Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm your DICK fairy and I'm here to grant you any sized dick you want!!!

“Tugmonkey wants an 8.5x6 pussy “



STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

Wake up Mr Dick Fairy! (he says while slapping the fairy, trying to wake him up)

Um, may I have a 8.5 bpel x um say 6 with a flaccid hang of say 7 x 5.
Oh, and can I get some fries with that?

Dear Mr. Fairy

You’re a fucking lousy, lying fairy. Last month I asked you for an 8.5 x 6.25 (both when flaccid and erect), uncut cock. Each morning I wake up and it’s still smaller than my neighbor’s 8-month old grandson’s winkie. You need to go back to fairy school. Hope you get an ill tempered Prof. Fairy that beats the shit out of your incompentent, amateurish ass.

Hugs and Kisses,


Dick Fairy,

Please bring me an 8 X 6 so that I can give momma what shes never had……It would also help to have an indestructable 4 hour erection every now and then……..

Dear Dick Fairy,

I want the #2 combo. 8 X 6 NBPEL with a flaccid length of 3 inches. That why when the ladies see me soft they would laugh and say its cute but when I get hard she would

Where the hell is that damn dick fairy?

I am waiting :D

What I wish for.

Hmm.. I would hope for say a little more than 10 inches nbel. And I would like 7.5 inches in midshaft circumference, maybe closer to 8.5 inches at the base. I may be able to actually achieve the length but the girth I think is really difficult for me. Has anyone gained 1.5 inches in erect girth here?


I believe peforeal is your man.


That’s a simliar size to what I wished for. I don’t know about Canada, but here in the USA I’m thinking they may require me to get a license to carry the weapon around. :D

Last edited by beenthere : 11-29-2004 at .

I’ll take 10x6.5 pretty please!

Well since PE isn’t helping me much at all, I know turn to you Dino hmmmn, I mean Dick Fairy.

I want it Big 10.5” long
and 8” at the base and 7” mid shaft
with a 6” head so it slids in easy and just opens her up,
oh yea the flaccid must get no smaller than 8” x 5.5”

Do you think I can get this by Christmas, the wife wants a BIG present

All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.

Gimeeeee gimeeeeee gimeeee gimeeeeee is all I hear well this dick fairy is just to f-ing busy so your just going to have to grow your own dicks until I can catch up. Shit ever since the Internet and all those f-ing spam emails promising to make your dick look like Lexington Steels in 10 minutes a day I have been getting 30,000 wishes an hour. The f-ing voices in my head just won’t stop all I hear 24/7 is pleeeeeeeeese pleeeeeeeeeeese make my dick grow their ain’t enough Jack Daniels to make it stop anymore. And don’t forget about my naughty and nice list so be nice!! Oh wait that’s Santa with the f-ing list what a fat bastard he is. Let me tell you he’s been looking for a little extra size he hasn’t seen his dick in years.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Hey n2, you better ask later the dick fairy is menopausal right now.

11.75” x 6.8” and an order of fries.

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
Gimeeeee gimeeeeee gimeeee gimeeeeee is all I hear well this dick fairy is just to f-ing busy…

Whine, whine, whine.

Our Dick Fairy never whined before. What is this?

You should be glad you have an effing job, the economy the way it is. Next thing you’ll be wanting an assistant, and a bigger office.

Well, I clean here nights along with Darktrick. We know what your office looks like. It’s an effing mess. Neoprene dick models all over the counters; some of the names stuck to them have even fallen off. No wonder some of these guys aren’t getting Fairy visits from you. Sometimes you don’t even know who gets what model anymore.

You need to get organized, Dick Fairy, is all I have to say.




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