Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How to take a piss with a small cock

Man diaper. What about the man diaper?


Techniques of Peeing (Collected Wisdom from the Vets)

A. Jason Style

Step 1. Pull dick out of pants 0.5 sec
Step 2. Pull glans to open the meatus 0.5 sec
Step 3. Use dominant hand to hold wang and the other to push back trousers against balls and dick 1 sec
Step 4. Breathe in, concentrate, aim accurately and shoot - variable timing
Step 5. Reach underneath dick to the base and then squeeze to get the last few drops out. 2x - 2 sec
Step 6. Relax, put back dick and zip up - 3 sec

B. Free Style


Last edited by david9 : 02-09-2006 at .

C. Man diaper?

Fuck man, I was keeping up, till you got to step 4, you lost me and instead I shit down the back of my pant leg!


New Supp PSM

Jason Ells:

I think gash was saying that there’s more to just reaching in. There’s not so much a “reaching-in” as fishing expedition. I have days I go looking for it and it’s so retracted that I have to do more than just tug.

Yes, fishing is always best on cold days.


I think the ideal is that you unzip, reach, pull, and voila! and that the apparent excess of fumbling creates a bad impression with fellow urinators.



In a perfect world, provided that you still are required to urinate, you would unzip your pants and it would flop out on it’s own, piss accurately without any leftover drops, then put itself away.

Penis Smart Pills: I think they sell those at MOS

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by rymdrattan

For all you criticising him for his behavior, even your behaviour is not good. Leave the moderating
to the moderators. It is their job not yours. You wouldn’t help a police squad storming a bank
under siege would you?

First of all, I want to thank our members who came to my defense, I appreciate it. BG, I am not a morning person, I’d like mornings much better if they came later in the day.

Rymdrattan, policing our site is every bodies responsibility, as hard as we try (as mods) we can’t catch everything. So we appreciate it when a member can tell another member, watch the guidelines, you need to follow them.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Originally Posted by sunshinekid

policing our site is every bodies responsibility


Originally Posted by UlcasterDropout


Hey If I can spell Casa Blanca Casi Blanca on the Threesome thread, Sunny can say every bodies.

/forum/showthre … ?t=63220&page=3

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by UlcasterDropout

I tried that, spell check barfed on it. Oh well, I tried. No harm no foul :)

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Originally Posted by Big Girtha

Hey If I can spell Casa Blanca Casi Blanca on the Threesome thread, Sunny can say every bodies.

/forum/showthre … ?t=63220&page=3

What!? Didn’t this whole flame war of a thread start over bad spelling and grammar in the first place?

Personally I think if you’re (at least) 18 years of age and haven’t figured out how to take a piss yet,
well I’m not getting involved.

Although I have to tell you, I was at a concert last weekend and inevitably I had to go take a leak.
They had those old horse trough style urinals were everyone just whips it out and pisses on each other.
Well I get done pissing and I notice the guy next to me is milking the last drop out of his dick likes there’s no tomorrow.

The VERY FIRST thought that went through my head was WTF this fucker jacking off or what?
Then I wondered if he was actually trying to slip in a few jelgs or was a maybe member here - I did have my T’s place shirt on.
But never did I think he was trying not to piss on himself, he was just making to much of a production about it.

Me? I usually just undo my belt and unzip or unbutton and let it fly. It knows what to do, and besides that’s the way the BIG BOYS do it.

This whole thread reminds me of a girlfriend I had a long time ago. She was so curious about how guys piss that she would go in the bathroom with me once in awhile, unzip it for me and pull it out and then hold it while I took a piss. When I was done pissing she would look at me with a completely lost look and say; ok now what? Well you see that little drip there ….

Guys if you let her hold it, never let her shake it off for you.

Rootcap: I was always told if you shake it more than twice you are playing with it.

Sunny: What is it with this spell-check. Seems the more vino I have the worse it works. Will it catch a split infinitive, or an infinite split, or a banana split for that matter.

No I think the guy who couldn’t figure out how to piss was banned for being an asshole more than being a bad speller.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by RootCap
What!? Didn’t this whole flame war of a thread start over bad spelling and grammar in the first place?

Personally I think if you’re (at least) 18 years of age and haven’t figured out how to take a piss yet,
Well I’m not getting involved.

Me? I usually just undo my belt and unzip or unbutton and let it fly. It knows what to do, and besides that’s the way the BIG BOYS do it.

This whole thread reminds me of a girlfriend I had a long time ago. She was so curious about how guys piss that she would go in the bathroom with me once in awhile, unzip it for me and pull it out and then hold it while I took a piss. When I was done pissing she would look at me with a completely lost look and say; ok now what? Well you see that little drip there ..

Guys if you let her hold it, never let her shake it off for you.

I agree 100% and never never let her shake it off for you! (There are women like that out there)

We need a place to put all the stupid threads!

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
No I think the guy who couldn’t figure out how to piss was banned for being an asshole more than being a bad speller.

I think he was taking the piss (asking for advice about how to take a piss)

He posted a thread about sticking a dildo where the sun don’t shine to get better results from kegeling.

When I saw the “how should I take a piss” threads I wasn’t sure whether he was serious or not.

Does anyone know exactly why he’s now an ex-member?

Maybe posts like this had something to do with it…

Originally Posted by gashking
If anyone would like to actually see my wife in action, please send me a Private Message with your email address - I will send you a sample. Actually we were working on a video for the Super Bowl, but didnt get the training done in time to get the video done, but actually have it availbale for viewing. This is a one time offer and we will soon attempt to sell our training videos on Ebay, Home Shopping network, Infocommercials, and medical doctors, insurance companies etc … … To get some marketing. Get in on this now, we will soon be MILLIONAIRES.

It’s a shame— if he’d taken this forum seriously he could have had a bigger dick.

Maybe the title of this thread should have been “How to take the piss with a small cock”

Last edited by Mr. Fantastic : 02-10-2006 at .

It’d make more sense to me if I thought that this guy was parodying the forum— as it is I’m not sure what this guy’s about.

If he was parodying the site it’s a shame because there are genuine people here who genuinely wanted to help this guy with his little-dick/pissing problem.

As for the slang— all real slang has a proper usage and proper spelling. Using ‘cum’ instead of ‘come’ and ‘sum’ instead of ‘some’ is just plain wrong.

Also— membership to the forum is conditional— the condition being that we have to follow the rules, so arguing that we should be aloud to break the rules and then challenging us to fight is just plain crazy.

As for arguing with gashking— who cares— personally I’d rather be reading useful threads.


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