Or should I say power-kagels. Get a erection or semi-erection and squeeze it enough to increase the internal pressure.
Now kagel or squeeze against that pressure. I like to do 10 seconds holds. I will rest about 10 seconds between sets. I will do that until the BC is tired and I can’t hold the full 10 seconds.
Start out with doing that once every other day, or every 3rd day.
As you get stronger you will be able to do more sets, against a stronger grip induced internal pressure.
If you are not getting stronger, try increasing days off.
As you get stronger you will shoot with more force.
Make sure you are getting plenty of water for ejaculate volumn. NOX2 also can make a huge difference in volume.
So water and arginine will increase volumn, a strong BC will increase the FORCE that the ejaculate is subjected to.
When I am doing this, sitting up I can shoot as high as my head.
Wifey loves it!!!