Kiddies, don’t try this at home.
A very well made point Thunder. I apologize for not saying something to that effect myself. Its important that guys understand that when I was doing this I was also routinely (and still am) hanging very large weights (100-200 lbs for extended periods, 300 for shorter). Its reasonable to conclude that my tunica was atypical with respect to strength and the related quantity of minimum threshold stress required for inflammation onset.
This is important anecdotal and personal experience. I would suspect that in your first sessions, both your multiple overlapping constructively interfering ellipsoidal interaction volumes and the inter-clamp (and probably distal to the last clamp as well) distension activate tension-induced connective tissue remodeling with inflammatory injury response (IPR). In my mind it would cause both an increase in collagen fiber length and diameter which would lead to tunica elongation in the circumferential direction; increased girth. However, as the tension stimulus is repeated, the amount of fiber diameter increase (the bodies attempt to prevent rupture or further injury) out paces the collagen fiber length increases, so growth slows and ultimately ceases. The tunica gets stronger, not longer.
My thoughts exactly!
I’m just trying to piece experience together with the proposed mechanism of connective tissue repair/remodeling to see if they conform.
You sound like me about 2 years ago. I’ve spent a LOT of time, effort and thought on this exact hypothesis. My experience’s data, interestingly (to me anyway) for both length and girth focussed training campaigns have conformed remarkably tight (haven’t calculated R -squareds, but should) with, believe it or not, a Fibonacci sequence (Golden Mean graphically). I’ve written oodles about it so I’ll spare you and me the hassle of going over it here and just tell you that a read of my Progress Report thread will reveal most of the relevant info.
Crikey, someone come up with a nickname for that intestoidal volumetrically opposed ellipliticly designed apparatimundi thingamyjiggy please.
:D , I’ll work on it.