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Increasing smooth muscle mass in the penis

The smooth muscle in the penis is not only around arteries. The majority of the smooth muscle is running in bundles between the arteries and sinusoids. It is normally contracted and relaxes during erection.

Later - ttt

Studies also indicate that during nocturnal erections there is a simultaneous formation of smooth muscle mass and break-down of collagen. (The proportion of collagen in the penis increases with age).

This concept would also make sense for our pe efforts.

Later - ttt

I’d be willing to bet that most of you guys who claim you never have nocturnal erections actually do have them. :) It is just that your sleep patterns are such that you are never aware of them. They have subsided by the time you come out of that sleep stage.



This is really a great thread, a must read!

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by avocet8
I’d be willing to bet that most of you guys who claim you never have nocturnal erections actually do have them. :) It is just that your sleep patterns are such that you are never aware of them. They have subsided by the time you come out of that sleep stage.

Exactly. Although, when I have over trained (oh, just once or twice :) ) it will kill my nite wood like nothing else.

Stretching tissues causes greater production of IGF-1. I’m really busy at moment and have to get off internet, but stretching has become a big thing lately in bodybuilding for it’s actual muscle bulding effects.

Originally Posted by ticktickticker
The smooth muscle in the penis is not only around arteries. The majority of the smooth muscle is running in bundles between the arteries and sinusoids. It is normally contracted and relaxes during erection.

And I am convinced this is the key to flaccid size and reaction to PE. When you over stress the smooth muscle with PE, it causes it to contract, causing a smaller, harder flaccid. Just as if you over stress a skeletal muscle, it will be tighter than usual until it begins to recover.

When you nail the PE just right, I think it causes a greater than usual relaxation, or “less” than normal tone, and produces the heavier and fuller flaccid.
After a bit, it will return to its normal tone, contracting a bit and the flaccid returns to normal size.

I SPECULATE that this can be used to determine that you are on the money with the amount of stress used in your PE. Especially if this heavy and full flaccid is accompanied by high EQ.

All this is just my speculation, I have no literature to back it up.

I wonder if this cycle of stressing and allowing smooth muscle to recover induces growth of some type? AND if you continually stress it without allowing it to recover, PREVENTS growth. It would make sense in that many find that when over training,they get gains AFTER a layoff that allows their EQ to return to normal.

It might very well be that after finally being allowed to recover, the smooth muscle then has some limited growth in response to the stimulus. I think this makes more sense than thinking the connective tissue grows in response to the decon.

I really believe most of the “contraction reactions” we see are primarily smooth muscle related. I think in order to get true connective tissue contraction that you have to induce inflammation to the connective tissue. While definitely possible to do, I think it is a small portion of the contraction most experience here.

Originally Posted by vkn1
Stretching tissues causes greater production of IGF-1. I’m really busy at moment and have to get off internet, but stretching has become a big thing lately in bodybuilding for it’s actual muscle bulding effects.

Vkn1, if you could link some of the research on that, that would be great! Thats a very interesting thing if it pans out. Really great post, thanks!

Originally Posted by avocet8
I’d be willing to bet that most of you guys who claim you never have nocturnal erections actually do have them. :) It is just that your sleep patterns are such that you are never aware of them. They have subsided by the time you come out of that sleep stage.

I don’t quite agree. Morning wood is actually the last of the nocturnal erections and most of us are aware of them. If morning wood gets weaker nocturnal erections do so, too.

Later - ttt

Maybe. Maybe not, TTT. :) Although morning wood is the last of them, you may be drifting up into higher-level sleep and waking, some time after the last one has deflated. Whatever, so long as you get good sexual erections; that is what counts.



Originally Posted by vkn1
Stretching tissues causes greater production of IGF-1. I’m really busy at moment and have to get off internet, but stretching has become a big thing lately in bodybuilding for it’s actual muscle bulding effects.

I’ve felt this to be true for a long time, but never known why it works. Thanks for the information.

Between the TGC and the chemical PE thread, I really think we are close to a major breakthrough in our understanding. I’m working on a few pieces myself…

First, I think that ligament stretching is really a separate issue from everything else. It’s relatively easy to stretch ligaments, which is why just about anything gets you newbie gains, and I think lig stretch and EQ are where most of "newbie gains" come from. Some of us have more potential in this area than others, but most people seem to "hit the wall" after anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, and their gains slow dramatically or stop altogether. And, of course, this does nothing for girth.

The problem remains: how to expand the other tissues? The TGC thread has a lot of excellent thoughts, of which the most important one is that you need both a larger tunica and the tissue and blood supply to properly inflate it.

We’re all familiar with Big Girtha’s saying "never let it turtle"…the theory being that any healing should be done in an extended state, otherwise you’ll just heal at the same size you started. Well, most healing gets done during sleep, when you can’t really wear an ADS, and and ADS does nothing for girth anyway. That’s what nocturnal erections do for you…they keep your penis inflated during sleep, so this healing is done in an engorged state.

Also, not only does the increased blood flow speed healing…it aids muscle and tissue growth too. (A continuous erection would impede it, but nocturnal erections come and go, pumping blood in and out.) So no matter whether you subscribe to the "damage" theory or the "growth" theory, or whether you believe that it’s a combination of both, good night wood is necessary to good non-ligament gains.

Then we have the "stretching causes production of IGF-1" tidbit. These abstracts are suggestive:

Browse BioOne Complete
Local expression of IGF-1 accelerates muscle regeneration by rapidly modulating inflammatory cytokines and chemokines - PubMed

Awesome thread… very informative. It suddenly makes masturbating 5 times a day a lot less appealing - if I do this I don’t get nocturnal erections:P .

This might actually be the reason why some feel masturbation makes PE less effective - it’s effect is negative when it hinders nocturnal erections.

IF the logical conclusion of this thread suggests, pumping, clamping (shudder), or even just wearing a constriction ring at night…I’m out.

"Debate the idea..."


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