Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm your DICK fairy and I'm here to grant you any sized dick you want!!!

Sorry guys I know you have all been stuck on plateaus for a while I was in Mexico for 3 month drinking and whoring, it was fun accept for the nasty case of clap I got from some little slut also spend three days locked in the pokey and Three dudes jumped me outside of a bar and broke one of my wings but I fixed those guys or should I say newly made senoritas.

beenthere your going to need over nine inches if you looking to get into an ass like that one in your avatar “venus”. Psst leave the money under your pillow I will get it later.

I might have to go in for rehab but I will see you all soon, when I get out maybe we can all go out for a drink.

The Dick Fairy

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

oh dic ferry please grant me a dic with a measurement of 9nbp by 6.5. so I can scare women!

Dino, can you grant me an extended wish instead? I want to grant all underendowed men of the world the chance to be up 8 x 6 but no higher, I want every man with a big dick who are smug about it or ever made fun of smaller men to be reduced to 6 x 5 so that they learn to apreciate what small to average men feel, I want average sized men to also be granted any size they want up to 8 x 6 but no higher, and I want to be the only man on earth with more than 8”, 10”+ to be more precise.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Last edited by Gottagrow : 01-27-2004 at .

Originally posted by Gottagrow
Dino, can you grant me an extended wish instead? I want to grant all underendowed men of the world the chance to be up 8 x 6 but no higher, I want every man with a big dick who ever made fun of smaller men to be reduced to 6 x 5 so that they learn to apreciate what small to average men feel, I want average sized men to also be granted any size they want up to 8 x 6 but no higher, and I want to be the only man on earth with more than 8”, 10”+ to be more precise.

I like your new order for the world. Can I have 9x6, please?

Yes, I’d like to place an order for an 8.5”x6.5”ebpl cock. Can I get fries with that? And something to drink, because all this jelqing is making me thirsty!

The Plumber Starting @ 6.5x5 bpe 12/20/03 Now 7.0"x5-1/8" bpel 1/20/04 Goal @ 8.5x6.5 bpe

8.7 by 7.2

i’ll have a 6 by 5 for now please, lol.

Dino, can’t you grant the mother of all wishes?? Make size not matter! lol

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

I’m not greedy. I just want the girls to call me “Soupcan.”

Originally posted by Dino9X7

beenthere your going to need over nine inches if you looking to get into an ass like that one in your avatar “venus”.
The Dick Fairy

That’s why I requested 9 1/2 nbp x 7 g— that’s over 10 bp. If you think a build like Serina’s (this is Serina’s supervixen body in my avatar, not her skinny sister Venus) can handle more length and girth please change my size to 10 nbp x 7.5 midshaft g , 8 base g. Thanks.

I think the smaller guys seem to have a more modest wish. I’d be happy with 7 X 5.5 … may be because I doubt my Japanese girl friend could handle much more but it’s also because I know the feeling of being small, so I agree with the post where everyone just gets evened out at 8 X 6 or something smaller.

I have to agree with Gottagrow’s wish — but that’s kinda like asking for world peace in the question section of the Miss America pagent… I’d be happy, Dick Fairy, with 8.5x6, and uncut, too, if we can have everything we want :-)

8.5 x 6.5 nbp

Oh, yes, and uncut - pleeze Mr. Tooth Fairy, let me add that

9x7 sounds good to me! Extensive research with a similarly endowed ex-boyfriend revealed 1) he had a very different attitude to back molars than I did and 2) having a challengingly large penis brought him an INCREDIBLE number of opportunities from those who wanted to prove they could take it like a man. I imagine it might not be quite as much of a draw to women (?)


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