Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I've been jelqing for more than 6 months. This is what I have learned.

Im folllowing a routine similar to this, noticed my flaccid after session shrunk pretty significant by the time i cleaned up right after, am i jelqing to errect or could it just be w fluke random occurance?

Jan-26-2016 BPEL: 5.5 NBPEL: 5.2 EG: 4.6 (flacid hang 3.7, flaccid girth 4.2) ROUTINE: Cut down Newbie Routine.

Gains Aug 2016: .5 inch in BPEL / 6.0 BPEL (with good EQ), Girth went up .1cm somehow. RESEARCHING PUMPING AND HANGING TO START ASAP, OFF FOR 2 WEEKS

Progress thread purplethumb's progress report and PE record

HI guys we are in 2017. 15 since this thread was written.

So any one got gains by doing 10 mins jelqing 5 days a week ?

70 erect or 100 erect ?

What is erect jelqing?

Hello I am a newbie here. Can I know what is erect jelqing? I heard that is harmful.

Originally Posted by kohxuying

Hello I am a newbie here. Can I know what is erect jelqing? I heard that is harmful.


As a newbie it is advised not to do erect jelqing (80-100%) in your first 4-6 months .In my first month I did erect jelqing and lost 1/4 inches inn my girth and almost 1/2 an inch in length. All the best brother

Is the “80%-100%” refers to the pressure we apply on our penis? Thanks again for your instant reply :D

Originally Posted by kohxuying

Is the “80%-100%” refers to the pressure we apply on our penis? Thanks again for your instant reply :D

It’s referring to the erection level of the penis. How hard it is.

:_pump: :donatecar

Originally Posted by saber113
HI guys we are in 2017. 15 since this thread was written.
So any one got gains by doing 10 mins jelqing 5 days a week ?
70 erect or 100 erect ?

I’m fairly confident saying that I have gained absolutely nothing from regular jelqing. Jelqing is healthy and good for EQ - which is undoubtedly why I believe so many find significant gains from regularly jelqing in so little time. It helps you connect and get in tune with how your penis works as an organ, and as a result your EQ increases resulting in “gains”.

The “stimulating growth” approach has not worked for me in my experience. I think the science checks out as well, by telling us that the body doesn’t stretch or grow - or muscle isn’t constructed - by stimulation alone. It’s built by physically pushing it to its limits forcing it to expand or tear and then healing itself to compensate.

Again everyone is different. I would just be extremely surprised if someone legitimately grew and gained .5 girth in a month of 10 minute near-flaccid jelqing and had it not be the result of just a simple increase in bloodflow to the penis and better EQ. I started out with amazing EQ, so I didn’t get the immediate benefits of a stronger dick when doing the newbie routine and conditioning. It wasn’t until I started doing fairly hard fulcrum stretches, clamping, erect squeezing and pumping that I started to notice any real changes in my penis.

Lastly, in my experience, erect squeezing/clamping (which is comparable to erect jelqing) has been amazing for girth expansion and is something I think anyone coming off of their plateau of EQ gains should consider moving forward.

- Pizzza

Start - 09/28/16: BPEL: 6.5" MEG: 4.66" (Pumping, Clamping, Cockrings & Stretches)

Current - 11/25/20: BPEL: 7.2" (+.7") MEG: 4.75" (+.09") --- Roughly 1 year of PE and a long hiatus in between.

Girthquest: Short-term Goal: MEG: 5" -- Ultimate Cemented Goal: MEG: 5.25"

Sounds like good advice for the most part, but the erect jelqing has never gave me a decrease at all I mean every guys 3rd leg works different and reacts different. Main thing is if you are going to jelq always warm up for at least 5 minutes with something hot/warm (hot shower is the best in my opinion a rice sock works good to) best thing that works for me is starting out with an erection then doing the jelqs because you erection will slowly decrease to 70%.60%50% etc. Then at that point when I edge/masturbate a little bit and get a full or 90% erection again then a lot more blood will rush into you’re penis extremely fast and will help you achieve you’re gains a little quicker but hey that’s just my opinion and what works for me.

Anyone think a half inch could just be erection quality

Jelqing works

Hi y’all!

First time posting on this board.

