Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

More evidence of size importance: Dildo Test

Right on brothers …… this is all true.

I was talking with my significant other last night on phone, once again to get behind the “you’re perfect” crap ….. and I elicited something revealing— finally. Bascially, I hit her with ye ole penis size dialectic trick. That is, I couched my discussion in terms of asking how she would feel about a very small penis vs. a very large cock (i.e. 13 inches).

Actually, first, I approached the whole topic, even more elusively, by inversely talking about vaginas first and how I read about such and such levels of orgasm thus leading me to believe that penis size matters. This led to anecdotally talking about impact of love vs. just penis size/physicality on lovemaking, then launched into a bit of hypotheticals. Not surprisingly, she professed her absolute belief in love being paramount, which I was very pleased to hear though not because I didn’t figure this before (because I love, trust her and have faith she is being genuine about that). However, in essence, the trap was set—she was now comfortable going a little deeper if you will (btw, it’s amazing how truly metaphorical lovemaking is in relation to dynamics of everyday life, but I digress).

Anyway, next I brought up the dialetic, talking first about loving a man with a very small penis then moving to a man who had the 13 incher, asking if you would feel comfortable making love to either man. Not surprisingly, she brought up lovemaking first as opposed to just sex, as being paramount, but then something more came out. She explained, well, with the man with the very very penis, I would advocate penis exercises, and the man with the 13 incher, well that’s just a waste of 3 inches. OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, thanks.

Btw, I am at 8 inches. Guess I’ve got a ways to go, but in the spirit of PE, I ain’t a lost cause either.

Start: 7.5 x 6 BPL; Current: 8.75 x 6.5 BPL; Goal: 10.5 x 7 BPL; Why we do it: "After half an hour of foreplay I was ready and although it was initially hard to get in, once it was fully in, I allowed it to rest there for a few minutes and allow my vaginal canal to relax more. The following sex was amazing, . . . it made me have multiple orgasms for about 40 mins. . . . How naive [I had been]. . . . size is everything."

Originally posted by AirAl
Can someone give me a good repuitable site at which to buy a dildo? My GF bought me one of those kits to cast my erection for her use when I'm out of town but in a fiasco reminiscent of an "I Love Lucy" episode I couldn't pull off the implimentation. :-)

I’ve ordered from this site, they seem to have the best selection and the best prices. Be prepared for in-exact size dimensions, some are close but most aren’t. At least they list the "insertable" length, and have reviews of many of them:


01/01/03 6.50" BPEL, 5.25" EG

10/6/05 7.50" BPEL, 5.60" EG

I am LUCKY, I talked my girl into showing me her dildo. Thank GOD it wasn’t the classic 8x6. It was only about 6x5 WHEW!!!!!!!!!!!

1.25 inches down, 1.75 to go!!!!!! For 8" NBP

Thanks wesb.

It’s been a bit bothersome enough that everytime I’ve hooked up with a woman she’s had bigger. At least one or more bigger men. I know because I’ve always asked in a round about way. I’m not about to buy her a dildo bigger than me. It’s enough to have to contend with all the big men who seem to get around to women quite well. My way of looking at it is that I’ll just have to join the bigman group instead of being envious. Meanwhile though, a big dildo just represents more trouble to me.

Originally posted by kkevinj
I am LUCKY, I talked my girl into showing me her dildo. Thank GOD it wasn't the classic 8x6. It was only about 6x5 WHEW!!!!!!!!!!!

Now ask her to show you her OTHER dildo…, the one for her vagina…

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

That’s a good one chickenchoker.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

Why must women be politically correct abou size?

I suppose because they are good women and don’t want to hurt a guy.I think it would be better if women would just give a straight answer when asked if she’s had bigger or if bigger is better. Sometimes the woman may really actually not prefer bigger but by trying too much to be kind and beating around the bush about it makes it appear so. And then of course there are the women who do care and are trying to be kind. So now it’s hard to tell the do care from the don’t care because they are using the exact same lines at times. And then there are women who do care and will are quite blunt about it.

