Originally Posted by marinera
What some other people are reporting is a cord that feels not stretchable at all, inelastic; it is placed in the middle of the penis, along the septum, and goes from the base to the top.It prevents any length gains (have you had length gains?). So I supposed this cord could be due to abnormal collagen deposition - if this is true, probably you would notice an upward curvature also, and it should feel hard at the touch even when your penis is flaccid.
This is accurate. I had approximately 0.65 of length gains during the last 6 months, and I believe this was after I noticed the unusually thick penis while stretched.
However, I only carefully noted the cause of the thickness after seeing this thread. The chord is noticeable through palpation while flaccid, although much less so than while stretched. The chord is at all times extremely firm and is the only part of the penis that is taut when I take a BPSFL measure. As I said, it is approximately 0.5 inches in thickness and lies in the middle of the top of the penis (septum area of dorsal side between the two CC).
I suppose that my length gains through water pumping would have occurred after this formed, since I noticed the girthy stretched length prior to the gains. However, this girthy stretched length attribute has increased recently, so I am not sure if that really is an indication that I can grow more length.
I am completely sure of the existence of this thick, hard chord through large amounts of palpation while reading this thread, haha.
EDIT: One more thing. Upward curvature is one of the MAIN effects of my year of clamping. So, maybe this steel chord thickening, as well as the curvature, occurred due to the same stimulus.