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How to gain only length?


How to gain only length?

My routine mainly consist of manual stretching, but I’ve heard that length gains gets a lot faster if I throw a couple sets of jelqing in it. Due to the micro tears. The thing is, I DON’T want to gain anymore girth. Not as it is now. My girlfriend is starting to have some trouble with my 5.7”, all three lanes…
Is there a way to prevent girth gains but still make use of the length gain boost of jelqing? Or can i safely put them aside for a while, totally focusing on manual stretching?

I don’t have a dime to spend at penis enlargement. Hell I’m having a hard time buying a good lubricant, so devices is out of the question.

all three lanes lol. I’d stick to stretching only to be safe. If you’re handy with tools you could build a hanger.


6/12/05 6.5 BPEL 5.125 EG 1 week! 6.875 x 5.375 UPDATE.. 7/28/05 OK, I would say I`m a SOLID 7.000 now!! Squeezing out 7.250 BPEL!! OH! Wait a second.. Now I`ve hit 7.375. New numbers!!! 12/7/05 7.625 BPEL!!!!!! Hang long, hang strong! Hey!! This shit works!!! :thumbs:

Hello Retainer,

Jelqing will always help you to get girth gain even if you jelq with 60% erection penis, I believe.
I’m not sure if you will lose some girth if you got gains in length, but keep on stretching or hanging and do some light jelqing are recommended.



7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

I am kinda frightened by the idea if hanging, but i’ll look into it.
I already jelq at 40% straight down, if i go any lower it hurts a little. But ill try to do only a 100 straight down, and maybe 20 mins of stretching. If i see another millimeter gain in girth, im switching to just stretching. Ofcourse im keeping the JAI stretches i do everytime i go to the bathroom, the are fantastic.

My goal is not to loose girth. Now my girl has something to grow in ;)

Each person reacts differently to various PE techniques.

I gained more girth and less length from a routine of stretching, jelqing and very mild pumping.

I am now hanging to gain the 1” to 1.25” length that I want to gain and then I will go back to a girth routine to finish out where I want to be for girth.

Some guys gain length only from jelqing and some gain girth only. You really have to experiment to find what works for you.

BTW - What is your current length and where do you want to get?

Build a Wench, or, better yet, a Wenchette with a Turn-Key clamp (easy to find with the search function). It might cost you a couple of dimes, but not much more.

Forget about full shaft jelqing. Try massaging the perineum between your shaft and your anus between sets. This is also known as “between the balls” jelqing (BTB). Since you are “jelqing” the internal parts of your shaft, the external parts remain relatively unaffected. However, you do get a circulation boost that may help catalyze your length gains (assuming there’s any truth to the statement that jelqing helps length gains. I don’t think that is known for certain).

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Your logic is erroneous and you have come to the wrong conclusions. Your gal can easily handle your girth and much more, it is your technique that is lacking. There are many good threads in this forum pertaining to sexual foreplay and technique, you would be wise to begin research and develop a “smooth touch and a slow hand.”

Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo

Originally Posted by Shilow

Your logic is erroneous and …

Just keep a lot of Bactine on hand to treat the rope burn.

My girth is a notch over yours, retainer, between 5.8 to 5.9”. BJs are out of the question. If it means anything, I totally support your desire to gain no more girth.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Toolguy, im 7.3” BPEL now, and it would be nice to hit that 8”. So i can join the 20 cm club.
Shilow, her juices is all over the place when i’m ready to penetrate her, so i don’t think foreplay is the issue. Im actually a sex guru. But still, sometimes she get a little “split” just at the down side of the vaginal opening. I think it depends on my angle…
But the real problem is that we are experimenting towards more anal intercourse, and i really don’t want to make it harder than it is! And she complains about a fatigued jaw… poor girl…
But thanx for that BTB tips Modesto, ill try that. Or skip jelqing entirely.

I look into that Captain Wench think later on, it looks awesome. By this much stretching, i tend to get spots on my glans. plus, I don’t want to put unneccessary stress on my previously damaged frenulum.

Originally Posted by Retainer
Im actually a sex guru.

Is that your job? What exactly does a sex guru do?

:buttrock: The Peter Dick method :buttrock:

Then, BPEL:7.500"x5.500"

Now, BPEL:8.375"X6.750"

Originally Posted by LookingForSize



The problems you mention most women have; you cannot possibly think most women enjoy a bone in their backside the first few times. You have to make them want more, so each gal has their own speed and flavor (you have to figure out the speed and her favorite flavor).

The jaw deal is easily habituated too over some experience and perhaps exercises or a lot of both. Your logic still needs work, guru.

Banned for posting bullshit again - previously Salvo

I was not aware that the bone and connective tissue structure of a human jaw could be significantly changed, nor do I think it is reasonable to expect one’s SO to change it just so that s/he can give a better blowjob.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

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