Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

Worth a shot and don’t have it to warm so you burn your balls.

Hi I read your thread and really liked the routine but you caught my guessing by the word ”momentous” and now I wonder if the results are permanent or it is just to mention your nick name memento

Start BPEL 5.5 EG 5.2 09-20-2011

GOAL 7x6 - on a 5'5 guy it will look huge

Think he called it momentous because this routine is of “great significance”, great way to get peoples attention anyways. Just my two cents. :)
And ofc it rhymes.

Love this routine.

Originally Posted by Vikingwhore
Think he called it momentous because this routine is of “great significance”, great way to get peoples attention anyways. Just my two cents. :)
And ofc it rhymes.

Love this routine.

Thanks by the answer vikingwhore this routine looks so amazing that I thought I couldn’t be true he did a really fast gain if I could pull an inch in the same amount of time I would be more than glad

Start BPEL 5.5 EG 5.2 09-20-2011

GOAL 7x6 - on a 5'5 guy it will look huge

Hey guys,

Since I haven’t done anything other than Jelqing and manual stretching, should I hold off on the Horse 440 squeezes every 5 mins
2-5 min 30 sec hold horse squeezes mixed with sadsak head exercise mod?

And just stick to Jelqing in the evening? Or would you guys say to give it a try?


Hi ,
I just want to ask if it is good to do 2on/1off for the evening routine and make the morning routine in this 1off day because I don’t have enough time to do both routines in same day (when I can I will do both routines in same day so at the end of the week I have the same quantity of morning and evening routines ) .

Sorry for my broken English

Hi Nikolai89, my personal view is that if you are short on time you can cut the time - so 10 minutes ov inverted V stretches, 10 minutes jelqs etc. - doing all the exercises in the same session, evening or morning doesn’t make a big difference.

I believe that V and A stretches can cause up/down curve.So watch out for that if you don’t want to have that.

Thanks for the answers guys !

Btw up curve is not that bad it’s even good imo ;] So is it V better than inverted V ( A ) stretch what do you think ?

Originally Posted by marinera
Hi Nikolai89, my personal view is that if you are short on time you can cut the time - so 10 minutes ov inverted V stretches, 10 minutes jelqs etc. - doing all the exercises in the same session, evening or morning doesn’t make a big difference.

That’s contrary to Mem’s original routine on two counts; 1/ not enough volume/intensity - this is a pretty intense routine, and 2/ Splitting the routine in two perhaps keeps your unit in ‘constant’ fatigue. This is all on the first couple of pages…

If you take Marinera’s advice you are still doing PE, and you may still gain (in fact, you may gain better than if you followed the routine in the OP) but you’re not doing this routine.

Jelq my boy, jelq like the wind.

Why so some guys say inverted and regular v stretches cause curves and other guys who have been doing the program say that it doesn’t?? I know everyone is different but what to believe?!

What kind of cylinder should I use for regular v stretches??

Please help!


I think I have a good routine down, I added a few new things in it that hasnt been experimented with that much (I havent found anything about it). I would like the opinion of senior members about it. Heres the link

New to site but not to PE

Memento - great thread, really good info. Actually I became aware of this thread through Sparky’s thread (Is LESS more, or is MORE more?).

It seems that there are quite a few hard gainers who posted here who finally gained after doing a less intensive routine based on variations of your routine, which echoes the less-is-more school of thought.

Is this routine good for someone that has done more than 4 months of newbie routine?

I modified this routine to do int slightly lighter:

-15x1’ inverted v stretch or a stretch.

in afternoon
-80 jelq in various directions + 2 horse440
-40 jelq with second hand at base + 2 horse440
-20 slow jelq + 2 horse440
-1 horse440 + 2 sadsak head exercise, repeat these 3 exercise 2-3 Times.

In the day I do fowfers or wear an ads.

Is this ok? I started in april with newbie routine.

Starting April 2011: ~Nbpel 16.8x14; Fl 10.5

Now: bpel 19.5; nbpel 17.8x14.5; Fl 11.5

Short term: nbpel 19x15; fl 13x13. Long term: nbpel 20x15.5; fl 15x14

Hi! I read this routine to gain 2 inches rapidly. I do indeed want to increase my size by about an inch. However reading over your routine I became puzzled on how to complete the inverted v-stretch haha so I was wondering if you could tell me how to do it in more simpler terms as I really would like to make gains as your routine advertises ( I don’t really understand the cream pot stuff or the chair placement or what god I’m so confused haha ) ! A reply would be awesome!


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