Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I Got Gains!!!


I Got Gains!!!

I have been PEing for about three months now and WOW, wish I had found out about this a long time ago. When I started I didnt have the presence of mind to really measure properly but hey! Im a guy, We’ve all wiped out the old ruler before. I know that I had a hard time getting 6” bpel and I was always quite disapointed with that.

So, in my quest for largness I have been measuring frequently my fsbpl and have been very excited about the fact that I hit 8.5”fsbpl the other day. Its been getting longer quite consistently over the past few months.

My wife knows all about my PEing and while not as excited as I does support what I am doing. To prove to her that it was working we did some measurements today and now for the good news. I am consistently 8.5 fsbpl and because she was helpiing me measure I was able to get a pretty good erection and to my amazment I am 7” bpel. Thats 1” in three months. I sure hope the next inch shows up that soon.

Thanks to everyone that has contributed and made this such a great site.

Congrats man, great work. Guess you might keep on going until 8.5 +. What is your goal?? Is your wife amazed?

:up: Well, congratulations, hogman, on your success you have achieved so far. It would be interesting to see what your routine is like, as you don’t have one listed in the Progress forum.

What techniques does your routine consist of?

I am building a Canadian Maple for the lovely!

I havent really thought about when is enough. I hope to reach 8” but I am more concerned with how itt looks on me. I am 5’10” 220 and I just want to look like thee is something thick hanging down there. I do stretches at nite after the kids are in bed and jelq in the shower in the morning. Most days my wife is in the bathroom with me getting ready for work. The other dat after a shower session I stepped out and she said I am going to have to quit cause its starting to look scary. I felt good that day and it just incouraged me to do more. She is tiny. 5’4’ 103 and very fit. amazingly tight little body. I think when it starts to be uncomfortable for her that will be enough. As it is right now the only comment she has made is that I seem to have longer strokes while screwing. Time will tell.


I am just doing manual stretches. I have read abouit LOT and think mine is around 7.5. Lots of BTC and SD in the begining and now more SO and under the leg. I do dry jelqs with 5 head pumps on each one and wet jelqs in the shower. I have also constructed a rude jelqing device made out of two pieces of 1/2” plastic tube hinged at one end that I use in the shower. Hope to find a canning jar lifter one day.

Excellent progress, hogman. A 1.5” difference between BPEL and BPFSL is the largest I’ve ever heard of. Are you pushing the ruler in firmly for BPEL?

It sounds like your dick currently has the potential to be larger erect, but isn’t utilizing it for whatever reason.

I suggest jelqing BTB (between the balls). Add in some kegels. Consider pumping too - check out the pumper’s forum. All of these are good for improving the vascular system.

Maybe his head is engorged while holding the flaccid stretch, resulting in a bigger difference in FSBP and BPEL?

Congrats on the gains Hogman.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

There are many threads here addressing the difference between BPEL and BPFSL. BPFSL is usually longer than BPEL (say 1/2” to 3/4” typically as a guestimate). Some guys have FSL’s slightly shorter than BPEL, presumably because their heads get relatively bigger/longer upon erection. Or they aren’t measuring the same as others.

But, a FS of 8.5 and a BPEL of 7 (a whopping 1.5 inches!) indicates either the measuring technique is off or the penis isn’t living up to its potential.

Oh yea, either way 1.5” is a huge difference.

An engorged head should result in a longer FSBL measurement, though. If the head has more blood in it, obviously it should add to the length of the measurement, because you’re measuring from the base to the head.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

Congratulations Hogman


Originally posted by hobby

I suggest jelqing BTB (between the balls).

ahh….don’t you mean “behind the balls” ?


01/01/03 6.50" BPEL, 5.25" EG

10/6/05 7.50" BPEL, 5.60" EG

Originally posted by wesb
ahh….don't you mean “behind the balls” ?

I think BTC would cover that.. I was wondering what BTB meant too.

Well guys thanks for all the replies. I was wondering why I have such a difference. I dont have an engorged head while measuring and I measure the same way when checking both. I hope this just means I have more gains on the doorstep. I dont have a real consistant program of stretching and have backed off a bit on the jelqing because of threads I read talking about hardening the tunica and making gains harder. I also have some concerns about my septum being a limiting factor. Suggestions would be appreciated. How hard do you pull when checking fsbpl. I pull fairly hard.

Hogman, have you tried stroking yourself to the point of cumming and then measuring BPEL? Your dick would be bloated max. then… Darn, how the hell did you stretch by 1.5” in 3 months??? Methinks showering (jelqing) with your wife did the magic :D

I dont know what my fsbpl was before starting. In the begining I stretched hard, daily for the first month. Until I started doing some good reading. Got 4 or 5 lig pops and was just wet jelqing. Now I try to stretch for longer periods with not as much force and in all directions. Really need to know how to get the ebpl to catch up.

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