Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

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If priapism is concerned with having and erection for longer than 4 hours without sexual stimulation, then I must have had bouts of it as a teenager. I specifically remember 2 occurrences. (I had so many random erections, I didn’t know what to do with myself. Every single class period in high-school. Maybe I was just an antsy teenager.)

Once when I was 19, I got an erection while eating a sandwich in my school cafeteria. I tried to make it go away but it wouldn’t. 2 hours later, I left the cafeteria with it tucked under my belt. I masturbated in an attempt to remove it, but the erection persisted for an additional 4 hours.

I remember another occasion when I was 17, and it lasted from 8pm on one day, to at least 2pm the next day. I don’t know what happened to it over night, but it was certainly sore.

Both of these events resulted in what felt like muscle cramps in the PC muscle. They weren’t all too enjoyable and trying to soothe it didn’t help. All I can say for this is that it most certainly didn’t have pronoun effects on my unit. It did develop decent upward curve during these times, and was harder than it should have been. Maybe it will help my PE these days, I can only hope.

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Originally Posted by MagnumXXL01

While I agree that elasticity can be lost and turn into plastic tissue, I really think that the penis actually does grow and build more tissue, not just merely lose it’s elastic property and that is why it gets bigger.

My stretched flaccid length has increased steadily, and my erect length has followed. How could I keep increasing my stretched length if all that was happening was a loss of elasticity?

I’m not trying to argue, it just doesn’t make sense to me and I’m trying to understand!

Magnum, as your penis exhausts elasticity (through PE), I believe that flaccid gains would be inevitable. Consider it from this perspective: when I was a young kid, I used to marvel that my li’l weewee could grow so much when it “got stiff.” Why is this possible? Because the penis has so much elasticity (especially for growers like me). That’s how it can telescope outwards. But as elasticity is spent, it doesn’t stretch as much, right? So, it would not “contract” or shrink as much while flaccid.

In the 1970’s, Ellington Darden & Arthur Jones argued that a muscle has the potential to grow in girth to match it’s length. While this was a radical statement then (and now!), it might be possible. However, nobody has ever built their biceps or quads to an actual “square.”

I suspect - perhaps as wildly as their assertion - that one’s ultimate potential for PE gains would be maxed out when your flaccid *nearly* equals your erect size. This might be as absurd as “square biceps,” but I think, theoretically, it might be true….however, you’re talking about years of PE and, probably, some severe psychological issues to drive a guy to such total obsession.


I agree that some elasticity will be lost over time, but you don’t disagree that new tissue is being generated, do you?

Originally Posted by MagnumXXL01

I agree that some elasticity will be lost over time, but you don’t disagree that new tissue is being generated, do you?

This is a question that I’m not qualified to answer; indeed, nobody in this forum would be qualified to answer that. Only by accredited experts conducting scientific research into that question would we ever get the true answer.

However, I’ll oblige you with my speculation/opinion…

If you mean do I believe that any “new” or “additional” tissue is created as a result of PE, I would say that perhaps only in the sense of microtearing. As I’ve often speculated that gains occur along with plasticity (the gradual loss of tissue elasticity), I’ll be the first to admit that I have no clue how that might look under a microscope.

Would this process necessarily entail “microtearing”? In other words, are such tears unavoidable if plasticity is occuring? If so, do those (microscopically small) tears get “filled in” - say, with collagen?

It would seem to me that something like this may occur with PE. Would that qualify as “new tissue being generated”?

But what would the other model be?


If that’s what you assert, then I would suggest that this is precisely why the medical community dismisses NPE as bogus. They know - scientifically - that the penis is not comprised of striated skeletal muscle. When they have some vague idea that we “exercise” our penis, they quickly revert to their knowledge of the human penis and say, “Impossible.”

Curiously enough, there are a number of different models regarding even hypertrophy (sarcoplasmic vs myofibrillar, etc), as outlined by Prof Zatsiorsky & others.

While many here hang on such questions, I personally don’t see much value in them. What’s the point - to waste money on useless supplements, as many gym rats do? The only way that chemistry could be brought to bear on the subject - effectively, that is - would be if some huge pharmaceutical got involved.

And, whether tissue is added or not, PE training remains pretty much what it’s always been anyways.

- w a d


I believe that new tissue IS generated through MITOSIS, similar to what happens in foreskin restoration. I have grown new skin thru foreskin restoration, and don’t believe that the skin has simply stretched and lost it’s elasticity. I know there is more to the penis than just skin, but the principal should be similar.

