Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm your DICK fairy and I'm here to grant you any sized dick you want!!!

Dear Dick Fairy,

Thanks for filling my order a couple years ago. Everything is working out just like you said. With my new wand, I can get anything I want, almost any time I want it.


I’ll wish for 10x6.5, thanks! But if you’re short on those, I’ll take 9x6! Yeah!

Start: 7.5 BPEL, 5 EG

10-9-06: 8" BPEL, 5.75 EG, 7" NBP Pictures and Progress

GOAL: 8x6 NBP + steel erections

I’ve developed a strange Dick Fairy phobia. Please stay away from me and my dick. I’ll be okay on my own.

Yeah, I’m getting bad vibes too. The Tooth Fairy took my teeth. Keep the Dick Fairy away from me.

Very bad flaccid sizes for stevie and hobby!! And the next time you take it out in front of a girl with a big mouth that tells her friends everything you will both have a very bad case of shrinkage. Nothing worse than being a fairyphobe.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Thank you dick fairy for finally showing up, I want a 11” x 6.5” dick that will get hard as a steel pole on my command for as long as I desire.

oh, and dick fairy I thought you would be a hot little babe with bigger tits and a nice fat ass…


9.5 X 6.5

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

A spiteful dick fairy to boot!

I don’t think I would be a dickfairyphobe if your description was more like jojo’s (a hot little babe with bigger tits and a nice fat ass) than your own (I’m a 6-3 230 pound ill tempered dick fairy!!) :D


Before I make my wish, please review your rules. Once I get my wish, I can’t then ever change my size, yes?



Bigger than Holmes longer than john rambone…THE LARGEST S.O.B ON THE WORLD!!!

16 inches length 12 around double the size im now.

Dick fairy…if there was one this would be lot happier world…(secretly hoping there is one listening him)

Looking to be a kiwi.


Its absolutely amazing how many people in this thread were thinking exactly the same exact dimensions I was thinking. Its almost like we are the Borg (Star Trek) and we all have a collective conscience at Thunders!!!

8.5 x 6.5

—-Those dimensions are my best and precise estimation of total perfection! It would make me very happy and I would never need any more than that unless I was custom designing my penis for a life long partner with a very deep vagina and you know there really never is any guarantee that you will stay with the same partner for life. I strongly feel that it just does not get any better than that size, any more than that and you are seriously flirting with unhappy times for being too big. Remember that you are looking to accommodate the most amount of woman.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Last edited by supersizeit : 10-05-2003 at .

Any sized dick, eh? Perfect! I could use an extra dick……


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause


You are right that’s why I want 9x7 I’m taking into consideration a little bit of size lost when I retire to thunders PE rest home, I hear he’s thinking about putting in some inside plumbing soon and a bingo hall.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

OK, originally I just wanted 8x6. After some careful consideration, and in light of the 1/4” elbp gain in the last 2 weeks after 3.5 months of no initial gain, I respectfully ask for a 9x7 maximum and an effortless 8x6 elnbp. And if you can keep my flaccid at 4, I’ll burn one more incense for ya :chuckle:


I would have said something like 8x6.25 if I were allowed to PE to gain more later if I wanted to. But given the rules, I went a little bigger. :)


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