Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm your DICK fairy and I'm here to grant you any sized dick you want!!!

Is this dick fairy real? I want to be 8 inches.. Please?

Dear fairy!!!!

Can I have some extra 0.900 inch in length and 0.400 inch in girth so I can get 8x6 !!!!!!!!!


nthdominion, don’t they make a pump up dick already?

As for the dick fairy, I immediately thought of that Sex and the City episode where Samantha was dating the guy with the huge dick, and saw it as a challenge to handle it. Eventually she failed. I want one about a tenth of an inch smaller than that in both directions.

If I had a wish, I think I would like a 9x6 or 10x6. I am 5.625 girth as of last night, and I don’t think I want very much more. I don’t want to be freakishly huge, just eye popping would be nice. I love Northpole’s avatar, that is exactly the reaction I would like to see. Actually the first reaction, followed by lots of oohing, slobbering, and moaning. You know, the kind of dick that makes women just have to touch it.

HalfRusski 07-26-05 - BPEL 5.90", EG 5.0" 11-16-05 - BPEL 7.45", EG 5.625" Weather report - snow (what did you expect?!) What is a nice guy from Louisiana doing in a place like this?

Long as we’re asking…8.5 bp by a plump 6.5 girth. I’d like my cockhead to expand accordingly as well. That would look ginormous.

Originally Posted by northstar
Y’know, the more I ponder this, the smaller my ambitions become.


I like young, hot, Asians. The ones I’ve been with have been pretty small. I think I’d phase myself out of the market with anything bigger than 8x6.

1/8 x 3/4 to go!


(And I have to add, the hottest girl I’ve ever met in my life really didn’t like big dicks. Anything over average was uncomfortable for her)

Mmmmn, asians. :)

I’m afraid anything more than 8x6 will be too much, but then again if I get there I’m sure I’ll want more!

Originally Posted by northstar
I like young, hot, Asians. The ones I’ve been with have been pretty small. I think I’d phase myself out of the market with anything bigger than 8x6.

I keep hearing this and I’d love to know where this little piece of disinformazia comes from.

The WWWV was all of 100# at 5’1” in fighting trim- and could have body-doubled for Kobe Tai at will [she was my little Chippie- a Chinese Irish Princess].
I have a weakness for that ilk.

And all of my insecurities were confirmed when she finally moaned in ecstasy as my second thumb knuckle accompanied the rest of my cupped hand into her tunnel of love.
I got big-ish hands

“They” ain’t any smaller than anyone else, my friends. Just like XY size myths, what variations may exist are so minor as to be practicably irrelevant.

For me, 9.5*7.5 at 110%erection so that it would never pop less than 9*7NBP, and 7*6 flaccid, so that the “lite*” days would hang around 6.5*5.5

*You know, those days when you just hang a little ‘lite’ for your size, with no ‘heft’?

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Last edited by androNYC : 11-18-2005 at .

Hey dickfairy,
Grant me a 7 foot dick, so I can be a freakshow, travel the world and have people marvel at my huge novelty sized penis.

I shall live out the rest of my life with a traveling circus, I will be the centre of attention with everyone scampering for just a glimps of my humoungous wang, leaving drueling girls, and jealous boys in my wake.

Then I shall die of some horrid STD.


I would like to be able to hang on to 5 inches that I could use as I saw fit, at any time during my life. That way, when I find the girl that tames me, I can ask her how big she would want it, hypothetically.

Then I could snap my fingers, and BAM!

But if I couldn’t choose that option.8.5x6.5, which would translate into a one inch gain in length, and 1.4 in girth. If I had this, my sexual anxiety would be lifted from my brain. I would liken it to having a tumor removed.

Did someone say my name?

DF - grant me a dick that so big I can be the first to use a large size cable clamp.


Dino ain’t delivering!

Did you know America ranks the lowest in education but the highest in drug use? It's nice to be number one, but we can fix that. All we need to do is start the war on education. If it's anywhere near as successful as our war on drugs, in no time we'll all be hooked on phonics

- Leighann Lord

Dear DICK fairy,

I wish for my penis to be 9 inches long, and 7 inches in circumferance by the time I wake up tomorrow. Your voluntary co-operation would be appreciated, but if I must take involuntary co-operation I guess I will.

Thank you

Measurements as of June 29, 2005 eg: 6 inch bpel: 7.2 inch nbpel: 6.3 inch My Goal eg: 7 inch bpel: 8.9 inch nbpel: 8 inch Have A Nice Day! :)

Dear Dick Fairy,

Could you in the future check what you are handing out? I asked for 9.5”, not 9.5’!! THANKS!! :cuss:

Originally Posted by Mule
Dear Dick Fairy,

Could you in the future check what you are handing out? I asked for 9.5”, not 9.5’!! THANKS!! :cuss:

:rolling: To bad it’s a one time wish! Now you can call yourself Tripod. :D

If the Dick Fairy could be so kind to grant me a dick of 7.5”x6” NBPEL, I would be most appreciative!

Originally Posted by gameofinches
Dino ain’t delivering!

Don’t worry I’m hitching a ride with Santa and we will both see you Christmas night:mutley:

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

11x7 Bp


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