Worth a shot and don’t have it to warm so you burn your balls.
The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.
Start BPEL 5.5 EG 5.2 09-20-2011
GOAL 7x6 - on a 5'5 guy it will look huge
Start BPEL 5.5 EG 5.2 09-20-2011
GOAL 7x6 - on a 5'5 guy it will look huge
Jelq my boy, jelq like the wind.
Starting April 2011: ~Nbpel 16.8x14; Fl 10.5
Now: bpel 19.5; nbpel 17.8x14.5; Fl 11.5
Short term: nbpel 19x15; fl 13x13. Long term: nbpel 20x15.5; fl 15x14