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major flaccid gains!

major flaccid gains!

I think I have finally found my sweet spot where my PI’s have gone crazy. I feel like a light breeze will get me a rock hard erection. What I did was modified my vac extender to be able to use the vac hanger as the head piece so I don’t get fluid buildup. If you are using your vac extender just at home this is a great improvement to do to it. I put it on for about 4 hours per night before bed. I turn it out slowly increasing the length every 5 to 10 min and letting the tissue relax and then turn it out some more until I reach a point that where turning it out further won’t add any more length. I’ve been doing this for 3 weeks now and haven’t taken BPEL yet but I have always had a small flaccid of around 2.5 to 3” length and 4.5 girth. Now most of the time I hang 4.5 to 5 length and just under 5.5 girth my erect size is 6 1/8 x 5.5 this is NBP like the flaccid so a big change from a grower to a shower. The only other thing I have been doing is 50 dry jelqs every other day and I also make sure at night when I take the extender off that I get a full erection for 5 min and then go to bed still hard.


Gut Scramblin' goodness.

Awesome, good work man.

PE SMART - Quality is infinitely better than quantity. Monitor your progress. Make changes accordingly.

That is indeed nice. Now any advice for someone who doesn’t use a device ?? :)


Why do you think you get less fluid build-up with the vac hanger head? I did the same modification and I seem to get more fluid build-up using the vac hanger head, not less.

GonaBeBig, could you post a pic of the modified head piece?

I think the real key is the fact that the length is turned up so slow. I take about an hour and a half to extend the last inch or so.

I get less fluid buildup because the force is spread out across the entire glans and not just the tip of it.

I will see what I can do about a pic of it. Its a real easy mod all I did was take a grinding tool for my drimel and used it to make the end part of the hanger smaller and then I used it to make the part of the extender that the head connects to larger so it would fit in it. If you have any other questions about it just ask and I will try to explain.

I have had good results too with flacid hang…I measured my “softie” at 18 cm in length and 15 cm around.

It’s very veiny too!

That’s really great news for you,I hope I will have news of My own one day.

Wanting more doesn't make me greedy

Has anyone else tried this yet? The modification of the extender or the slow turn out? When I turn it out slow like that I can go almost a full inch past my normal BPFSL, not just EL but past my FSL. When my gains stop from this I’m going to try using the extender to get to that length then use my hanger for an hour then back to the extender to heal. Any thoughts on this?

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