Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How to take a piss with a small cock

Originally Posted by memento

63 posts in and you seem to have forgotten the spell check button.

Why, what was spelled wrong. Did you ever think that it was my intentions to spell things the way I talk ? Check out my other posts and see if I spell certain things this way on purpose.


Originally Posted by gashking

I have 7 months of religiously PE’ing. I have been very loyal to this sport. I used to bodybuild and know that gains don’t cum over night ! So by now, I feel that I should have some what of a flaccid gain/hang - even a little to over cum the peeing thing.


Misspellings in bold.

The dribbling down the leg problem sounds like it has nothing to do with your length. You are putting your dick away too soon, or you have a prostate problem that doesn’t allow you completely evacuate, or you are are impatient, or you are scared of people seeing your dick so you stuff it in your pants before you are done. Take your time, kegel out the last drops, milk the remaining pee out of your dick, relax for a second and make sure you can’t restart the flow, then put it away.

Horny Bastard

One would think that after 18+ years of pissing with a penis you would have figured it out by now. I say 18+ because you have to be that age at least to be on this forum.

Noooooo, I'm not worried about . . . . . . . . .

Originally Posted by new_member
Gash, after a year and a half you should have a decent hang. Don’t sweat it. It sounds like you’re in it for the long haul. For now, just use the paper to dab on. Some guys even claim since they started peeing, there seems to be dribble left every time. This happens to me and I always dab it on paper or make sure and shake it really well and squeeze from under my nuts to get all the piss out of my urethra.
Good luck.

… … Dribbling, that is secondary, and I don’t have a year and a half, JUST 7 MONTHS, I wish I did have a year and a half - I’d havea 12 inch cock ! … . The preface of my post was if any one had a trick, idea how to get my cock outta my pants, because it is turtled up; and I mean really turtled - being that it is February and real fucken cold out side. But like I stated, I do dribble down my leg and get my unit caught in the zipper at times. I do use a tissue and wipe it off, but when I put it back into it’s nest, it dribbles anyway. It seems that being my BC muscles are soooo strong, I hold sum piss in, then relax when I put the baby away ?

Any advice ?


Du, my son is older than that, bad . . . . . . .

Originally Posted by SNM
One would think that after 18+ years of pissing with a penis you would have figured it out by now. I say 18+ because you have to be that age at least to be on this forum.

… … . .Reasearch and investigation !



Memento gave you a nice warning about spelling. I am going to try to be nice, we are an international forum, and while some people think its rather stupid of us to insist on good spelling and grammar, we would prefer all conversations be in decent English.

Now, if you want to speak, sum, cum whatever, be my guest, but when you type it, it better be spelled correctly, come if meaning to move, cum if meaning ejaculation, and sum if the total in addition or some if you mean possible.

Understand? I get real cranky and irritable when people misspell on purpose.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Can’t believe that someone is seeking toilet training advice here and there are so many “babysitters” around.


Guess I have to go back to 3rd grade . . .

Originally Posted by sunshinekid

Memento gave you a nice warning about spelling. I am going to try to be nice, we are an international forum, and while some people think it’s rather stupid of us to insist on good spelling and grammar, we would prefer all conversations be in decent English.

Now, if you want to speak, sum, cum whatever, be my guest, but when you type it, it better be spelled correctly, come if meaning to move, cum if meaning ejaculation, and sum if the total in addition or some if you mean possible.

Understand? I get real cranky and irritable when people misspell on purpose.

First of all RUDE, because you have the power to be rude … And … You guys are really anal here, nothing better to do. Guess you are one of those people that if you can’t have it your way you take your ball and go home ? This just shows your mentality. This is the way I talk , the use of “slang” - seems that you don’t know what this is - (even though I am college educated). I deal with people like you all day, every day and I have the upper hand 100% of the time do to the fact of my job and position. People like you have a psychological problem with AUTHORITY, because you have very menial jobs and feel guilty and love to give orders and be in charge, but you don’t have the “smarts” to be in this capacity.

