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Originally Posted by marinera
Great thread, Wadzilla!

Agree. I had the same thougth before reading this thread, and now it is reinforced; doing clamping we force the tunica.

Now, repeating 2-3 times this work (clamping) we are pushing the tunica to the extreme of it’s elasticity, near the point of deformation; at this moment the tunica should be at it’s weakest point, so stretching will put deformation in vertical direction, and not only in horizontal one.

Hope what I’m pointing is clear.

Pumping could work that way as well.

Originally Posted by devilknight666
The trouble with chemical PE is that you need to induce an erection exceeding your natural one. To just pop a boner for hours won’t do it- or I wouldn’t even be here. And it’s just not safe to induce that kind of erection- a priapism. So, no this does not really support chemical PE, unless it becomes possible to predict and control the priapism so that plastic deformation occurs and not injury.

Well I would submit that a chemical boner will exceed your natural one especially of you balloon and have clamp intervals for the entirety of the 3 hrs.

However, what I find surpising is that tunica can expand so much without breaking; anybody knows if are reported cases of broken tunica?

Originally Posted by baywatch
Well I would submit that a chemical boner will exceed your natural one especially of you balloon and have clamp intervals for the entirety of the 3 hrs.

So how do you think priapism causes megalophallus?

Originally Posted by marinera
However, what I find surpising is that tunica can expand so much without breaking; anybody knows if are reported cases of broken tunica?

I guess that’s why it has elastic properties.

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Someone with more medical knowledge than I can correct me if I’m wrong, but being tough and fibrous, yet flexible I don’t think the tunica can really ‘break’; I think it more likely it would tear if the stress on it were too great.

It is a very durable organ. This site alone is testament to that.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Wadzilla, or any others with opinions, where are you guys?

I hope that my long post was not a waste of time. Yes, it is too long, but the scientific backing is there.

Originally Posted by Kojack10
Wadzilla, or any others with opinions, where are you guys?

I hope that my long post was not a waste of time. Yes, it is too long, but the scientific backing is there.

Kojack, that was a great post. You filled in a lot of the details relating to the assertions that I’d made, highlighting the physiological processes involved. I also think it clearly supports the notion of a limited amount of plasticity (i.e., “growth”) that is ultimately possible - unlike the wild claims by some posters that limits are all “mental.” No, they’re not -they’re physiological.

The only thing I’m not sure about is the notion of “scar tissue.” While I agree that we probably don’t “re-gain” in the exact same spots, I’m not sure that scar tissue fills in the gaps. I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t know what scar tissue inside the penis would look or feel like (as opposed to scarring in other parts of the body) due to the unique composition of the penis, but I certainly haven’t noticed anything with my hand or eye.

Could scar tissue be a short-term occurrence, later replaced almost fully by collagen? I’m not the guy to provide the answer to that.

Furthermore, if our penis becomes “weaker” while growing larger, how would this weakening manifest itself? Is this purely theoretical or on a microscopic level? For one thing is certain: my erections are harder than ever - despite all of the gains I’ve made.

A few more thoughts on the tunica:

(1) The tunica has an ingenious design - a fibrous sheath that is very soft & pliable, during flaccidity. But as the spongy inner tissues (CC/CS) swell during erection, they crowd against the tunica, which becomes more resistant as the internal pressure increases - until an erection can be impressively rigid.

(2) All tissues of the penis have some level of elasticity - or else your flaccid size would be identical (or nearly) to your erect size. But in relation to the CC/CS, the tunica is far less elastic. If we had only the CC/CS to overcome, gains would be far easier. But the more we “pump up” those tissues, with PE, the more resistant the tunica proportionately becomes [in the short term] - until it cannot expand any further (that’s why I’ve long maintained that you cannot achieve an erection beyond 100% - even with chemicals or pumps). If the latter does seem to increase your erections, then I suspect that you were not previously attaining 100% levels on your own.

