Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm your DICK fairy and I'm here to grant you any sized dick you want!!!

Dick fairy,

I want it to be 8.5x6.5. But please wait until I’m already deep inside a vagina to make it this size. I want her to scream in glorified pleasure. What a surprise that would be. Oh and put in a good word with the big man when you see him on the 25th.

Start date 12-10-05 Old: NBPEL - 4.5" BPEL - 5.75" EG - 4.625" Current: NBPEL - 5" BPEL - 6.25" EG - 5.1" Goal: NBPEL - 7.5" BPEL - 8.25 EG - 6.00" - I want a big floppy donkey dick!

I haven’t really spoken about this cause it scares me incase I don’t make it but.

Hopefully within 5 years, 7.5 NBP x 5.5 or 6(enough of this BP stuff- that’s not how most people measure)
Realistically (I hope?) within 5 years, 6.5 NBP x 5.25 ?

and just for a week or something, like a dream, 10 or 11x7 - that’d be godlike.

I wish a 8x6 dick. I’m not THAAAAAAAAAT FAAAAAAAAAAR in lenght, but I really would love the girth.

CHeers, KaMeL

I’m different I want my shit to be long and thin, 10 X 5.25 BP for me, right now I am 7.25X5 about

I WANT A 8.25 or so X 6.25 or so DICK!

I'm pissed of with my gains and loses. I've been doing this for more than 4 years. I keep measuring wrong and the next time I update my signature you will see impressive results.

Ooh… can I have a 7.25” x 5.25” please?

I’ll have the 50 cents under my pillow…

Oh, and make the 7.25 NBP.. Thank you!

Any Gain is Better.

I would like to have a Whopping 10*10.

8*6 erect Nbp without pushing

6*5 flaccid.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

There are so many posts that are right around the same dimensions I often think would be ideal.8.5” Long x 6.5” Girth. You know, give or take a 1/2” in either direction. Right now I’m most concerned about breaking the 7.5” in NBPEL.

"Things are more like they are now, than ever before."

30/04/06 BPEL-18cm; NBPEL-17cm; BPFSL-18.5cm; EG-14cm.31/12/06 BPEL-18.5; NBPEL-17.5; BPFSL-19; MSEG-14.3.02/09/09 BPEL-18.5; NBPEL-17.5; BPFSL-19; EG-14.3; BPFL -13; MSFG-12cm

I know a lot of people might think I’m crazy, but I would love to a have a 10” length x7” girth monster NBPEL in my pants.

I can dream can’t I?

Dear dick fairy: Please grant me the dick i have always wanted to have 9*6 NBP with a big mushroom head. I have been a good boy and I have been doing my excersices. Can I also ask for 30% larger balls?

Start: (nov 04) Bpel= 17,8 * 13 Cms Bpfsl=18 Cms (July 07) Bpel= 19.7 * 13.5 Cms Bpsfl=20.6 Cms

Now: Prometo que lo voy a hacer, prometo que lo voy a hacer, prometo que lo voy a hacer.

Originally Posted by Dino9X7

Guys I’m really surprised I thought more guys would want a dick to the floor but I guess most of us know that anything over like 9 might be an overkill. I think we all want to be the biggest that our partners can handle.

I like to be always almost to big but not, there is a fine line between pleasure and pain.

my mates got 10” i want at least 2 more than him

Dear Dick Fairy, I want my penis to be a 9.5 inch non-bone pressed erect length x 6.75 inch harder then stone erection with a large mushroom head, that never fails to get hard and stay hard during sex.

Being only 5’3” tall I would like to have a 8x8 plz

Originally Posted by grx
I’d like to place my order for my 14” x 6.5” please.
Thank you.

It’s been 6 months and I’m still waiting… :wave:

PE for length: so her heart stops when she sees it. PE for girth: to get her heart started again!

One need only leave the surface of the planet to realize we are all one people.


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