Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How a 5% girth gain can make a "big" difference


Hmm - I was just going to figure out my SA using the formula, and noticed the formula uses radius rather than circumference. That doesn’t work for me since my penis is wider than it is flat. Is there a way to convert the formula so it uses circumference?

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

(I meant, my penis is more an oval shape in cross section than a perfect circle, so radius doesn’t work for me)

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

Surface area can be measured by integrating your girth(length) from base to end. To make it not too complicated use basegirth(length=0), midgirth(length=0.5*bpel), belowglansgirth(length=bpel-glanslength) and maxgirthglans. I’m using a cone approximation for the glans.

The surface area becomes the sum of:
(basegirth + 0.5*(midgirth-basegirth))*0.5*bpel +
(midgirth + 0.5*(belowglansgirthgirth-midgirth))*(0.5*bpel-glanslength)+

Originally Posted by dangleman
Hmm - I was just going to figure out my SA using the formula, and noticed the formula uses radius rather than circumference. That doesn’t work for me since my penis is wider than it is flat. Is there a way to convert the formula so it uses circumference?

my formula DOES use circumference

In Part 1, I teach you how to calculate your diameter (radius is half the diameter). Circumference is the same thing as girth.

In Part 2, I use the radius I calculated in Part 1 and apply it to the formula.


C = pi X d
4.2 = 3.14 X d
4.2/3.14 = d
1.34 = d (my diameter was 1.34)


SA = 2 X pi X radius X length
SA = 2 X 3.14 X 0.67 X 5.25
SA = 22.09 square inches


V = pi X (r X r) X length
V = 3.14 X (0.67 X 0.67) X 5.25
V = 3.14 X 0.45 X 5.25
V = 7.42 cubic inches


The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

You guys are making it way more complicated than it has to be. Imagine a rectangular sheet of paper L long by G across. If you roll it into a tube, you have a cylinder L long with girth G. The area of the rectangle is L x G and the area is preserved when you roll it up.

So the area of the cylinder is Girth x Length.

From that you can see that girth and length affect surface area directly and equally. If you one by 10%, the surface area increases by 10% too.

However I don’t think surface area has anything to do with perception of size. Surface area doesn’t make much sense in three dimensions. Put two pieces of paper together and the surface area barely changes at all, but there’s twice as much paper there! A crinkled surface could theoretically have infinite surface area. What will give the impression of size is displacement, ie volume.


If you want to use several girth measurements, it’s Average Girth x Length.

But when finding the average, remember that ones in the middle count twice, eg: for Midshaft, Behind Glans, and Base girth:

average girth = ¼(Base + (2 x Midshaft) + Glans)

Current [bpel x g]: 7.1" x 5.4" --> Gains History My Dick's Destiny : 8.0" x 6.0" * Girth Measuring Device *

A crinkled surface could theoretically have infinite surface area. What will give the impression of size is displacement, ie volume.

What will give the impression of size is displacement, ie volume.

Olaf: this sounds logical to me. Again, I’m a lit. major, so I haven’t a clue. But displacement sounds correct; what we’re looking for is the measure of the degree to which the vaginal walls are pushed out.

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

Originally Posted by dangleman
what we’re looking for is the measure of the degree to which the vaginal walls are pushed out.

trust me…

stick to the SA and V forumlae I used above…I think they are the easiest and most accurate ways to calculate the growth of your penis…the most important, in my opinion, is VOLUME

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Originally Posted by sexysunny

Hello everyone.I’ve been lurking here for about 8 months,and jelqing for about 6.I’ve tried wet jelqing for a while but didnt like it,I’ve been dry jelqing all of this time.I don’t bother with length,just girth.I noticed that if I hold my penus fully erect at the base and do squats I gives me a hell of a workout.latley I brought a cock ring and whilst fully erect have been masterbating to the point of ejaculating,then stopping for a second or two then doing it again for up to 45 minutes,never loosing the feeling of nearly’s magic,after my balls kill me,and my cock feels so tired and worked out it feels brilliant.the reason I do this is I believe the two spongey mucles either side of my cock may not be really muceles but to grow them they should be treated and trained like them.when I am working out the sides of my cock get stronger and stronger,they have started to stick out making my cock wider and they have got solid like two steel hard ons are solid.I’ve only measured a coulpe of times and in the beginning my girth was 4 inches,and now about six months on it’s 5 and ahalf,and it makes me look twice as big.I hold my hard on from the base and squeeze my bum for about 20 mins a day and have built up a bulge between my bum and cock and my cock gets so hard it feels good.most of all I never had 1 vein and now I looks like a road map and I get a new one every other week.I’ve just had a new one pop up in the middle of my cock going all around like a ring.I’m known as sexysunny and love this site,thanks.

What is he doing?

Squats while constricting the base with a cockring?

Which muscles does he talk about on the sides? Ischiocavernosus muscle?

(Ischiocavernosus muscle - Wikipedia)

Fellow blood-worker dickerschwanz wanted me to chime in with my 2 cents. So here it is.

The two “spongey mucles either side of his cock” that are “not really muceles but” “should be treated” that way so they “get stronger and stronger” and “stick out making his cock wider” “like two steel rods” are the corpora cavernosa.

This guy was an intuitive hero. He knew enough to act but not too much to doubt what he was doing. He used his intuition to combine exercises focused around high-flow and high-pressure erections.

There are exactly ZERO exercises that achieve both high pressure and high flow at the same time. It’s not possible without vasorelaxants that target the erectile tissues. Cockring edging and ULIs come the closest, if you modulate the constricting force. But that’s an alternation of exercises again, which I believe is the way to go.

Highlights of his routine:
1) He followed his gut. His mindful approach and awareness of the relevant biological structures and processes is evident by his rich descriptions (steel rods, vascularization).
2) He did dry jelqing all along. I think c-grip dry jelqing is the best way to target the corpora cavernosa. It really helps to highlight these structures in your mind.
3) Holding erect penis at base while doing squats. A cockring could be dangerous considering the magnitude of flow/pressure fluctuations. He probably changed the clamping force continuously and by feel.
4) Perpetually close to orgasm edging with cockring for prolonged amount of time. Probably the best PE exercise ever. It’s about spending as much time as close to PONR as possible to make use the pre-orgasmic pressure spike. A buildup of hormones and or neurochemical potentials likely play a role here as well.
5) Constant kegeling into hand-clamped cock for 20 minutes a day. Again, elevated, sustained levels of intracorporeal pressure. I would call this a sustained mild ULI. As always, best to play with time than intensities (there seem to be a biologically effective range and I’m not talking about blowing veins here).

His success was due to the combined effect of sustained intention, supranormal pressure and blood flow. I consider these factors at the top of the pyramid of the hypothetical factors that we should focus on 80% of the time and build our routines around.

Even if somebody fails with the intention part (which I believe is permissive for growth), the synergistic nature of higher than normal erective pressure and blood flow will make (a slower rate of) growth inevitable.

He lacked any sort of cognitive dissonance regarding his PE goals. He simply didn’t know enough to develop contradicting belief systems. He acted on his intuitive knowledge without being bogged down by doubts and reaped the benefits. A forgotten PE hero.


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