Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

In Need of Girth


In Need of Girth

I have been PEing for 3 months now. So far I have had great length gains but I don’t really seem to be getting much in the girth department. You can look at my routine here Hyyprr’s Routine and Progress Report I have been doing the same routine now for over a month because I have been getting great length from it. Now I still want more length but I REALLY want some more girth. I was going to start doing alternating girth only days but then I started gaining good length so I didn’t want to change what I was doing. I have barely gained anything in girth. Even the amount that I have gained doesn’t feel real, it feels more like just a harder erection.

My question is should I greatly increase the volume of my girth work? Right now I do about 30 minutes of wet jelqs followed by 6-10 Ulis held for 30 seconds each. In the last couple of days I have also started doing some Horses, about 4 held for 30 seconds done in between the Ulis. Along with this I have also began clamping in the last few weeks, not a dedicated routine but after the manual exercises I get a hard erection kegel in some blood and clamp for 10 minutes staying engorged the whole time. Sometimes I will do 2 sets of these clamps If it’s not too late at night. Now to me this seems like a moderately intense routine, am I wrong? Should I do more Ulis, more Horses, and possibly clamp for more sets or longer periods? Id be very happy to get to 5-5.125 girth in the next 2-3 months.

Start (6/23/04): 7.25 BPEL X 4.75 EG As of (7/12/05): 8.00" BPEL X 5.00" EG Midshaft (5.25 base) Short Term Goal: 8.0 BPEL X 5.25 EG Midshaft Long Term Goal : 8.5 BPEL X 6.0 EG

For me personally, Ulis helped a lot with girth so your routine looks good. Girth has always been REALLY slow for me (and for most it seems) so the important thing is to not give up. What I’ve also found is that girth seems to come a little more in “spurts” than length does. One day it’s just there. Hang in there.

2010-01-09: BPEL: 19,7cm [7.75"] EG: 15,0 cm [5.9"]

2010-04-24: BPEL: 20,4cm [8.0"] EG: [???]

I know I’ve stated this before, but I believe 30 minute heating sessions have made my PE/ length or girth just explode with new growth! Who’s idea was this anyway? I would like to thank whoever gave me the idea!


Try and extended heating session before both length and girth exercises! I never really gained any girth until I tried it, it’s amazing!

How the hell do you manage to do 30-minute heating sessions? Do you wear something that heats up your cock? I use a warm wash cloth and cannot imagine myself using that for 30 minutes.

What exactly do you use to heat up Starter?

make it happen, make it long, make it happen, make it fat, make it happen, make it hard, make it happen, make it last, make it happen, make it fast, make it happen, make it real, make it happen, make you feel, make it happen, make it happen, make it happen

I got the same question as Joystick.

I guess you could make a hot rice sock or use one of those things that you can put on sore muscles that have buckwheat in them, but I agree, damn, 30 minutes. Kinda funny you said that, because in my head I was already thinking, (hmmm, the loser the muscles and tissue, the more they will expand, maybe I should heat longer” and then bam, there was your comment on heating longer :)

I was thinking about wearing something around my johnson to heat it up for 30 minutes and going ahead with whatever I have to do and then after 30 minutes start the workout. Problem is I don’t have anything to use to do this. I don’t have a rice sock or anything else and I live in Europe :/

make it happen, make it long, make it happen, make it fat, make it happen, make it hard, make it happen, make it last, make it happen, make it fast, make it happen, make it real, make it happen, make you feel, make it happen, make it happen, make it happen

So…make a rice sock. Pour some rice into a sock and tie it off. Presto.

My signature is cooler than yours.

Joystick. Go to your local sporting goods store in the hunting department and get a pair of battery operated hunter’s socks. You can put one one and save the other for when the first ones wears out, or you can double up and wear both. They also come in handy when you need a warm up in places were there are no electric, and if all else fails, you can go hunting.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Hi, hyyprr,

You could consider the sadsak slinky, it can be viewed in the video tutorials, I think it is one of the best girth exercises.

Thanks for all of the suggestions. I have considered prolonged warmup sessions, but my current situation has me doing PE late at night, and since I have to get up in the morning for classes I usually have to set some kind of a time deadline on PE work. That’s why I don’t think I’ll be able to do 30+ minutes of warmup, but maybe I’ll try increasing it some more. But what do you guys think of the amount of girth work I do, specifically with the Uli’s and Horses? I’m curious about those of you who do these successfully, how many do you do and for how long do you hold the grip?

