Sorry for taking long to reply; I didn’t expect so much attention from that post (okay, I also wanted to forget about it for a while :D )
It’s good to know others have had similar experiences, but also I feel for you guys)
>Second, great idea on making a dildo. That’s damn ingenious. I have to >try that one time. I assume the skillet has to be non-stick. Does the hot >wax melt the condom? How many times did you try before you got it >right? How long do you let the wax sit before pouring? Do you wait until it >starts to film up a little? (Can you tell I am interested?)
I’m not sure.. non-stick would most likely be better for cleanup.
Nope, the hot wax hasn’t melted the condom so far. Wax is great in its ability to retain heat (which is why one can apply fairly hot wax to their skin w/o suffering serious burns) I’d only get the wax as hot as necessary to liquify it, though.
I got it “right” the first time trying it. I did do something similar again with another condom to add a base to the dildo.
No, I didn’t wait until it starts to solidify. This might not be a bad idea, though. The problem I had was keeping the thing in a nice position for solidification. I ended up closing a cabinet on the end of the condom and letting part of it rest on the ground for a nice curve.
Hmm.. took 6 days for me to respond. I’d have already tried it by now, probably. Have much success?
>Third, why are dildos illegal? I know many asked but I never read a >legitimate reason.
I’m not sure… probably officially because we don’t want the poor women to injure themselves! Unofficially, maybe because of jealousy/competition?
>What makes you think she was trying not to react the next time you >tried? Was there some conversation that you might have failed to
Because she wasn’t making the same moans or thrusting movements she usually does.
>mention that cause her to think that you felt insecure about her climaxing >with the dildo?
She could tell I was a bit upset after the first time, but I said it was “nothing.” I think maybe she understood why.
>Maybe she was trying not to react because she told you
>that she didn’t want you to use it on her, yet you had anyway, so she in >turn didn’t want to give you the satisfaction of being as turned on as she
> was before. (Assuming she thinks you must be turned on by her >response since you insist on using it again on her).
Could be… that’s not what I believe, though.
In any case, there was no mistaking the orgasm at the ‘end’ of the session.