Ah, here we go:
Punctuated PE Theory
Select quotes from MagnumXL:
"I hypothesize that the main limiting factor for growth is the tunic that surrounds the 3 erectile cylinders that compose the penile shaft. This tunic is composed of an especially tough combination of fibers, along with a gel and some living cells. In teaching anatomy I have dissected many cats. The pericardial membrane surrounding the heart is composed of similar tissue. And I can tell you that it is tough. You can not tear it. In fact, it is erven hard to cut with a scalpel. Reminds me of mylar. The tunic has a limited capactiy to stretch when the fibers that are suspended in the gel slide past each other. When extended to maximum length the tunic is thinnest. When flacid it is thickest….like a rubber band."
"I have a very simplified routine these days. Seems that short intense sessions do me more good. I warm up my unit with a "mug" of water hot as I can stand. It is a good sized, plastic insulated mug for drinking cold tea, etc.. I almost fill it up, insert my unit. I press it over my penis and testicles and hold it in place, moving it around occasionally until it no longer feels warm. At that point thermal equilibrium has been reached and there is no need to do it longer. The heat helps the gel to change to a sol phase in the tunic. thus the tuinic stretches more quickly and easily. I repeat the "mugging" about every 5 minutes during my short routine. The heat and the moisture help the penile skin to stretch better, too.
Then I lube up with olive oil (best thing I have found). I do 10 minutes of long, slow, hard, downward flacid jelq-stretches. Straight down as slow and hard as I can. I am really trying to lengthen the shaft as I slowly (10 sec) pull down between by legs. Do this 5 min, hot mug again, then 5 more minutes of downward flacid jelq-stretches.
Hot mug again. Do 5 minutes of full erection 2-handed jelq-squeezes. Encircle and clamp the base with one hand. With the other hand grab and squeeze the upper mid shaft (fattest part for me). I slowly jelq down to that fattest part then give the shaft a series of hard squeezes that last about 5 sec. each. Just keep repeating this. Do these 5 minutes, hot mug again and do 5 minutes more of the full erection 2-handed jelq-squeezes.
Next I pull my unit out to maximum length and apply 4 or 5 ice cubes, one at a time along the penile shaft. Allow them to melt on the shaft. This is to "harden" it at maximum length. Turn the sol phase back into a gel so shaft remains in elongated state for longer time. Then I sometimes wear a constriction ring for an hour to keep unit at this greater length."
I have no idea if MagnumXL’s claim of solidifying the gel is correct. Anybody able to verify that?
regards, mgus
Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.
Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains