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Increasing smooth muscle mass in the penis

Hey guys, im doing a lot of clamping. My erections improved a lot. Clamping works the smoth muscle.

Originally Posted by bugasman
Hey guys, im doing a lot of clamping. My erections improved a lot. Clamping works the smoth muscle.

I personally believe that some PE for guys cause a reflex contraction of the muscles that are strengthen by kegels.

Just as when you pull your penis straight out, many will get a reflex contraction, I believe for many guys clamping and jelquing cause reflex contraction. I think this is part of the reason some guys get vastly improved EQ from these.

I think EQ is primarily a product of smooth muscle state and strength of the kegel muscles ( IC, BC…whatever they are). IF the smooth muscle is not over stressed and the kegel muscle are very strong, I think this is when you get very high EQ.

I think you need both of these factors working for you to get high EQ, and if either one of them is compromised, you won’t be able to reach your highest EQ potential.

IF your kegel muscles are very strong, but the smooth muscle has contracted because of over stressing them, poor EQ. A few days off will remedy this.

If your smooth muscle has normal tone, but your kegel muscles aren’t strong, you won’t have high EQ. A week or so of kegels will show definite improvement.

Of course there are other factors, status of blood vessels, blood pressure, age etc, but of the factors that we have the greatest ability to change fairly rapidly, smooth muscle and kegel muscle strength have the greatest effect.

Again, just my thoughts on it…no research to back it.

Originally Posted by goonbaby
IF the logical conclusion of this thread suggests, pumping, clamping (shudder), or even just wearing a constriction ring at night…I’m out.

I don’t think that’s necessarily the take home message, goonbaby. People are just trading ideas here in order to come up with why cocks do or do not get larger through PE.



Originally Posted by avocet8
I don’t think that’s necessarily the take home message, goonbaby. People are just trading ideas here in order to come up with why cocks do or do not get larger through PE.

Not yet.

I have personally tried wearing an ADS at night…specifically due to the whole nighttime growth prospect.

I never got an injury, but there were some good scares. I don’t do it anymore. Sleep is a strange phase, you simply can not know if you will be conscious enough to wake up when there is a problem.

I’m not saying that anyone here would openly recommend such practices…I’m suggesting that some might try something dangerous on their own.

"Debate the idea..."

Originally Posted by goonbaby
IF the logical conclusion of this thread suggests, pumping, clamping (shudder), or even just wearing a constriction ring at night.I’m out.

The information given at the beginning of this thread only suggest that spontaneous nocturnal erections are the clue.

Later - ttt


As you have noted, the penis has two populations of smooth muscle, the muscles of the helicene arterioles and the intra-lacunae smooth muscles that assist in collapsing the penis into its detumescencent state. I was interested to read that smooth muscle decreases with age, which suggests that there is a decrease in the amount of recoil muscles, for returning the penis to the shrunken state, but also that the number of helicene arterioles might be decreasing.

The net effect of these changes would be few ‘pipes’ for blood to enter the lacunae (corpi cavernosa), leading to erection difficulties, and a floppier flaccid penis. However, the increase in collagen, particularly cross-linked collagen, would tend to negate the flaccid benefit.

What is your take on this, particularly the idea of a age-related reduction in helicene arterioles?


Originally Posted by Priapologist

As you have noted, the penis has two populations of smooth muscle, the muscles of the helicene arterioles and the intra-lacunae smooth muscles that assist in collapsing the penis into its detumescencent state. I was interested to read that smooth muscle decreases with age, which suggests that there is a decrease in the amount of recoil muscles, for returning the penis to the shrunken state, but also that the number of helicene arterioles might be decreasing.

The net effect of these changes would be few ‘pipes’ for blood to enter the lacunae (corpi cavernosa), leading to erection difficulties, and a floppier flaccid penis. However, the increase in collagen, particularly cross-linked collagen, would tend to negate the flaccid benefit.

What is your take on this, particularly the idea of a age-related reduction in helicene arterioles?


Wooohooo…nice tech talk!

