Thunder's Place

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More Hangers Or Extender Users?

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Have You Tried Hanging/Extender For A Significative Amount Of Time?

I tried hanging but not wearing an extender


I tried wearing an extender but not hanging


I tried both


I tried none of the two

Total Votes: 185. You may not vote on this poll

I would guess that a majority of guys hang whilst sitting in front of a computer. I got a comfortable padded office chair and simply scooted my hips down so I was on the edge. I had an “L” shaped corner desk would even put both feet up on the desk on either side of my monitor.

Running a Massive Co-Front.


I have gained (regained ?) about an inch over 7 months mainly by extending but recently have started pumping as well. I must qualify my gains by clarifying that prior to starting PE 7 - 8 months ago my unit shrank by more than 1 inch since my youth. I was then 6 1/4” BEPL. I started doing a bit of jelqing and hand stretching but nothing serious but recovered a little. When I started extending about 7 months ago I measured 5 1/4” BEPL. I now measure 6 1/4” BEPL, back where I was many years ago.

Apart from PE, I have taken up more cardio exercise, lost weight and take supplements (principally l-arginine and test boosters) to improve my EQ. I also started pumping mainly to enhance EQ but have found it also complements extending for PE but early days as of now.

So how much of my gains can be attributed to extending rather than other things that enhanced my EQ is problematical. My EQ could still be improved and is not as good as it was when I was young. My EQ was very good after I started PE and has been up and down since but my BEPL has steadily been increasing in little spurts often after a deconditioning break. My flaccid length certainly took off after I started extending and is now consistently longer than it ever was before. I noticed flaccid gains well before BEPL started growing.

I have never hung and am reluctant to do so using heavy weights because of injury worries.

I do moderate jelqing and kegel both while extending and pumping.

Thanks Austfred.

31 votes, can’t we do better than that?

I was doing a routine of the Bathmate for 10 minutes followed by an extender for a few hours. A few months back I put down the BM due to concerns over fluid retention and discoloration. I started hanging with the monkey bar vac 4.1 version using 5 lbs of weight for two 20 minute sets and have worked my way up to 7.5 lbs for two 30 minute sets. I jelq for 10 minutes between hanging sessions and for 10 minutes after hanging sessions. I follow that up with at least an hour of extender, sometimes up to 4 hours. I have noticed some loss in girth but I think that is mostly from the constant fluid retention I was seeing from the BM. From what I’ve read if you want length and girth you should focus on length first, so I’ve switched up my routine to focus on length first.

I think extenders tends to ‘clean up’ your penis from fluids actually.

I don’t know if the ‘length first’ theory has merit, but for sure I wouldn’t recommend pumping and an extender at the same time.

Originally Posted by marinera
I don’t know if the ‘length first’ theory has merit, but for sure I wouldn’t recommend pumping and an extender at the same time.

I pump and use an extender, but not at the same time, assuming you mean having an extender on in the tube. I tried hanging with 3-5 lbs for about a month and experienced slight nerve damage, it scared the hell out of me. I had numbness in the top 1/3 of my glans/shaft, not a good feeling. I feel over the long term I had gained a better flaccid hang with the extender and some slight erect length.

Start 5-12-12 BPEL 6.5" EG 5.50" Midshaft

Now BPEL 7.625" EG 6.25" Midshaft

Long term goal NBP 8x6 - "Herman the one eyed German"

I quite often pump for twenty minutes after an extending session. I fell it maintains the the stretched length a little longer whil I am working on my girth. If you then slip on a tight cock ring you can pleasure your partner with an amazing erection.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Let me emend what I said : pumping after extending is actually a good idea. Extending after pumping is not. Said it succintly: you want the least amount of blood in your penis while extending (or hanging).

At first I tried an extende(Penimaster) . Used it for about a year with some breaks between, after which I switched to vac hanging. This is where I’m developing my skills for nearly 1.5 years . I think it is the best lengthening exercise as you can do because tension never drops (like in the case of an extender) and you can use it long sets(I do 3-4 hours straight). The problem at the moment for me is not being as consistent as I would like to be(life gets in the way).

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Originally Posted by alin
You can use it long sets(I do 3-4 hours straight)

Dang Alin that is a looooong set, I’m new to the vac hanging and was worried about going 30 minutes without a break. From your stats it looks like you’ve made some solid gains too. Could/Would you recommend I work towards longer sets rather than higher weighs? I recently went to 7.5 lbs from 5 lbs for two 30 minute sets in the morning then repeat the same routine before going to bed.

Originally Posted by Stretch 2
Assuming you mean having an extender on in the tube.

I definitely didn’t mean an extender in the tube, I meant an extender after using the bathmate. Sorry for any confusion.

Tried both, but not long enough to matter so I won’t vote.

I used bathmate and it is pants so I keep on using my extender for about two hours daily it works for me so far. I do strechting excecises for about five min before extending.

I would probably want to buy a pump with a gauge see what I can achieve with it never used before so I wlould not mind someones advice over it.

Blue eye, blonde latino

Thanks Sricardo. You should ask in the Pumpers Forum for that I think. :)

extending AND pumping

Originally Posted by marinera
I think extenders tends to ‘clean up’ your penis from fluids actually.

I don’t know if the ‘length first’ theory has merit, but for sure I wouldn’t recommend pumping and an extender at the same time.

I’m sure Marinera knows what he is talking about.

I extend in the morning (currently 2 -3 hours per day, 5 days per week) and dynamically pump for about 15 mins (recently up from 10 mins) each evening before sleep.

Believe the pumping improves mainly EQ and girth and the extending mainly length but also assists EQ if not overdone.


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