Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Meeting with other Thunder's Place members in Real Life

View Poll Results:

Meet another member of Thunder’s Place in real Life?

Yes, I have met other members before from some PE related board.


Yes, I would be willing to run into some other members in real life, but have not gotten the chance YET.


Yes, I met someone from here and it went bad. Please no more!


No, I am terrified of meeting anyone that knows about my dick size issue.


No, I am afraid Twatteaser would then know my address. I believe that is a very bad thing.


No, meeting anyone from the Internet spells doom!


Other: Please specify.

Total Votes: 431. You may not vote on this poll

Meeting with other Thunder's Place members in Real Life

Would you do so and if so why? If you wouldn’t why not? Feel free to share beyond just the poll here. Thanks in advance. TT

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

TT - Great question… Admittedly, one of the advantages of boards like this is the anonymity; how many of us would feel comfortable talking as freely about ED, lack of girth, and insecurities about pleasing our mates with our next door neighbors, or our bowling league buds over a beer? Probably few of us. Plus, I’ve got to say that so far, everyone I’ve met here at Thunders has seemed ‘normal enough’ that I’d probably enjoy having a beer and talking about hanging techniques, mano a mano…

I voted “Yes I would, but haven’t yet.” This place seems pretty heavily populated with cool people.

I’ve had lunch with “peforeal” a number of times. You kind of wonder how it will go the first time you meet another PE-er but in our case, totally relaxed, very easy talk. We have to request a table far from everybody else whenever we do this, but we don’t just talk about PE, Thunders, and how to make our dicks bigger. There are common intersts and interests not in-comon, too, as in all good friendships.

We’ve speculated what a Thunder’s convention would be like in some public arena like a big hotel. Instead of everybody making eye contact when they meet you, would everybody look down at crotches? I don’t think so and peforeal would probably agree. But the wait-staff in the common dining room would certainly get an earful. Maybe a signup sheet placed discretely somewhere?

I’ve been here at Thunders a relatively long time. My impression is that most members are good human beings who would be fun to meet.



Meeting others

I’ve met one famous Australian member from here, and we had lunch in the city. Both of us were initially nervous, but it was great to chat in real life rather than electronically.

I’ve “nearly” met another Sydneysider ;we just don’t get around to it mainly because he won’t come into the city and the suburbs are another world for me. I also “nearly” met someone from NYC when I was there, but he was working long shifts all week.

On a slightly different tack, conversation with a very long standing straight male friend got around to dick girth (to do with the cock rings that I make) and after some time I recently suggested he “suspend his disbelief about the subject matter, and have a serious look at this Forum of which I am a member, and get back to me if he had any questions or wanted to take the matter further”.

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

I had a couple of drinks with Ike last year at a local hang out near to both of us… We had a great time checking out the north end of girls headed south!


No, I would prefer not to. Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely some interesting, colorful characters here - Captain Hook, Twatt, and certainly others. It’s not that I’m anti-social, it’s just that Thunder’s represents a unique place for me. I’m interested in the ideas presented here, the encouragement, the cautions - the avatars! I think that it would spoil things if real flesh & blood people were to “intrude” into that realm, as far as I’m concerned.

And no, it doesn’t have to do with any dick size issues, or even the number of very personal posts I’ve included. It’s just that this place IS the place it is because of the annonymity. I could never discuss these issues face-to-face with other guys (even my best friend in real life). I would probably be very uncomfortable to actually meet someone from here.

I almost have a couple of times but life got in the way, I’m really sorry I didn’t meet some of the guys like P9 and others when they came to NYC. I’m hoping this summer to organize something for the northeast guys like me and twat and the cap when he sails up and whoever else would like to get together.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I have to agree with wadzilla—basically. However, I would say that I would consider meeting someone that I have known in PE circles a very long time. I have been doing PE for 4 or 5 years.

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
I almost have a couple of times but life got in the way, I’m really sorry I didn’t meet some of the guys like P9 and others when they came to NYC. I’m hoping this summer to organize something for the northeast guys like me and twat and the cap when he sails up and whoever else would like to get together.

Yeah man, drop me a line if/when that happens. I’m from NYC, and will be visiting again in the summer.

I picked other. I had an appointment somewhere a few months ago and there were these two men talking outside where all the smokers hang out. They were talking about viagra, and then one of the guys started talking about his friend that had a huge cock. According to this guy, his bud swears up and down that he got his huge cock from stuff he learned on the Internet where a bunch of guys get together who do the same “stuff”.

I had to fight to urge to join the conversation, but I was too embarrassed. So, to the best of my knowlege I have never met anyone; however, I saw someone who had a friend that sure sounded like a PEer—a PEer that likes to talk about it on the net.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

KOG, seems like a lot of people around your town know of Thunder’s Place. Chances are you have already met someone from here.

Hi everyone. As Avocet8 mentioned earlier, we’ve gotten together in Hawaii for lunch several times and have had incredible conversations on a wide range of topics. While the topic of PE and membership in Thundersplace were the catalysts to our initial meeting, it’s really more about friendship now than anything else. This forum represents a fascinating array of individuals with diverse backgrounds and personalities. I consider myself fortunate to have actually met other members in person. I also consider myself very fortunate to have made the personal acquaintance of DW over lunch in Las Vegas. She is a fascinating, beautiful and engaging woman. I hope to repeat the opportunity in the future.


Originally Posted by stevie31
KOG, seems like a lot of people around your town know of Thunder’s Place. Chances are you have already met someone from here.

I doubt it. Just someone who made that sign, and I don’t know what the other guy does on the Internet.

If we look at how many people from the states are on this board, it’s easy to see that divided up between fifty states, there are quite a few people for each state. In my state, either you life in the mountains or you’re crowded into one of the more populated areas—save a few small towns like you see on TV. I’m pretty sure that of all the people in WV who get on the Internet (Thunder’s or not) for PE related sessions, they’re most likely to be in just a handful of cities—or the area around one of them.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Damn, I am such an important choice on the poll. I myself alone am pulling 3rd place.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

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