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Girth theory: glans and corpus cavernosum.

Girth theory: glans and corpus cavernosum.


Second try to get the discussion going.

Later - ttt

In another thread I posted this:

“Now, after going so much into the details of the corpora cavernosa, I would like to address the corpus spongiosum.

It is connected to the glans, and many in this forum have complained about their ‘soft head’. The reason why the head and the corpus spongiosum MUST be softer than the corpora cavernosa is that they harbour the urethra. Too high pressure would make ejaculation impossible.

Yet, it would be cool to get that head a little harder, and, more than that, a little bigger.

This is a BIG girth question, and I hope that we get into an interesting discussion.”

Later - ttt

As stated by others’, from a girl’s perspective a dick with a big glans looks a lot bigger than an otherwise identical dick. So I think it’s worth working on glans size and may be interesting for some to discuss the theory behind it.

Later - ttt

I’ll definitely be watching this thread.

To get the whole story started, I think I remember that. From an anatomic standpoint, the corpus spongiosum and the glans are equipped with a much weaker tunica then the corpora cavernosa.

Hypothesis: consequently, it should be relatively easy to work it.

Later - ttt

Originally Posted by RandomGiant

I’ll definitely be watching this thread.

You must be online. That’s cool. Suggestions?

Later - ttt

One observation that has been suggested is that the shape of the penis before any pe is rather oval but would have a tendency to become rounder under girth work. If that were true it would imply that the corpus spongiosum is quite easily enlarged.

However, what is intriguing me is that few are reporting easy glans gains although my anatomic picture implies some kind of connection / functional unit glans - corpus cavernosum.

Later - ttt

ttt - The spongiosum has a very significant venous leak throughout most levels of erection until peak (there’s that peak erection again). This is due to the shunting of blood from the arteries of the spongiosum to the veins (arterio-venous shunt). The textbooks say that at peak, the shunting in the glans is stopped by vein compression, mushrooming the head (for better penetration and to guaranty better positioning to dump its payload). In my mind, this means that spongiosum and glans work needs to be done at near full erection or compression it to raise pressure or pumping to expand volume. This weaker investing layer around the spongiosum has a higher elastic tissue component. It’s easily noted that the spongiosum can expand a great deal with cock rings, clamping and pumping. But my experience that this is not maintained without these interventions. It will be hard to counter the physiology of blood flow in the spongiosusm.

I haven’t ignored your suggested discussion point. I’ve pulled 10 papers on spongiosum anatomy and physiology to give a background for us to step off from for enhancement suggestions. I haven’t gotten through them all and there are more to get. The interest in erection has focused on the cavernosa (for obvious reasons). I will post some of this soon while others give PE suggestions.

I agree this is a great topic to explore next.

I’ve been geting a little discoloration in my glans from trying to work it so hard, but it doesn’t seem like I’ve gained anything yet. I’m wondering about the “never let it turtle” theory. After doing workouts that target my glans, my glans will always shrink up like crazy. Maybe it would be a good idea to keep it expanded a little longer after my workouts?

Originally Posted by pudendum
This weaker investing layer around the spongiosum has a higher elastic tissue component. It’s easily noted that the spongiosum can expand a great deal with cock rings, clamping and pumping. But my experience that this is not maintained without these interventions. It will be hard to counter the physiology of blood flow in the spongiosum.

Thanks for joining, pudendum. I am sure that we will have yet another great discussion.

I absolutely agree with your remarks and made the same personal observation. One current threat (iguana’s heat thing) discusses a little the effects of heating and cooling on collagen. Unfortunately, elastic fibers don’t seem to be so impressed by temperature effects.

Let’s dig a little deeper and find out if there is not one or some factor(s) which could contribute. We will have to know a bit more about elastic fibers and their properties.

Later - ttt

Originally Posted by RandomGiant
I’ve been geting a little discoloration in my glans from trying to work it so hard, but it doesn’t seem like I’ve gained anything yet. I’m wondering about the “never let it turtle” theory. After doing workouts that target my glans, my glans will always shrink up like crazy. Maybe it would be a good idea to keep it expanded a little longer after my workouts?

Theoretically, if there were only elastic fibers, your approach would be completely useless (unless the elastic fibers get tired somehow after a while). If not (like a metal spring at low tension, (I assume at least), adc (all day compression at the base, by a cock ring or so, would affect the corpora cavernosa much more than the corpus spongiosum and the glans. Unfortunately. In fact, that’s why I started this thread (I am close to my length goal, girth increases (no too impressive) came as an add-on (mostly from hanging I assume).

Later - ttt

To get the whole story started, I think I remember that. From an anatomic standpoint, the corpus spongiosum and the glans are equipped with a much weaker tunica then the corpora cavernosa.

According to the many diagrams I’ve seen, the bottom half of the CS is only covered by 1 layer of tunica (the top is covered by 2, and the CCs are covered by 2). An important point here: A few of the diagrams are in conflict with one another, as some of the rare ones (generally the older ones) show that the bottom of the CS is covered by two layers of tunica.

Also, some penises have 3 layers of tunica and some only have 1.

You’re looking to enlarge your glans, eh? Have you tried any glans-specific exercises?

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Hi, I’m sorry to get in the middle, can you give a diagram that will help all the people that don’t understand the concept, so we can see the difference between the layers of the tunica \ CS \ CC \ glans \ ligs (what they are?) etc’

Thanks a lot.

Conquering my goals.

Originally Posted by remek
According to the many diagrams I’ve seen, the bottom half of the CS is only covered by 1 layer of tunica (the top is covered by 2, and the CCs are covered by 2). An important point here: A few of the diagrams are in conflict with one another, as some of the rare ones (generally the older ones) show that the bottom of the CS is covered by two layers of tunica.

Also, some penises have 3 layers of tunica and some only have 1.

You’re looking to enlarge your glans, eh? Have you tried any glans-specific exercises?

Thanks for the info, remek, and thanks for joining.

I am trying to understand the basics, first. Next I will not just try, I will enlarge my glans. Suggestions? Which exercises; and how do they work?

Later - ttt

OS_q, I attached a picture that might add some clarity. I know the picture is on this site somewhere, but I’ll be damned if I could find it.

TTT: There are a few exercises, most of them focus on expanding the glans with more blood than it’s use to (similar to clamping, ulis, etc). I’ve seen men report good results with:
1) Doing Ulis an inch or so below the glans (pushing blood into the head) … An intense variation is clamping this way.
2) Squeeze-like exercises that push blood into the head.
3) Placing a Uli below the head and jelqing blood into the glans and using the Uli to “hold it in there”
4) Jelqing blood into the head of the penis and keeping it trapped in there with a PenisMaster for long periods of time

Hope this helps.

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TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

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