Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

Thank you, Mem

I have to give you some feedback. I’ve been trying one thing or another in PE for many years, and I’ve been an avid reader of the site (I think I may have posted once or twice).

However, I have not ever had any serious results until I tried your routine. More explicitly, the two part exercise which I think is what really makes this pop. I don’t even do *exactly* your routine because I’m a fast girth gainer.. Well, at least in past routines I’ve gotten additional girth and no real additional length.

So, my routine has consisted of basically:

AM Sesh: in hot shower
Get warmed up while actually taking a shower, light dry-style jelq’s etc.
Stretching — I call them crank yankers in my head but I don’t know if anyone else does this. I use a tourniquet hold about mid shaft with the head and half of the shaft engorged, no erection. Starting with the left hand, pull towards the left, then roll the stretch down, and to the right. The hand stays at the same angle, so when you’re all the way to the right, it is kind of “kinked” at midshaft. Then roll back. I do 30 reps with left, and right, and try to get 3 sets in.
Then your routine for Jelq/Horse 440 alternating. On this one, I do wet jelq style with gold bond healing cream, it’s excellent.
Then alternate 440/sadsak. I have to take a break between to loosen up the lymph ducts, I have one that likes to stick. First time freaked me out. Once I read about it on Thunders, I saw you just have to make sure to massage it away immediately and there’s no problems.
Then warm down in the shower as I shave.
After shower, rub him down with Gold Bond Healing.

Whole session is about a half hour or so.

Then, in the afternoon or evening when the timing works, I do the inverted V stretch. However, I use my own home made stretching setup so that I can leave it on for an hour. I v-bend it and strap it around the leg. I do half hour on the left and a half hour on the right.

I must also add that I get about 3-4 days a week on this, with no real consistency of on/off days. In a way, this might help. “Muscle confusion” is something that I believe works, and maybe this is also how you trick your parts into not getting too comfortable with a routine.

OH, and I also do additional sets of crank-yankers during the day. Usually about 30 cranks when I go to the restroom. Not with a strong pull, but enough to make sure everything’s staying loose. This part is totally inconsistent and there are many days I don’t do this.

So, for results, I have to tell you that it’s crazy, and you were right.

Starting: 7-5/16” TSFL, 5.7” circ mid shaft
2 months: 7.75” TSFL, 5.9” circ mid shaft.

14% increase in volume!!

Note: I use Total Stretched Flaccid Length. I figure that’s my “maximum capacity” and won’t vary based on EQ when trying to measure. I’m basing everything on differentials anyway, and am really only going to stop once she can’t handle any bigger.

Needless to say the wife definitely notices, and is “letting” me continue, ahhaha. She always said before that “You don’t need to, blah blah blah” to which I reply.. Well, I don’t NEED to.. But I want to.. And besides.. You like it!

Anyway, hope I didn’t ramble on too much.

But, thanks again, Mem, for sharing your success so that the rest of us can employ it!



I’m glad you managed to pick apart bits from my routine and work it into a routine of your own. It looks like, very much, your own take rather than a slavish attempt to follow what worked for me.

This place is a great source of info if you are willing to dig in and my routine wouldn’t exist without all the people who shared what worked before.

Thanks for sharing back.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I started gaining when i’ve done 1 month of your routine MEM :)

Unfortunately I ended it cause I didn’t seen results ,but after touching it i recognised some gains :) .

Started october 2011 :

BPEL 13.5 MSEG 14 BEG 14.5

Today : BPEL 14.3 ,MSEG 14 BEG 14.5

I like a bit of variation, so I’m doing mem’s routine today. :)

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results


I guess what I really took from your writeup was that I didn’t have to over do it, and I should get better results. Your routine shows that two times a day workouts with small hot work out and then later a stretching only workout is good. When I do your routine, I watch it and limit myself. The first time I did your routine, the pump up was totally ridiculous, but my EQ was no good. So, it was all show and no go, hahahaha. I throttled back alot (after reading *almost* the entire thread) and based it on what I felt. A good tingly feeling all around is good. Numbness after is bad.

