Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Jelqing & Stretching 101

Originally Posted by vck
In my opinion it’s better to start with 100 to 150 slow and intensive strokes (a good stroke needs at least 3 seconds) than 300 fast and “easy” ones. And 300 strokes at the beginning is too much in order to have a save training.



I seldom go over 150 jelqs myself, and PE is nothing new to me. The important thing is to listen to your penis. For the purpose of this post, I tried to keep with the recommendations found throughout other articles and good posts on the subject.

Welcome to Thunder’s! I hope to see you around much more in the near and distant future.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

what causes wrinnkles

Originally Posted by jfg
what causes wrinnkles

Loose skin I would imagine.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Hey KOG, give me an idea of your gains from starting up to now



Originally Posted by KOG
Loose skin I would imagine.

Hmmmm. I always thought it was me forgetting to throw that damn sheet of Bounce in the dryer.

Nice article, nicely written. :buttrock:

Oh, and a toy for you to play with…….inspired by your sig. http://www.chur … .com/index2.php

Starting: 6.25 BPEL x 5.5 EG

Now : 6.75 BPEL x 5.75 EG

Goal : 8.0 BPEL x 6.5 EG

Originally Posted by Christian
Hey KOG, give me an idea of your gains from starting up to now


My starting size was 5.75 BPEL and I got it up to 6.25” BPEL. However, I slacked off and eventually put a few other things in my life ahead of PE, all of this before cementing any gains, and lost all gains. I had no girth gains.

Then I came back, and, though I had been doing light PEing just to keep my penis healthy, decided to stick with it and to not let my gains go ever again in Jan. My very first step into any PE community was back in early 2001, when I stumbled upon the website. I think I saw a few of the members here on that site, but it was a long time ago and I can’t really remember. Though I do lay awake at night arguing with myself over whether or not I remember Thunder being on the big-penis forums. But I’m getting on a tanget. I could delete it, but I won’t. As for my recent gains, I’ve picked up some girth, and my length BPEL just reached 6.25” again yesterday, though I’m not going to call that my official size until I have it for a month or two, so don’t be surprised if you see me saying that I’m still at 6” BPEL in another post. I don’t wanna get too excited about it until I know it’s going to be a thing I see every time I pull out the ruler. :)

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

what is the doughnut effct? i could not find the thread sorry


Here you go: Donut Effect

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

KOG, what happened to the post I had posted up in this thread?

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

Originally Posted by Alrdybig
KOG, what happened to the post I had posted up in this thread?

There were two threads: one in the newbie forum and one in the articles forum. This thread is the one in the articles forum, the one you are talking about must be the one in the newbie forum: Jelqing & Stretching 101


"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

kog can you explain the uli exercise for me do you use both hands i just don’t get the 5 squeezes you do at the end do u release the grip at the base then squeeze 5 time or hold the grip at the base and use the other hand to squeeze?

>>Though I do lay awake at night arguing with myself over whether or not I remember Thunder being on the big-penis forums.<<

KOG, just to put your mind at rest, Thunder was at around that time. I know, because that’s when I discovered that site too (spring of 2001), and Thunder replied to my one and only thread there with encouragement and good advice. I remembered his unique name, which prompted me to find this site last year and sign up here instead—a move I’m glad I made.

Hi, I’m new to the forum and the world of PE’ing, and I had a few questions regarding the topic which I’m sure are covered elsewhere in the site, but I figured that a personal response would be better. Is a hot wrap necessary before stretching, or is this something that only must be done before the Jelquing exercise? Also, KOG had mentioned that at least 10-15 minutes was necessary for stretching. If each pull takes 30-60 seconds, is there a “wait” between pulls? Are different variations in angles necessary/good for stretching, or should you stick to only one? Thanks again for any help, it’s nice to see that there’s a mature sight dedicated to just another part of the human body that, suprisingly, people often make the biggest deal about. And to think that there are sites that actually charge for less than this information! Thanks again!

Thanks KOG for your explication.

Greetings from Austria

have a great time


What I have notice like said:

"But realize that this impressive side effect will subside and your penis may actually shrivel, not unlike when you get into a cold pool. It’s perfectly normal and nothing to cause alarm.”

Well my penis shrivels, it is hard to believe that it stays flaccid about a 3-4inc.. But then again when jelq is performed I get a good 4-5 flaccid after a session of jelq !

" Is there any advice on how to make my penis stay flaccid about a 5-?. Or if any techniqs.”


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