Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I’m Back

I’ve taken the past three days off. I’ve been busy and figured it wouldn’t hurt. Hot water warm up with about 4-5 minutes of stretching with helicopter swings. About 60 jelqs then 2 sets of 30 second ULIs with some jelqs after each set. I then Did a 20ish second slow squash jelq. Had a nice pump afterwards. tomorrow will be testing time

I’ve been not posting lately I’ve been working. I have Chosen a new routine to stick with.

Same warm up that consists of stretching. I’m gonna choose 4 minutes, with 120 jelqs, with about 45-60 seconds of one ULI.

That way my unit can adapt to it and once i feel The need to add more I’ll add more reps or seconds. Will measure soon

Same routine. An alright pump afterwards, I had a Nice erection this morning. I’ve always thought about posting a pic on here

Originally Posted by Peakaverageguy
Same routine. An alright pump afterwards, I had a Nice erection this morning. I’ve always thought about posting a pic on here

Then do it brother, you’ll appreciate it later down the road when you’ve made progress. There’s nothing to be shy about around here.

Start- Nov 2017 BPEL-7.2 NBPEL-6.75 MEG-4.75

Updated- BPEL-7.75 NBPEL-7.2 MEG-5

*GOAL- BPEL-8 NBPEL-7.5 MEG-5.5* My journey —>New Guy In Town Progress Report

I will try!

I’ve noticed in times i have Sex i have Trouble getting an erection. Not just in sex but basically when I want an erection on demand. Im sure it’s because of anxiety. Because i wake up with hard erections and have random erections throughout the day that would show good EQ. But if i want To measure or take a picture i have Trouble keeping the rock hard erections. It’s very frustrating. Anyways yesterday was a little bit of edging. I was With a girl before i did It and had a rock hard erection but when it came done to wanting to measure shortly after i couldnt keep it up. That’s an example. Anyways today was the normal routine. Good pump afterwards! i wonder Where I’ll be a couple of years from now in terms of PE

I’m not posting as much been busy. I have Changed my routine slightly. Still my 2 on 1 off. But my first day is length, the second day is girth.

Back from the dead?


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