Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How to take a piss with a small cock

I just checked all of your back posts, looks like I’ve wasted a lot of breath also. You know, attacking forum guidelines is one thing, talking to Sunny like she is a fucking dog is quite another. I think Sunny is a morning person, but I’m sure the moment the sun rises over New Mexico your ass will either be banned, or at the least put on hold, I opt for the former.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by mravg
Gash, I was going to give you some good advice, but I think Ike just cut through the bullshit, so there is not much I can tell you right now.
I thought the grammer rules were a little “anal” when I first joined this site, but they are just the rules, and pretty simple and reasonable rules. You made the choice of getting defensive and having your feelings hurt, rather than just being a man and saying “ok I will follow the rules”.
Think about it man, it is not “just the way you talk”. Cum and Come are pronounced the same, so it is just spelling like a child, not the way you talk.
So now you have to be man enough to accept the rules and apologize to Sunshine for your childish rant. I wonder if you can do it.

Grammar please not grammer; spelling is important too!

I learned the importance of grammar here, when I was nearly banned for misusing a semi-colon.

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

Oh please!!!

Originally Posted by gashking
This is the way I talk , the use of “slang” - seems that you don’t know what this is - (even though I am college educated)

This is not necessarily apparent from even this post.

Originally Posted by gashking
I deal with people like you all day, every day and I have the upper hand 100% of the time do to the fact of my job and position. People like you have a psychological problem with AUTHORITY, because you have very menial jobs and feel guilty and love to give orders and be in charge, but you don’t have the “smarts” to be in this capacity.

Those who feel the need to justify themselves in this manner on an internet site are rarely secure in my opinion. My guess is that you’re maybe 19 and work at a returns desk?

I guess you will take your ball and go home by banning me from the site ? But be a women and stand up to me ( I will probably lose in the end by you banning me any way)? But do I care ? You are being childish? Think about it … . . It’s a site where people talk about the size of their cocks, post pictures of their cocks (of which most people won’t) and talk about sex. And women on this site, thats another story … … … . .

Why are you getting so defensive? It only makes you seem more insecure, insisting that a female moderator on a forum stand up to you.

Originally Posted by gashking


Why do you feel the need to sign your posts in capitals, declaring yourself to be the king? What are you supposed to be the king of?

Finally, to give some serious justification to the grammar and spelling issues: this site does not have forums for every language. Some members rely on online translators to view pages. If you write using slang and bad grammar, then the quality of the translation decreases significantly.

For example, in your last post, you’ve confused ‘due’ and ‘do’ somehow. This would clearly modify the meaning of the sentence to a translator.

Where is Hap when we need him

For example, in your last post, you’ve confused ‘due’ and ‘do’ somehow. This would clearly modify the meaning of the sentence to a translator.

Some do this sort of thing due to lack of education. Others do it to make a point. But due to the grammar in his past post I would say this particular do was due.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by mbuc
I learned the importance of grammar here, when I was nearly banned for misusing a semi-colon.


Originally Posted by gashking

But be a women and stand up to me..


Originally Posted by gashking



"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

What I’m reading on this post is horrible.

How on earth would someone equate their job position with this forum? Do you actually think anyone cares? Are you aware of the fact that nobody gives a shit what you do for a living or that some badly managed company has given someone with such an enormous chip on his shoulder and a lack of empathy or insight or originality a supervisory position? Do you think that the managers, executives, board members, of other companies do this sort of thing on a recreational basis? Which management book advocates this as a tool for getting ahead in business? That attitude certainly won’t get you anywhere in life.

And as for the rest of you who haven’t offered an excuse for your deplorable behavior, may I suggest that if you can’t contribute constructively to shut-up until you grow-up.

Anyway, original problem.