This is EXACTLY what I have been talking about that “intra-lacunae smooth muscles that assist in collapsing the penis into its detumescencent state”. Right! This accounts for the large changes we see in flaccid charateristics and response to PE.

I hypothesize that with a “perfect” amount of PE you get a SRR or Super Relaxation Response where smooth muscle tone drops lower than normal resulting in a heavier and fuller flaccid.

Too much trauma to the smooth muscle results in increased tone, and contraction and a small and “stiffer” flaccid due to that “collapsing”.

I am currently investigating as to whether that SRR is a key indicator of the proper amount of stress that also stimulates growth.

Well they say REM sleep decreases as we age. So that could be a reason behind reduced muscle tone. But I’m sure this is all multifactoral.

`Start: 5"NBPEL, 6"BPEL, 4.5"EG

`Current: 5"NBPEL, 6"BPEL, 4.5"EG

So far a few fractions of inch increase on base erect girth.

Originally Posted by Priapologist

What is your take on this, particularly the idea of a age-related reduction in helicene arterioles?


Truly, I don’t know.

Intuitively I don’t think that they are decreasing in number.

In patients with hypertension the smooth muscle content of the walls of the arterioles would prop ably increase.

Later - ttt

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Wooohooo…nice tech talk!

This is EXACTLY what I have been talking about that “intra-lacunae smooth muscles that assist in collapsing the penis into its detumescencent state”. Right! This accounts for the large changes we see in flaccid charateristics and response to PE.

I hypothesize that with a “perfect” amount of PE you get a SRR or Super Relaxation Response where smooth muscle tone drops lower than normal resulting in a heavier and fuller flaccid.

Too much trauma to the smooth muscle results in increased tone, and contraction and a small and “stiffer” flaccid due to that “collapsing”.

I am currently investigating as to whether that SRR is a key indicator of the proper amount of stress that also stimulates growth.

I agree that relaxed smooth muscle, both the intra-lacunar and arteriolar, will result in a fuller flaccid, all other things being equal. And, I will conditionally agree that PE could cause the smooth muscles to relax more and more often, since I have seen this relaxation on me and heard about it so often from others here correlated with PE, but the condition is: causation is still unproven.

It also makes sense, in the context of penis shrinkage, since contraction of the smooth muscle will cause a near cessation of in-flow of blood concurrent with a maximal detumescence response, completely collapsing the CCs, ostensibly.

Keep thinking sparkyx, I like where you are headed.

Originally Posted by ticktickticker
Truly, I don’t know.

Intuitively I don’t think that they are decreasing in number.

In patients with hypertension the smooth muscle content of the walls of the arterioles would prop ably increase.

What made me think of this is the counter-intuitive nature of penis response if the loss of smooth muscle is restricted solely to the intra-lacunar population. What one would expect, if this were the only muscle being lost, is for a gradual increase in flaccid length with age, due to the decreasing capacity to effect recoil of the penis. As I mentioned, this would be partially offset by increasing collagen deposition and crosslinking (stiffening), but still, why do we not see any flaccid lengthening, only shortening?

Also, why do we see increasing erectile dysfunction with increasing age if the loss of smooth muscle is restricted solely to the intra-lacunar population? One would expect an increase in erection strength due to the decrease in countervailing tone.

If the arterioles are decreasing in density (pruning), then that would explain some, or all, of the loss of smooth muscle, as well as the decrease in erection strength - as I mentioned: it is, in effect, fewer pipes for the blood to enter the CCs. This is not without precedent either, as we see similar pruning of arterioles in the brain with increasing age. Mean vascular density decreases, while tortuosity increases. This is bad for brains, and I suspect, bad for penises, if it occurs.

It makes sense - so poke a hole in it.

Well I have heard of a South American drink called Yerba Mate that has been shown to relax smooth muscle but I’m not sure if it reduces smooth muscle tissue overall or only on certain parts of the body

Originally Posted by jrwriter

Well I have heard of a South American drink called Yerba Mate that has been shown to relax smooth muscle but I’m not sure if it reduces smooth muscle tissue overall or only on certain parts of the body

No specific smooth muscle mentioned.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.


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