I guess you will take your ball and go home by banning me from the site ? But be a women and stand up to me ( I will probably lose in the end by you banning me any way)? But do I care ? You are being childish? Think about it … . . It’s a site where people talk about the size of their cocks, post pictures of their cocks (of which most people won’t) and talk about sex. And women on this site, thats another story … … … . .



Originally Posted by gashking
First of all RUDE, because you have the power to be rude … And … You guys are really anal here, nothing better to do. Guess you are one of those people that if you can’t have it your way you take your ball and go home ? This just shows your mentality. This is the way I talk , the use of “slang” - seems that you don’t know what this is - (even though I am college educated). I deal with people like you all day, every day and I have the upper hand 100% of the time do to the fact of my job and position. People like you have a psychological problem with AUTHORITY, because you have very menial jobs and feel guilty and love to give orders and be in charge, but you don’t have the “smarts” to be in this capacity.

I guess you will take your ball and go home by banning me from the site ? But be a women and stand up to me ( I will probably lose in the end by you banning me any way)? But do I care ? You are being childish? Think about it … . . It’s a site where people talk about the size of their cocks, post pictures of their cocks (of which most people won’t) and talk about sex. And women on this site, thats another story … … … . .



Gash king
Just so that you know these rules are for everyone, me, you and everyone else, Its not my choice or your choice its the ones that run this forums choice, for example if you go to someones house, or a meeting club and the owner doesnt want you to smoke, you should not smoke, because those are the rules of the place you go to.

I dont see anything wrong with using slang, but rules are rules in this place, so you have no choice but to obey and have fun.

By the way this warning has been given to Many many members! even me so dont feel alone, its not targeted at you, its the modertors job.

Happy gaining


But I do get your point, she could have just said watch your spelling, and leave it at that, not make it personal lol.

Gash, that was beyond rude, and you’ll be lucky if that wasn’t your last post here. There’s one thing you just don’t do here, and that’s treat our female members with disrespect.

You can apologize, or you can take your job, your position, your taunts, and your psychobabble, and get the hell out of here.

Gash, I was going to give you some good advice, but I think Ike just cut through the bullshit, so there is not much I can tell you right now.

I thought the grammer rules were a little “anal” when I first joined this site, but they are just the rules, and pretty simple and reasonable rules. You made the choice of getting defensive and having your feelings hurt, rather than just being a man and saying “ok I will follow the rules”.

Think about it man, it is not “just the way you talk”. Cum and Come are pronounced the same, so it is just spelling like a child, not the way you talk.

So now you have to be man enough to accept the rules and apologize to Sunshine for your childish rant. I wonder if you can do it.

Horny Bastard

gashking: This site isn’t a venue for creative free expression (although it can certainly be one so long as you follow it’s RULES). It’s primary intent is the exchange and dissemination of PE knowledge to a global audience. Towards that end, grammar and spelling rules are upheld fastidiously. Although I really enjoy tinkering with language myself, I have actually found here at Thunder’s that by embracing what we see as obstacles that we might actually grow as communicators. In my opinion, the more voices you develop the better (and happier) a communicator you become.

Additionally, I think your comments to sunshinekid were immature and off base which is dissappointing considering that I just spent some of my time and energy responding to another of your posts elsewhere and giving you valuable advice- which now seems may just have been so much wasted energy now that I have had a chance to glimpse this aspect of your character.

Perhaps the most important thing for you to remember as a member of Thunder’s is this- repeat after me- “Thunder’s IS NOT A DEMOCRACY”. And thank god for that because just about every forum I’ve gone to that tried to be a consensus driven type of affair went down in (literally) flames.

Gashking Repeat after me.

I will follow rules

I will be respectful

I will have fun

I love sunshinekid

I love Thundersplace.

Originally Posted by gashking
I deal with people like you all day, every day and I have the upper hand 100% of the time do to the fact of my job and position.

And where do you work? A day care centre?

What a load of babble you just spilled out. You have the upper hand of shit! Come argue with me- Someone who knows how to spell come properly- not the “I just wanna be cool” 14/15/16 year old way of saying it.



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