Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Jelqing & Stretching 101

Great read.

This is just great stuff. As a newbie I feel that this will help me getting started. Thanks.


What is 50-80 erection

I’m doing jelqs, and I am trying to keep my erections within the right range, but it has occurred to me a few times that we may all have different ideas as to what a 50% or 80% erection is. Could we try to come to some kind of consensus on this? Even if it requires photographs, I think that this would be really helpful.

Today while jelqing, I was trying to keep in the right range (actually I was trying to do 40-70%, I thought that was the range I’d read before), and I wasn’t sure if this would qualify: my penis was hanging totally down, but it was still fairly hard. I feel like for some people this could be an 80% erection since it’s still fairly hard, compared to a complete flaccid being 0%, but to other people, they may think of this as like a 35% erection, and it doesn’t qualify as an 80% erection until it is not only hard, but also pointing straight and at a 90% angle to the body.

Could some of the vets let me know what you think so that we can have a solid consensus on this? I’ve had some good results since starting back up on jelqing the past week, but due to a condition I have, I must also be extremely cautious not to overdo my PE.

While I’m not exactly a vet (at PE anyway), I measure 40-70% as follows:

I follow the Uli #3 guide. When my erection is in the correct range, I can grab my dick at the base, pull slightly towards the glans and it turns ROCK hard right to the end of the glans. If it’s less than 40%, the glans still feels a bit soft no matter how hard I pull. I could still do regular wet or dry jelqs, but really, it’d be a waste of time other than to help me get a tad harder.

If it’s more than 70%, it is too engorged and squeezing and pulling doesn’t make any difference — in short, I cannot cut the inwards blood supply off.

As for the angle that it points. This varies from one guy to another. Some are fully erect and don’t get to the horizontal yet; others point decidely upwards and are not fully erect. Have a look at UNCUTPLUS to see what I mean.

That’s my view anyways.

Great post, you seem to know lots about jelqing, what do you have to say about jelqing devices? I’ve been doing the newbie routine for a week and don’t intend on moving on to anything else for at least 6 months when I feel like my unit is ready. Browsing around, I came upon a thread about a jelqing device and how it made the jelqing a lot better, with better results and a full 100% fatigue afterwards, how true is this?

Thanks much

Sorry, never used anything other than my hand. However, I can’t imagine that any device would work as well, unless of course you have no strength in your hand. Regular jelqing certainly has given me an iron grip.

Thanks a lot KOG your thread contains whatever I need.

Thanks again and have good gains

Begining At 11.05.09: El 6.0" Eg 4.92"

Short Term Goal : El 6.5" Eg 5.2"

Long Term Goal : El 7.5" Eg 6.0"

I have 2 questions. First what is the most practical way to increase the size of the corposum spongiosum? And second, can someone describe what a v jelq looks like? Perhaps even explain a couple of different jelquing hand grips? I am unwilling to variate from the excersizes that have been on here for a long time in the tutorial section but would like to hear about excersizes condusive to corposum spongiosum growth. Could I please get some help from somebody about this?

Would building my pc help with this?


I ve been doing the BTC 6x for 10 mintues a day am I going to see anything I’ve been doing this for a lil over a week

Tnx kog

Does anyone else absolutely love stretching? I feel that I am literally pulling my member from my body.

Can I get all my erection length gains just from manual jelqing and stretching. A 1.5 increase would be ideal. Thoughts?

[BPEL Length 8.5] [NBPEL 8.0 - 8.5 Depending on EQ!] [BEG- 7.2] [MIDSHAFT 6.4/5] [GLANS- 6.1]

PE for life!

This is excellent should have found a long time ago.


This is great!

very good post ,very helping! tnx a lot , but about the flaccid state! Why it should shrink? From what i’ve seen on others the flaccid has went longer also! at some with 2 inch, more then the erect state!

So what i should expect for? shorter flaccid, longer in erect!

Good luck with u’re gains guys!

01.11.2010 BPEL - 7 ,EG - 5

GOAL - 0.5 so I can be a believer!


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