When asked if size matters or if she’s had bigger women will often say everything but answer the question directly. Personally when I hear an indirect answer I believe the question has been dodged. Some of you may disagree with me on this—- Examples I’ve heard and/or have heard guys say have had said to them by women are” You’re perfect the way you are (this answer means she’s had bigger but it’s too unclear an answer to know if bigger is actually better to her or not) ; “I prefer an average guy that can use it to a big guy that can’t use it” (to me this clearly indicates if the big guy happens to know how to use it also then bigger is better to her— why else did she answer in this way?);”Bigger ones are too tiring on the mouth and not good for anal”(but notice she didn’t mention intercourse— she understood the question was about intercourse but brought up oral and anal instead probably because she’s good hearted); “I don’t remember”(she’s either really doesn’t remember or is avoiding answering —-while I believe a woman can actually not remember I would think the big ones should be easier to recall and this answer scares me the most); “It’s how you use it” (in this case she can actually mean it and it is all good to her—- it’s hard to tell when they really mean it here and when just being kind—- there’s the chance how a bigger guy uses it could have more on an effect on her and she’s just not saying. I notice if they have avoided the question first with one of the above answers first. That can help indicate).

There’s other indirect lines from women I’ve heard of I can think of but I’ll stop here.

I want to add that I’m not coming down on women who are being kind. I recognise they are good people to answer in such a way when they do care about size. and I do understand they may at times even not care about size despite their indirect reponses. On the other hand it can be transparent. I treat women kind in my life and that’s why they open up to me and tell me like it is eventually. But it usually starts out with lines like that above. I read posts where women use all the lines and then some; will type 2 paragraphs answering but still hasn’t directly answered the question about does it matter at least some to her.

I took my girl into a sex shop to buy a dildo, I asked her to pick one so she points out the red one, the women behind the desk said sorry thats the fire extinguisher lol.

7 x 7 1/2 NBPEL

Shooting for 8 x 7 NBPEL


Maybe I need to search huh… She told me she wants a glow in the dark dildo. I’ll tell her that I will buy her a 8x6 one and see what she says.
Hope she says, NO WAY!!!!! I told her that I want my dick 8x6 and she said “WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO, KILL THE PUDDY!!!!”…..LOL

1.25 inches down, 1.75 to go!!!!!! For 8" NBP

Originally posted by freewilly
I took my girl into a sex shop to buy a dildo, I asked her to pick one so she points out the red one, the women behind the desk said sorry thats the fire extinguisher lol.



Buy it for her anyway I bet she has no problem with it, she’s just a smart chick and knows guys are fucked up about penis size

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Sage advice:

When it comes to former lovers - don’t ask and don’t tell. Nothing good will ever come of it.
Penis size matters. The bigger the better within reasonable limits, but this is many times more important to the man than it is to the woman. If a man with a 4” erection satisfies her sexually, then thats good enough for her. If the same man does pe and gets a 7” erection and doesn’t forget his skills - so much the better.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Originally posted by Dino9X7


Buy it for her anyway I bet she has no problem with it, she's just a smart chick and knows guys are fucked up about penis size


7 x 7 1/2 NBPEL

Shooting for 8 x 7 NBPEL

Luvdadus, I know you’re right about not asking but unfortunately for me my curiousity has been almost overwhelming in the past. But maybe I can stop my trend of asking because I’m no longer as curious as I was. Why? Because I think I’ve figured out it’s just like what you just said—-size matters to women but isn’t as important to them as it is to men. I still think there are bound to be a few women it doesn’t really matter to. There is a group I want to mention though—— size queens. I believe they are a small percentage of women probably(perhaps 10 % to 20 % of women I’m guessing , what do you guys think?). Size is very important to them and they are vocal about it.

Last edited by beenthere : 11-03-2003 at .


I think size queens are much rarer than that.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


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