Thunder's Place

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More Hangers Or Extender Users?

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Have You Tried Hanging/Extender For A Significative Amount Of Time?

I tried hanging but not wearing an extender


I tried wearing an extender but not hanging


I tried both


I tried none of the two

Total Votes: 185. You may not vote on this poll

Sure it does Cantlook.

Edit: just a brief note; although more similar to an extender, still it was stress relaxation at work not creeping, like in hanging, because the penis is held at costant length for a while, then it is stretched further.

Last edited by marinera : 08-10-2013 at .

Originally Posted by marinera
Sure it does Cantlook.

Edit: just a brief note; although more similar to an extender, still it was stress relaxation at work not creeping, like in hanging, because the penis is held at constant length for a while, then it is stretched further.

I know many extenders just hold the penis at a certain length but the device I used made use of springs with a wide range so it wasn’t just being “held” at a certain length like a static extender, even if after wearing it for a few minutes and my penis stretched out an 1/8” or 1/4” there was always still always a certain amount of force at play (6 pounds to start, then depending on how much I stretched maybe 4 pounds), much like with hanging, where gravity is always applying the same force regardless of how much the penis is stretched.

I just wanted to clarify that difference. I don’t know if that helps or makes things worse. :)

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Still there is a difference as I understand it; in your case the device allowed for stress relaxation more than creep, as explained below

“Creep is a loading condition where a constant force is applied to a material over a long period of time. Thus force or load is held constant while the displacement is allowed to vary (Fig.7). Stress Relaxation is another loading condition that can be applied to a viscoelastic material. The subject material is held in a fixed displacement. Thus displacement is constant while the force is allowed to vary (Fig. 8). With SPS, a series of incremental increasing displacements are held constant over a prescribed period of time (Fig.9)


TTT for the prescribed SPS/Stress Relaxation approach was up to thirty-four (34) times shorter than other methods evaluated here….”

marinera - More Hanging Sets or Adding Extender

I have tried both. I have been extending for almost three years. About 2.5 years ago I tried hanging with a sock hanger for about 3 months and built up to 13 lbs. I believe I gained almost 1/4” but had to give it up for privacy issues when my wife finished up her physical therapy sessions.

When extending, I try to maintain the tension between 1000 gr and 1200 gr by adjusting the bar length every ten to fifteen minutes.

Last edited by dtwarren1942 : 08-10-2013 at .

Originally Posted by marinera

Still there is a difference as I understand it; in your case the device allowed for stress relaxation more than creep…

Thanks… I was just clarifying my experience in case someone was trying to weigh it against their own. :)

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Hi marinera ! I have gotten solid gains from hanging when I have the privacy to do so. I’d estimate 1/2 in. length and base girth (over several years). Now being married I rarely have the time or privacy to hang, but when I can, my penis responds really well. The extender has never done much IMO. I prefer a cock ring or stealth wrap, more comfort, less bulk, noise, or chance of slipping off.

Thanks for your feedback Gmoney. May I ask how many hours roughly you worn the extender?

Originally Posted by marinera
Thanks for your feedback Gmoney. May I ask how many hours roughly you worn the extender?

Between 2-5 hours a day for about 6 months.

Thanks. That should be enough to start seeing gains. It seems hanging toughens tissues so much that gaining through extenders is harder, which is consistent with the advice of always progressing from the lower force to the highest, not the other way around.

I have tried both. I have never used a commercial rocket science extender with springs and such.

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Originally Posted by marinera
It seems hanging toughens tissues so much that gaining through extenders is harder, which is consistent with the advice of always progressing from the lower force to the highest, not the other way around.

Yeah, unfortunately I came across vacugrip before I found this great site. But I still see gains hanging when I can, jelqing and manually stretching consistently.

I wear an extender at work and sometimes at home. Since my job requires me to sit down by the computer most of the time, it is difficult to hang. I would love to hang but it is not feasible. If you have any advice to hang for “sitter”, please message me. Much obliged.

Pulley systems work. Some people just screw a hook into the bottom of their desk. You’d need to be sure it can take the weight.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I like to do both. I hang with a 5 pound weight for 20 minutes. Then I wear the extender for 1.5 hours, or more or less. I think using them in combination helps achieve quicker results because hanging stretches the ligaments faster than an extender. Once the ligaments are fully stretched from hanging, an extender can be worn to apply gentle tension to the penis. These techniques have helped me grow and cement gains.

Sept 2020 BPEL 16.5-17.5 cm, BPFLS 17.5-18 cm. Clamped x4+ BPEL 18-19 cm. Head girth 12.5 cm, MSG 16 cm, BG 16.5 to 18 cm

Goal is 21 cm BPEL, 20 cm EL, 15 cm head girth.

Originally Posted by memento
Pulley systems work. Some people just screw a hook into the bottom of their desk. You’d need to be sure it can take the weight.

Of course the Lat Pull-down/Low-row machine in the home Gym is a very good apparatus to hit all angles and as huge as it is that’s a piece of PE equipment you won’t need to explain.

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