Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm your DICK fairy and I'm here to grant you any sized dick you want!!!

Dear Mr. Dick Fairy,

I want a dick that grows to the perfect size for the girl I am with and causes all other dicks to lose their erection and shrivel up as they get closer to me. Oh, can you make the tip vibrate and give me multiple orgasms please.

Thank You,


p.s. I will leave you cookies and milk

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6


Make that a Jack and coke and a pepperoni and sausage pizza and you have a deal


You call that an office the only time I see day light is when you guys open the door to hang up your coats.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Ok, two fifths of jack and two large pizzas. I’m gonna party too.

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6

Originally Posted by Mugwomp
Hey n2, you better ask later the dick fairy is menopausal right now.

Hell with it, I going to do a few more sets of hanging and one day soon my dick is going to give in and grow…

Damn Thorne, I thought I wanted mine big!

All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.

Man, if I had it my way, I’d be sporting a 12 ft. x 6 ft. monstrous pork sword between my legs and living out the rest of my days in the Jim Rose Circus.
Maybe in my next life…

Now, pardon me while I weep inadequately.

I’ll settle for 7 x 5 for starters

Since you’re the Dick Fairy, I want a variable erect length and girth, say from 7 x 5, for those hot asian women and young lasses, to 10 x7 for the hardcore hogs! Perhaps a little button under the balls for adjusting the size. Go for it Dick Fairy!

This is a hard one (pun intended) I generally like smaller women.

First things first- if you are ill tempered is this one of those twisted wish grantings? If so I’d like to clarify- This Dick will be in place of my current one correct? this will not be some twisted wish where I say 9x7 and poof! I’m in a tiny room with a big guy with a 9x7 dick chasing me around trying to sodomize me with it? (I know some people would like that but not me!)

If it will be in place of my current one and there will be no bizarre twists involved Id say 7.75”x5.75” I’d think at that length I should still be able to bury it all the way and not cause pain, and hopefully still be able to get good head and go back door if she agrees!

Guess I’d rather have a smaller dick I can use to it’s full potential most of the time than a bigger one that I have to be careful using.

One Texas Fifth of JD and a jumbo Pepperoni sausage on the way.

WOW!! I knew if I searched all the PE sites I would finally find one that would grant me all my wishes with out having to work for it.

This puts me under a lot of pressure. Hmmmmmmmmm….. Lets see ????

Ok, I broke two branches off a tree in the front yard, that look nice. One will represent erect length and one flacid length(for those days at the gym and skinney dipping parties)

8” el x 5 1/2” g ….erect length, and none of that BPEL stuff, I want a full 8” of usable dick…..please.

4 1/4” fl x 3 3/4” g… flacid length, just going by the measurements on the branch. Oh, and this will be the size regardless of temperature, fear factors ect.

Thanks Dick Fairy,

Your a guy

PS: I’m with “stubby”, this will be my dick attached to me. I already wished this wish once and poof ended up being out gunned on a date. I am proof that even guys that like guys are scared by the big ones.

Okay DF:

I’ll give you one more chance then I’m gonna sec the wicked which of the west on your sorry ass if you don’t come thru. I’ll take mine, uncut, 8” fl x 6.25” fg. It can remain the same for el/eg (I’m n ot greedy).


Sorry, guys, I fucked up the spell check - make that “witch” and “not.”


Originally Posted by rngrdick
Ok, I broke two branches off a tree in the front yard, that look nice. One will represent erect length and one flacid length…


Glenn, spell check is my friend.

Running a Massive Co-Front.









Originally Posted by MDC
I wish for 8.5x6.5 NBP and 7x6 flaccid. What the heck I want to be uncircumcised too. :p

bump for the dick fairy. This was posted 13 months ago. What do I need to do, put something under my pillow?


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