Thunder's Place

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More Hangers Or Extender Users?

View Poll Results:

Have You Tried Hanging/Extender For A Significative Amount Of Time?

I tried hanging but not wearing an extender


I tried wearing an extender but not hanging


I tried both


I tried none of the two

Total Votes: 185. You may not vote on this poll

I’ve tried both. I used the PeniMaster Pro for a little over 2 full months, religiously and as directed. I gained nothing. I ordered a Bib Starter hanger but just cant seem to get the hang of how to use it (along with wrapping) correctly and comfortably. I learn every time I try and fail though… I’ll update this if I ever get the hang of it and into a regular hanging routine.

Worth noting that the only thing I’ve ever gained from (albeit minimally) was jelqing.

On and off since 2007

Started (October 2007) at: 5.5 BPEL x 4.75 EG

Last Did PE (March 2012) at: 6.00 BPEL x 5 EG

I’m now on Hanging with a Bib starter, it’s my 13th week at 10pounds! I try to do 10hrs/week! And as a post hanging I use my ADS for 1 or 2 hrs to keep my cock stretch!

I have gain 1/4 ” over this time! I will continu for 8 more weeks at 10hrs and go back to work so hanging for more then 1hr/day won’t be possible..not sure if I can gain at 1hr/day?? That’s why I think I will take a brake for 2-3 weeks and go work on girth with jelq, Bathmate & clamp!

Start 04-26-2013: BPEL: 7", MSEG: 5 5/8. gain till 01-10-2014 BPEL: 8", MSEG 5 7/8. 4 years Brake.

Start #2 01-17-2018 BPEL: 7 5/8, MSEG: 5 7/8

NOW: BPEL: 8 1/4", MSEG: 6" . Goal: 9x6.5"

Does anyone really wear and gain from extenders. Most of the post on here favor hanging, especially in regards to gains. So confused

Hang or stretch

I just started hanging this week with a Captain’s Wench. I don’t have the wrapping right yet. Slippage and skin pulling. Yeeow!


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