Here is a quote from Wikipedia on the topic of Foreskin Restoration:

“Tissue stretching has long been known to stimulate mitosis, and research shows that regenerated human tissues have the attributes of the original tissue.[12] Unlike conventional skin expansion techniques, however, the process of nonsurgical foreskin restoration may take several years to complete, and depends on the amount of skin available to expand, the amount of skin desired in the end, and the regimen of stretching methods used. Patience and dedication are needed; support groups exist to help with these (see External links section). The act of stretching the skin is often described informally as “tugging” in these groups, especially those on the internet.”

If you, or nobody else on this forum, is qualified to answer if and how new tissue is generated, then how can you be qualified to give an opinion on gains coming from loss of elasticity alone??

I know you have MUCH more knowledge about PE than I do, but I find it frustrating that when someone gives their opinion on something, it’s treated as gospel, because I find a lot of conflicting information on the site, and I need to know why something works before blindly following the pack.


I just found the following article at “” that states that mitosis DOES occur and the penis DOES grow new tissue. Here is a quote from that page…

“Traction devices use the principles that tissue responds to stretching by creating new tissue, not just stretching what is already there. Cell mitosis is the process by which cells divide to reproduce themselves. Traction puts a gentle tension on the penis, pulling the cells apart. This intracellular tension causes the body to undergo cell mitosis and grow new cells to relieve the tension. Your penis actually grows new tissue.”

Francis B. Quinn M.D., Stephanie Cordes M.D., Karen H. Calhoun, Jr., M.D., Tissue Expanders. UTMB Dept. of Otolaryngology Grand Rounds, October 15, 1997.

I hope this clears up the misconception that the penis is simply “stretched” and it stays that way without any new tissue growth.


Tripe. Leading Edge Marketing, gee do you think they have something to sell? If you checked into this “medical” paper you will probably find that LEM either took the docs words out of context, or it is an illegal use of the docs names.

Think about it, why would head and neck surgeons be interested in penis enlargement? … ts=&safe=images

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Thunder, with all due respect…trying to discredit the website or the doctors listed on it without any reasons is really reaching…how about a logical, medical based explanation of how pe works, by people that know what they’re talking about, like doctors, as opposed to the average person on this forum that has no real knowledge of how the human body functions? If anyone has any good links for mitosis and pe, then please post them, thanks, Magnum

MagnumXXL01, with all due respect, Thunder has good instincts on this sort of thing. Thanks to Thunder’s pointer, I found the UTMB Grand Rounds paper on Tissue Expanders:

The quote you pulled from the page is not a quote from that paper. NOWHERE in that paper do they mention the penis. Not once. You’ve got the link now, MagnumXXL01; check it out for yourself. So, the good doctors cited there are only there for window dressing, for the site’s half-assed attempt to equate tissue expansion via balloons implanted under the skin to traction devices for the penis. Very much an apples and oranges comparison, but with some smoke and mirrors, it provides https://www.pen … with an unearned scientific basis for selling penis traction devices for enlargement.

So I don’t discredit the doctors. I do discredit the web site for what looks like a deliberate attempt to mislead.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Last edited by Lampwick : 02-16-2008 at .

Originally Posted by MagnumXXL01
Thunder, with all due respect…trying to discredit the website or the doctors listed on it without any reasons is really reaching…how about a logical, medical based explanation of how pe works, by people that know what they’re talking about, like doctors, as opposed to the average person on this forum that has no real knowledge of how the human body functions? If anyone has any good links for mitosis and pe, then please post them, thanks, Magnum

We have a couple of docs, and quite a few people that know what they are talking about, here Magnum. Here’s a thread for you to start with.

Possible reason for PE induced growth

Really reaching? You mean like trying to find out if the website is telling the truth or scamming people by quoting a report that has fuck all to do with PE?

Maybe you should do a little more reaching, with all due respect.

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Thanks for the link…very good point about considering the source I totally agree. If I find any additional links regarding pe and cell mitosis I’ll be sure to post them. Didn’t mean to ruffle your feathers, just having a friendly discussion.

Forgive me moving slightly off topic, but what is the process that causes a childs penis to grow. It is not only cell expansion as there are ligaments also growing,

Obviously all the parts of a penis must be growing in some sort of unison as it (largely) maintains it’s shape until maturity

As it is one (of the few organs) without bone to assist in the growth. But neverthless maintains growth and shape and normally stops growing after adolescence, What are the factors (presumably hormonal) that cause the increase in size, and why do they stop?

(Or more wishfully, how could they be restarted?)

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:


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