I was doing alot of long-term stretching with my home made rig and honestly, I felt good stretch in the ligs, but not alot of results. Also, stretching that long was irritating to my skin.

AND, my EQ is so much better with two smaller routines, the flesh is able to adapt and get back to normal rather than take time to heal after putting it in traction for such a long time.

Anyway, glad to share, and hoping to reach my goals soon! Hahah. I have to say, when I took that measurement after only two months, my jaw hit the floor!

I hope others can continue to learn from all of the great knowledge on this site.

Thanks again,



I don’t get it. You gained but you stopped? Seeing as the point of PE is to gain, why stop? Can you take the elements that worked and do them?


I always had fun with this routine, felt like a good positive workout. Like PE with added PE (in the UK school system sense).


I’ve always thought that with PE you need to work smart, shake it up a bit like Firegoat, make every jelq stroke count, so that you only do the strokes that are effective. I think it’s easy to spend time PEing but get nowhere because the effort is lacking.

>A good tingly feeling all around is good. Numbness after is bad.<

That’s so true. It’s great when you feel the positive effects of a session.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento

I always had fun with this routine, felt like a good positive workout. Like PE with added PE (in the UK school system sense).

:) It’s a good routine. I like it. Very well thought out! I don’t miss school PE though - especially when I forgot my shorts! :)

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Yeah, the bin of misplaced shorts at my school from which you got to choose if you forgot your kit had a smell that I remember even now.

The routine is just a combination of previous stuff that I had read here. When I got here I read the whole of Main Members, Newbie and Hangers - the forums were a touch smaller back then.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.


I just posted some info about using a chin-up bar and hot water pipe insulation to do the stretch with, which I have been experimenting with now for some weeks. Might give some guys some ideas - for me I find it feels more effective: waterman888 - Waterman888’s progress log

Start: 6" BPEL x 5" EG (mid)

Current: 7.5" BPEL x 5.98" EG (average distal/mid/base shaft)

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6.5" EG (whole shaft)

Hi every body,

Thanks memento it seems to be a very great thread..

After having read almost the entire thread, I think I will start this routine after the Newbie Routine within a month or two (as I am a false “amateur”)

I will incorporate little at little the V stretch (as for every body it takes a time to get the best techniques) and the doube session ..

Great time to all. See you

It’s a big step from the newbie routine to this. If you are determined to follow this routine, it would be sensible to ease in.

Even if you have reasonable experience, this routine can be quite taxing.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Yes absolutely, I do not imagine enter into this routine right now, as even if I had previous experience of PE from the past PLUS extender (meaning tunica extension work) also, I think this routine completely fit to somenone having trained is penis quiet well )in order to avoid negative PE) and enough motivated to follow seriously the indications..

Many thanks, as I said, I will do my linear routine plus sometimes extender work.. Then littla at little enter into a more work aspect with your routine..

Do not hesitate to let me know, someone of this thread (a newbie0 has been trying your routine after several weeks of Newbie routine..

Thanks for your approach which follow a principle that I like “listening his body, and trying focus on health and efficiency rather than in simple machin efforts”.

I m still convinced that the double session fit great with performance.. The question hat everbody has to ask him self is “is my penis allowing such efforts, if yes great, if no I should rather adapt the routine to mz possibility”, that s why I m going to start with thte newbie routine PLUS extender (sometines) and V strecht.. Then increase to get a double session in 5 five consecutive days.

What do you think about that Memento ?

I would agree. When I tried to do a full Memento’s Miraculous Dong Maker routine, I got a hugely inflated dong and no EQ.. BAD !! Hahaha

I pushed it too hard.

MOdify it to fit. It works! And work up to it!

Great routine! Don’t underestimate staying warm the whole time. I added an additional 5min warm up in the middle of the PM session and am getting way better blood flow.


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