Start (6/23/04): 7.25 BPEL X 4.75 EG As of (7/12/05): 8.00" BPEL X 5.00" EG Midshaft (5.25 base) Short Term Goal: 8.0 BPEL X 5.25 EG Midshaft Long Term Goal : 8.5 BPEL X 6.0 EG

Forget the wet jelqs, they are very ineffective in my opinion. Concentrate on your ulis with 50percent erection and hold the squeeze for 2min. Dry heat is an effective precursor to your ulis, a nice tool is a vibrator that incorporates heating coils that can be activated or left off. Stick it down your shorts for 10min, this will result in engorgement and a light perspiration to cover your rod. The sweat helps the grip and the droopy heated member will respond well to hand manipulation. Do 3sets of 20ulis, 5x a week, you will see gains in 2 to 3 weeks.

Tomba, what??? :confused:

>>Forget the wet jelqs, they are very ineffective in my opinion.<<
That’s a very lonely opinion. Ask everyone here and 95% will say wet jelqs are very effective.

>>Concentrate on your ulis with 50percent erection and hold the squeeze for 2min.<<
50% erection? 70-80% will be much more effective. 2 minutes?? Not for regular ulis. I think you are confusing regular ulis with extreme ulis.

>>Dry heat is an effective precursor to your ulis, a nice tool is a vibrator that incorporates heating coils that can be activated or left off. Stick it down your shorts for 10min, this will result in engorgement and a light perspiration to cover your rod.<<
A rice sock or washcloth is much cheaper and will give better coverage than a vibrator.

>>Do 3sets of 20ulis<<
20 ulis in a set?? 5 reps is more advisable. If you want to perform more, add more sets, but try not to go over 5 (10 max) reps in each set.

The thing that I try to remember is that there are many paths to gains. Each of us has the experience of making one (and only one) penis larger. What does (or doesn’t) work for one of us may not (or may) work for others. I’ve read other posts by Tomba saying that wet jelqs don’t work and while they may not have been effective in his experience, it hasn’t been the case for a great many others here, myself included. I guess I’m trying to find some middle ground, to try to integrate his somewhat controversial statements into the larger body of PE evidence. Having said that, Tomba has a lot of other interesting, if advanced, ideas. I hope that as another member’s opinion they’ll be helpful to me as I get past the point of my newbie gains.

Tomba: can you post pre-PE & current stats in your sig so that we can put your statements in context?

Back on topic: Mrs RBM bought me an infrared heated back massager at Target last Christmas. The thing works great for back aches. I’m thinking of trying it out for PE warmups, particularly for hanging. Here’s a link: And no, we haven’t tried it out for “other uses”. Yet. ;) Check it out.


Start 6/13/04: 6.0 BPEL x 5.125 EG (midshaft) Current 10/17/04: 6.938 BPEL x 5.625 EG (midshaft) Come on 7! Disclaimer: I'm not an advanced member, but my member is advancing. ;)


The problem I see with Tomba is how definite his views come across. If I’m a newbie reading his post for the first time, I’d believe everything he said and take it as the gospel. What he needs (which you do a good job at) is to offer a few more precursors to his statements like: "in my experience..", "might be..", and "for me..". This is especially needed when the definitive statements he is making have been proven to cause injury to a substantial number of members in the past. The PE standards we have at Thunder’s Place have been developed out of the time-tested experience from a lot of members before Tomba. It would be more harmful than good if we didn’t inform the members that his views are not what is commonly expressed here.

In case you haven’t seen it yet, here’s a good thread on infrared heating and PE: Disgusting GAINS!!!

The reason I discount the wet jelq is because it is a better masturbation technique than growth enhancing method. I have had to update my vocabulary with the many definitions of a “jelq,” (uli, extreme uli, dry, wet, horse etc.) I mean I have always felt the jelq was a hard squeeze of the penis. I have never felt stroking the penis from base to head or head to base we’re effective. Of course if your going to stroke in this fashion, I guess you would have to use a lubricant (otherwise you would end up widdleing your member down to a tooth-pick). Without a lot of words, I have analogized the wet jelq to lubricating a screw driver handle when you want to tighten down some screws—-not good. People are not in tune with what they need to do to make it big. But everyone likes the wet jelq so it is good slippery fun.

I have never spent a nickel on PE except for my heat vibrator, it is outstanding for PE activities. I prefer the dry heat and after a long hang the vibrations are exemplary for restoring color and comfort. And your gal will thank you for it.

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