Thunder's Place

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Jelq Second Index

Jelq Second Index

The cumulative effects of my workouts get to be a problem. The same workout might be fine for 1, 2 or even 3 times, but together they end up causing negative PI’s.

In an effort to predict when the cumulative effects of my workouts may start to cause negative PI’s, I started putting a 5 day limit on the total number of jelqs. Then I started using a “jelq second index”. This allows me to keep in a range of “worked outedness”.

Average jelq second index= ((T x S)/D) x P

D=Number of days that you are averaging, (I use 5 days as that’s how far back my penis seems to “remember”).
T=Total number of jelqs during that period
S=Seconds per jelq, (if you changed your stroke within the period you’ll have to figure it for each workout and then total it.)
P=Your estimate of erection level as a decimal. (80% = 0.80, 50%=0.50 etc.)

I am NOT saying anyone should try to stay at a certain average jelq second index, nor am I proposing this as a huge development. I am merely putting it out there as a possible tool for others to use in PE if they want. Keeping the cumulative effects in check has been, and continues to be a challenge. This helps a lot.

I can say “what jelq second index would I be at if I did 150 jelqs tonight, and then 100 the day after tomorrow”? Then I can compare those numbers to my log to see how my dick felt at that jelq second index number in the past, and decide if that particular plan is a good idea.

I can also go back in my log to a time when I had good gains and see what my jelq second index was for that time period.

The index also allows me to compare the intensity of my workout to other guys’ workouts.

It may also be a way to compare the effects of different lengths of jelq. If you want to try 5 second jelqs, and you have been doing only 2 seconds so far, this might give you an idea of how many 5 second ones might be the equivalent in terms of producing negative PI’s.

It might also be used to compare the possible effects of changing your erection level for jelqing.

Overall, this is my attempt at factoring in several variables. It helps answer a question like “I am doing 200x2 second jelqs, 2 on 1 off, at about a 50% erection. What if I changed to 100x4 second jelqs, 2 days on, 2 days off, at 80% erection?”

Once again, I am NOT putting this out there as some kind of Big Solution. It is just a possible tool. I am not even saying it is a new idea.

I will not reply to anyone who wants me to calculate it for them. I am hoping that someone can clean up the formula to make it easier to understand and use.

I am sure there are those who will post basically saying this is crap, or get all picky about it. I don’t care, although I am still developing it, it has helped me a lot. There may be applications in pumping/clamping/hanging as well, I don’t know.

I am interested in what anyone has to say. I am very inexperienced with PE, and always value the thoughtful input of veterans.

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

So if I jelq for 10 minutes, 3 second strokes for 5 days a week at an estimated 70% level erection that should put me in

Average jelq second index= ((T x S)/D) x P

((10 x 3)/5) x 70 = 420

420 JSI?

Has been: 6.4 x 4.7 (16.3 x 12cm)

Is : 6,9 x 4.7 (17.7 x 12cm)

WILL BE : 7 x 4,8 (17,8 x 12.2cm)


T is the number of Jelq strokes during the period, in this case 5 days.

So assuming there are no breaks during the 10 minutes of jelqing, that’s:

10 minutes x 60 seconds= 600 seconds of jelqing

600 divided by 3 seconds per jelq = 200 jelqs per session, or 1000 total for the 5 days.

((1000x3)/5) x .70= 420 (Happens to work out the same because of the decimal places, 70 verses 0.7 and 10 verses 1000)

Your jelq second index at after your workout would be 420.

If you then skipped two days, at the end of that 2 days you would have only 3 days worth of jelqing in the last 5, so:

((600 total jelqs x 3 seconds each)/5 days) x .70= 252 jelq second index for that day.

If you decided to take a third day off, then 400 total jelqs over the last 5 days times 3 seconds each makes 1200 seconds. Divided by 5 days gives 240 average jelq seconds per day, times 0.70 gives 168. Your jelq second index for that day would be 168.

So on the 5th day after your workout you would be at 420. At he end of two days off you would be at 252, if you took a third day off you would be at 168.

The idea is that the higher the number, the more beat up you are.

I know there is a better way of expressing the formula, I hope someone can help.

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

The whole idea is that it is the average amount of time your penis has been “under the jelq” per day, including days off.

It should correlate well to negative PI’s. There should be a threshold high range that a sends a particular penis into negative PI’s.

There should be a range that it likes enough to respond by growing.

Lower than that it will like, but not grow.

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

Another example might help:

If Kingpole says he is doing 20x20 second jelqs every day at 90% erection he is doing 100 jelqs in five days

(100x20)/5 x 0.90 = 360

If Kevin 12 does 70x 2 second jelqs per day at 50% erection he is doing 350 jelqs in five days:

350x2/5 x 0.50= 70

So Kingpole’s jelq second index at the end of his 5th workout is just over 5 times that of Kevin12’s. The idea then is that Kingpole’s workout schedule is 5 times more intense than Kevin12’s.

Just by looking at the numbers of the workouts you can only guess at the difference in intensity. an experienced PE-er will know that Kingpoles’ workout is much more intense, but how much? Twice as intense? Ten times as intense? With the jelq second index we can see that one may be 5 times more intense than the other. So if Kevin wants to try Kingpole’s workout, he can see that it may be MUCH more intense than what he has been doing, and that he might want to work up to it.

So how intense would every other day, 300x2 second jelqs at 50% be compared to these two workouts? Twice as intense as Kevins’ little 70 jelq per day workout, 3 times? And how does it compare it to KP’s? How about if I do the same thing, but one on, two off? Well let’s see…

If I do 300x2 second jelqs at 50% erection, every other day:

At the end of a workout day I’ll have done 900 jelqs over 5 days;
900x2/5 x.50=180

At the end of an off day I’ll have done 600 jelqs over the previous 5 days:
600x2/5 x.50=120

So overall my workout is just under 1/2 as intense as Kingpole’s.

But, If I go one on, two off:

At the end of a workout day, I’ll have done 600 jelqs over 5 days:
600x2/5 x.50= 120

At the end of a second day off, I’ll have done 300 jelqs over the previous 5 days:
300x2/5 x.50= 60

So I’ll be ranging from a 60 to a 120 jelq second index. This puts me spending some days less “worked out” than Kevin, some days more.

If I find that I feel great at the 120 level, and I want to keep stay at that index level and workout every day, I do some figuring and see that I should do 120x2 second jelqs at 50% every day: At the end of the 5th day, and every day thereafter because I am working out every day, I’ll have done 600 jelqs over the last 5 days:
So it is 600x2/5 x0.50=120

If I am forced to take a day off for non-PE reasons, I can easily calculate how many jelqs I should do over the next days to get to and stay at the 120 level.

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

Last edited by chronostone : 02-08-2008 at .

Maths… I’m getting a headache already…

I know, I am hoping someone can express the formula in a more inherently understandable way. There has to be some math guys around here somewhere…

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

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