscles drive the spongiosum pressures above systolic pressure. This appears to be very important to the phases of engorgement of the glans.

A study in rats looked at spongiosum pressure, BC muscle contraction and gland erection. They described 3 phases of glans erection: E1, weak glans engorgement; E2, involving some dilation of the distal glans; and E3, intense flaring of the glans. The intensity of glans erection was directly related to spongiosum pressure. This pressure was directly related to the intensity and duration of bursts of the contractions of the BC muscles.

The pressures in the spongiosum of the rat that result from BC muscle contraction were very high. The pressures in the spongiosum corresponding to the glans erection phases were 225 mm Hg (E1), 375 mm Hg (E2) and 550 mm Hg (E3). These pressure peaks were short, in milliseconds (1000 milliseconds = 1 second). The contraction bursts seen in rats with E1 glans erections had short contraction bursts of about 300 millisecond durations, but at E3 the BC muscle contraction durations were over 800 milliseconds. In addition, the frequency at which these BC contraction bursts occur also increased with the phases of glans erection.

They concluded:

"Our results provide further evidence that penile erections involve both vascular-subsystolic [filling of the low pressure erection chambers of the penis by the arteries] and muscular-suprasystolic [pressures elevation above arterial pressure in the erectile chambers by muscle contraction] phases."

Schmidt MH, et al. Corpus spongiosum penis pressure and perineal muscle activity during reflexive erections in the rat. American Journal of Physiology 269 (Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 38) (1995) R904 - R913.

The rat penis is much different than the human penis. Copulation in the rat is short and thrusts are rapid. The head and the shaft must be bone hard. Does this have any relationship to us. I think so. We know from personal experience that Kegels increase the size of my penis head with each contraction when approaching full erection. We also know that at peak erection our head mushrooms to a very firm structure. The pressure in the head is much higher than arterial pressure. BC muscle contraction must be involved.

I have yet to find a study that have measured spongiosum pressure in humans. We all believe that the pressures must be low enough to allow for ejaculation. But they must be high enough so the the glans can reach maximal erection. How the single layer tunica covering the spongiosum is involved needs to be further developed by us.

Originally Posted by pudendum
The pressures in the spongiosum of the rat that result from BC muscle contraction were very high.

Does this fact (probably at least partially true for the human penis as well) add a new facet to the value of kegels?

(I must admit that I am sometimes too lazy but reading your post I intuitively started with my exercises .:) )

Later - ttt

Can you please answer those question?

What are the ligs in the penis?

Thanks a lot, what is the difference between the tunica and the ligs? When we are gaining in length \ girth, what are we getting? More tunica + CC + CS ?
I would like getting a little explanation, thanks.

Conquering my goals.

Very basic visual explanation from a similar question asked long ago:


Jelqing seems to add length to the tunica and may aid in stretching out the ligaments. The main pressure is on the CC, so they probably grow more than the CS, but that likely depends on the grip one uses.

It seems for me, at least, much of my girth gains have come from a substantial increase in the size of my CS. It is extremely well developed, yet I have not seen much gain in the diameter of my penis. I feel that if I have gained size in my CC, it has been longitudinally, resulting in increased girth yet stagnant horizontal diameter.

I have been clamping for over a year, but for only about 20 minutes a day. I used to hang and do all sorts of PE during the past 4-5 years, albeit not at the greatest intensity.


Originally Posted by ticktickticker
Does this fact (probably at least partially true for the human penis as well) add a new facet to the value of kegels?

(I must admit that I am sometimes too lazy but reading your post I intuitively started with my exercises .:) )

I would think it does. If we strengthen the IC & BC muscles with Kegel exercises (specifically the BC muscles here), I would believe that when spontaneous reflex contractions of well toned IC and BC muscles as the penis approaches full erection, they would be stronger and more efficient at generating higher erectile chamber pressures. This might result in a firmer and maybe a bigger glans. The effect on CS size is unclear to me.

Do your Kegels.

I’m typing this from an iphone so ill be brief.The research paper from 2006 where it speaks of the percentage of people with 1 tunica 2 tunicas or 3 tunicas just scientifically explained slow gainers and fast gainers and also give the chances of each. That should be an article for everyone to read. I dedinetly have 3 tunicas. That seems like a really important topic of discussion.

Starting: (2/1/06) (nbpel=7.8) (bpel=8.15) (eg=5 3/16)

06/29/07: (nbpel=8 1/2) (bpel=9) (mid eg=6) (base eg 6.25)

Comparison Pictures, 8in to 9in= My Comparison Pic thread.

You are right pappy.

When that study was first posted, I remember joking about having the Firestone 721 steel belted tunica.

Horny Bastard

For fuller glans effect, with more consistency avoiding the deflation of the glans, one could just take time to jelq the CS.
I do this in every jelq routine. I use a grip I invented that I call the “you” grip. It is specifically designed to hit the CS but it also comes in contact with the dorsal portion (Underside) of the CC.

The exercise is bit hard to explain:
It is best done laying down.
Form a base grip by making the Spock “sign” or peace sign.
Curl those fingers, hey it resembles the letter “you”
Jelq the underside of your penis.
Slowly move the” you” grip up to but stop short of the glans.
This jelq is done better with q 80-90% erection.
It will expand your glans nicely.
This exercise should not be done by newbies.
A grip that is to tight can really really hurt, keep it gentle.

It seems like most jelqing is mostly concerned with the cavernosa bodies. The CS is important to penis health and penis growth.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

It would be great if all of us signed consents for autopsies of our penises when we die so that we can correlate our gains versus the number of layers in our tunica. I’ll be the first to sign up. Any other takers? :)

Hey kingpole. Thanks for posting this again. I didn’t understand it when you first described it in a post about 2 months ago.


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