A little info about me. I started jelqing about 4 months ago. On day 1 of my jelqing journey, I was 3.5 inches long flaccid and 5.4 inches long while erect. Totally forgot to measure my girth when I started so I’ll definitely have to measure that soon.

I’m a definite grower, not a shower. I’m happily married so my jelqing journey has been for my own personal satisfaction.

After 3 months of jelqing, I bought a penis extender device and for the last month, I’ve been wearing it 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. I’ve continued my jelqing during that period; about 10 minutes a day after my warmup.

I can now happily say that after 4 months of jelqing and 1 month of using the penis extender device, I am 4 inches long flaccid and 5.72 inches long while erect.

If I can get to 6.5 inches long while erect, I’ll be happy, although 6 inches erect is probably a more realistic goal. Any bigger than 6.5 inches and I’ll destroy my wife, because she is tiny.

My wife has no idea I’ve been doing this but it’s felt a lot tighter when we’ve had sex and it feels damn amazing, for the both of us.

She’s under the impression that I’m just having better erections these days but I know what’s really going on ;)

In short, I think Jelqing definitely works for girth but my length gains have been primarily due to my penis extender device in my opinion.

When I jelq, I don’t let my penis get past 50% erect. Better safe than sorry :)

Hope everyone else is reaping some benefits as well! Happy jelqing!

Jelq For Almost Three Months

Hi, everyone! How’s it going?

Guys, I’ve got a question for you: I’m a novice in this whole penis enlargement business, using the “newbie” user’s routine for about three months, (the routine: 2-3 seconds strokes with an overhand grip for 10-15 minutes, no warm-up, no nothing, 5 days a week).

I’ve been noticing increase in my flaccid length, but not much of anything in my erect length. It looks bigger, but the ruler says otherwise.

Can somebody tell me if this will move in another direction? Does anyone of you have any advice about it, (aside from the patience)?

Anyway, that’s all. Thank you, guys!

This guy knew whats up. His 5 day with low erect and less is more thing with the 10 minutes instead of going over board has done wonders for me. Half centimeter gained in a month since I’ve been doing this.

Inspired By This Post

Who knew, somebody from 20 years ago, would inspire me to do jelqing

I started 5 days ago.

My erect length is, 14.9 cm, and wideness is 3.6 cm, I’ll post again, after some months

Originally Posted by bakukahn
Who knew, somebody from 20 years ago, would inspire me to do jelqing
I started 5 days ago.
My erect length is, 14.9 cm, and wideness is 3.6 cm, I’ll post again, after some months

So, any results ?

Originally Posted by yesjelqingworks
Hi y’all!

First time posting on this board.

A little info about me. I started jelqing about 4 months ago. On day 1 of my jelqing journey, I was 3.5 inches long flaccid and 5.4 inches long while erect. Totally forgot to measure my girth when I started so I’ll definitely have to measure that soon.

I’m a definite grower, not a shower. I’m happily married so my jelqing journey has been for my own personal satisfaction.

After 3 months of jelqing, I bought a penis extender device and for the last month, I’ve been wearing it 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. I’ve continued my jelqing during that period; about 10 minutes a day after my warmup.

I can now happily say that after 4 months of jelqing and 1 month of using the penis extender device, I am 4 inches long flaccid and 5.72 inches long while erect.

If I can get to 6.5 inches long while erect, I’ll be happy, although 6 inches erect is probably a more realistic goal. Any bigger than 6.5 inches and I’ll destroy my wife, because she is tiny.

My wife has no idea I’ve been doing this but it’s felt a lot tighter when we’ve had sex and it feels damn amazing, for the both of us.

She’s under the impression that I’m just having better erections these days but I know what’s really going on ;)

In short, I think Jelqing definitely works for girth but my length gains have been primarily due to my penis extender device in my opinion.

When I jelq, I don’t let my penis get past 50% erect. Better safe than sorry :)

Hope everyone else is reaping some benefits as well! Happy jelqing!

Congrats Buddy, I’m sort of in the same boat atm being 3 months in. Slight gains in length/girth but whats been most beneficial is my EQ quality.

My wifes also been happier without questioning why. I jelq without her knowing and using her as lets say as a test to see if the jelqings been workind depending on her “response”.

Happy jelqing everyone

Started May 2022 BPEL: Just under and 5 Inches, EG: 4 3/4 inches


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