How's this for a routine?
Saturday and Sunday: Vigorous manual stretches in all directions, especially inverted V-stretches.
M-F: ADS only.
That’s it.
The reason I put forth this seemingly rediculously light workout is because I had to take a week or two off because I was too stressed out to do any PE. When I restarted (yesterday), I found that my dick was very compliant and seemed to stretch further than usual. I figured it was just that I had retracted somewhat from my days off and was just restretching the retraction.
Then I measured. I was clearly over 8” BPFSL, which is a new record for me !!!! I wasn’t restretching prior retraction, I was making new ground.
I did the same workout today and remeasured—only 7.875” BPFSL :( I retracted again.
This gave me an idea. Maybe gains come the fastest after some time off, but the body fights back very quickly after resuming exercises. Maybe one recipe for gains is to stretch like mad, until retraction occurs, and then take a solid week off before resuming. Repeat this pattern for a while and see what happens.
I figure an ADS would be a good thing to use on the off days because it might encourage remodeling in a longer state.
Anybody want to slap me now?
Enter your measurements in the PE Database.