Gonna try to jump start the gains.
Well I’ve hit my 2 month mark, and I am content with my gains. But today I have some time on my hands (in my hands more like it) and I am going to test out a jump start day. Either I will message everyone tonight from the hospital because my dick broke off, or from my house and hopefully it will be a successful day. Here is the plan.
2 hours of manual stretching. I use a tissue for a extreme grip. These are also various stretches.
2 hours jelq. This is gonna leave a red mark or 2. I will do all stages of erection hardness from 50%-95%.
Fowers for about 4 hours in the day.
DLD bends, probably a set every hour.
SO this is it. Wish me luck.
Starting size today.
nbp 6.25
bp 7
EG 5