Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm your DICK fairy and I'm here to grant you any sized dick you want!!!

Yeah, 8x6 is really the Gold standard in PE but the rules did alter my decision to a more precise estimation. It seems we were all thinking along those lines.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


What about a dick like Plastic Man?

Needs More Power

elite 8

Could I have 2? Just think of the possibilities, having 2 8x6’s. Make her scream/beg for more. You would always be twice the man of any that she has ever been with.

damnant quod non intelligunt

(they condemn what they do not understand)

Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum, Bum bum bum bum bum…

Fairy Dick Man
Bring me a dream
Make it the biggest that she’s ever seen
And if it doesn’t
Completely convince her
I’ll know then that my sweetie needs a fifteen-incher


LOL… Love the song… YARRR


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

Ok, here is my wish….

IWantAn8.5”BPELDickWith6.5”EGAlongWithBeingABleToS quirtLikePeterNorthAllOverHalfaDozenWomenBeAbleToG etHardWithin30SecondsStand5’10”GoAllNightDrinkingL ikeABanditBornRichSoICanJustFuckMyWayThroughLIfeWi thoutAnyCaresControlTheEarthGrantMyWishMrPenisFair y.

Fire shall reign from above as shards of heated shrapnel hurl savage kisses to mortal flesh and shattered bone below.

For days, the dead hung in the air as dust.

Can someone just transform me into Briana Banks so I can do endless lesbian sex scenes in that body? I rather have that then a bigger dick any day of the week.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Well Dick Fairy……..or should I call you Elton John !!

I was gonna ask for an 8x6, but after consulting my wife and her pussy I’m gonna have to ask for a slightly compromised 7.5x6, you see she loves it when I fuck her hard, and if I were longer than that I couldn’t go all the way without dick bend.

Thanks Elton :D

Oh Twatteaser what have you done…….just when I thought I was gonna be happy with a big dick you have to bring Briana into the equation !?!?!

Damn You !!!!


Twatteaser is Briana Banks just before she flims her new movie!


Staring Lexington Steele and Mandingo and a facial by Peter North

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


14 x 8.5 sounds fair

Originally posted by tug_monkey

LOL… Love the song… YARRR

Tug - I love Canada

I want my penis to be a miniature Gene Hackman.
Shit, Antistar, that was funny.

I’m not greedy, I’ll take 8 x 6.

Well, ok, maybe a little greedy - 8.5 x 6.5

If we’re using Swedish rulers, let me know, as I’ll have to recalculate.

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

hey fairy i think are take a 8 , long and between 6-7 for girth




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