* - This is the main reason behind the criticism against erect jelqing - or extreme PE, such as multiple clamps, squeezing while clamping, etc. You cannot sustain any worthwhile gains from erect PE - because you CANNOT FORCE the tunica to grow. You can only injure the tunica that way. My best gains occurred from jelqing at 75-85% levels. Why? For the reason that because you are NOT maxed out, the tunica is NOT at maximum resistance; instead, you achieve a sort of “rolling” resistance at different points, momentarily, along the length of your penis. This allows PE to “work its magic” without provoking the tunica to put up maximum resistance.

(3) I believe that the tunica can be coaxed to grow by the gradually increasing low-level pressure against it as the CC/CS is growing. Notice how a small weight in the center of a wooden shelf can, over time, drastically warp the board. But you cannot “instantly” bend that board; it would only break.

In other words, I don’t believe that we can directly enlarge the tunica. But we can directly enlarge the CC/CS, which then indirectly stretches the tunica - very slowly - as the inner tissues grow. [I do believe that extensive hot wraps could momentarily make the tunica more pliable, which would result in a better “pump” from your workout; and this could amplify your gains by getting a little “cheat” on the normal resistance of the tunica].

* - Point #3 might be an argument as to why maintaining post-workout expansion (via velcro wrap, etc.) may assist gains. As our soft inner tissues slowly grow, I suspect the forces against the flaccid tunica might represent that small weight warping the sturdy 2 x 4.

Ah, damn…… more point. I do believe that you can somewhat “force” some length gains from the tunica, but not girth gains. Let’s face it, if you pull on anything long enough & forcefully enough, it will lengthen. But as girth seems to really be the “Gold Standard,” I was directing those previous musings on gaining girth.

Furthermore, for gaining length, the tractile forces are externally-invoked; for gaining girth, they’re internally-invoked. The latter type of force is potentially far more dangerous.

I believe girth is easier than we think, those cavernosa are kind of square shaped, and likely to grow on all sides. Cells in the body don’t just line up in a linear fashion. They line up and the lines are next to each other forming a matrix. Think of it like a knitted sweater. Eventually what grows long ways has to eventually grow wider. But it is easier to go the easiest route which is length. Eventually length reaches a temporary halting place. Upon this action only girth happens. If it can no longer grow longer then it will grow wider.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Is there anybody who experimented clamping and stretching/hanging at the same time? If so, what gains he had? (I did a search, but did find nothing really related on this topic).

Originally Posted by kingpole
….Cells in the body don’t just line up in a linear fashion. They line up and the lines are next to each other forming a matrix. Think of it like a knitted sweater. Eventually what grows long ways has to eventually grow wider. But it is easier to go the easiest route which is length. Eventually length reaches a temporary halting place. Upon this action only girth happens…

I hear what you’re saying, but I would argue that you can force deformation along a particular pattern or plane. We can put a lot of linear tension on the tunica by stretching, but how do we do this for girth? We can’t pinch the sides of the penis & pull it laterally - as though we were streching taffy.

I believe it’s possible to safely & consistently put more linear tension on the penis than we can do laterally.

While I happened to be an easy girth gainer, I think we both must realize that many here have had a helluva time with girth. Furthermore, there have been guys here who’ve made fast/consistent length gains, but came up empty in girth. Therefore, I would question the “inevitability” of girth gains (particularly being an end result when length gains slow or halt) - since many guys here have not had that experience.

Pushing tunica laterally can be made only by internal blood pressure, it seem clear to me.

We can aid the lateral expansion externally, in example doing erect bends.


While I agree that elasticity can be lost and turn into plastic tissue, I really think that the penis actually does grow and build more tissue, not just merely lose it’s elastic property and that is why it gets bigger.

My stretched flaccid length has increased steadily, and my erect length has followed. How could I keep increasing my stretched length if all that was happening was a loss of elasticity?

I’m not trying to argue, it just doesn’t make sense to me and I’m trying to understand!


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