One, tug your dick to clear it out of your pants. Pull the glans specifically which will help open the meatus (pee hole) so you don’t accidentally spray. Use your dominant hand to hold your wang and the other to push back your trousers against your balls and dick. This will help prevent accidental dripping. When you’re done, reach underneath your dick to the base and then squeeze up to get the last few drops out. This prevents the frog-in-your-underwear look. Do the squeeze-up twice and you should be good to zip-up and get out. Do take time zipping. This isn’t a speed contest. Just pee.

gashking: I also have the same problem with a drop of urine dripping out in my pants and I have a fairly
large unit. I would assume that this is something that happens to the most of us even if not all notice it.
Doing some kegels and using tissue will reduce the problem however.

And about getting it out of your pants. As I said I’m well sized and also have to dig down and fish it up
inside my jeans by the left leg. :D

For all you criticising him for his behavior, even your behaviour is not good. Leave the moderating
to the moderators. It is their job not yours. You wouldn’t help a police squad storming a bank
under siege would you?

Originally Posted by Jason_Els
One, tug your dick to clear it out of your pants. Pull the glans specifically which will help open the meatus (pee hole) so you don’t accidentally spray. Use your dominant hand to hold your wang and the other to push back your trousers against your balls and dick. This will help prevent accidental dripping. When you’re done, reach underneath your dick to the base and then squeeze up to get the last few drops out. This prevents the frog-in-your-underwear look. Do the squeeze-up twice and you should be good to zip-up and get out. Do take time zipping. This isn’t a speed contest. Just pee.

Aren’t these steps necessary for taking a piss no matter a guy’s size? I’m still curious how the original poster thought that having to reach into his pants to pull out his cock was a symptom of small size. I guess if someone weren’t wearing any underwear his dick might just flop out upon unzipping the pants? :)

By the way, I second Jason’s call to push through the urethra from “behind the balls” all the way to the meatus after pissing. This is especially important if you’re a PEer wearing a velcro wrist strap around the base of your cock-and-balls, which can sometimes impede the flow of the last couple squirts of urine… I’ve had a few embarrassing incidents when wearing an Ace strap.

Back on topic.

No matter how much you wiggle and dance, the last few drops goes in your pants.

it’s inevitable. This is what underwear is for, only I don’t wear any.

I’ve had, for most of my life, the kind of flaccid that had to be pulled out of the fat pad with fingers to use a urinal. I don’t have that problem any more. I just unzip and it falls out.

This may be because of the two pounds of lead I wear on my dick.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Not necessarily. For example, the part about pushing your pants back against you to give your dick more clearance isn’t necessarily part of everyone’s peeing routine. I know because I’ve seen a lot of guys not bother doing that. I splay my fingers to push as much of the material back as possible…..

:-Y What?

Further I rarely see guys doing the squeeze-up to clean the pipe to prevent dripping once it’s put back in. So I would say that, perhaps, I’m offering something new and helpful.

:eek: It’s not like I hang out in men’s rooms watching this sort of thing……..

I think gash was saying that there’s more to just reaching in. There’s not so much a “reaching-in” as fishing expedition. I have days I go looking for it and it’s so retracted that I have to do more than just tug. I have to really yank and pull and hold it out there. I think the ideal is that you unzip, reach, pull, and voila! and that the apparent excess of fumbling creates a bad impression with fellow urinators. For guys like us there’s definitely a not-so-easy program to follow to prevent pissing on your clothing by mistake.

:-, Look, there aren’t any dividers at the urinals at work. I am pee shy but if I go into the bathroom and nobody else is there I can continue if someone else walks in and stands next to me.

Last edited by Jason_Els : 02-09-2006 at .

In a perfect world, provided that you still are required to urinate, you would unzip your pants and it would flop out on it’s own, piss accurately without any leftover drops, then put itself away.

Oh well.

Originally Posted by MDC
In a perfect world, provided that you still are required to urinate, you would unzip your pants and it would flop out on it’s own, piss accurately without any leftover drops, then put itself away.

Oh well.

Why can’t it unzip the pants itself? :D
And piss by itself too. Wouldn’t that be cool.
Like really A MIND OF IT’s OWN! :D haha


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