Thunder's Place

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Most intense girth ideas


Most intense girth ideas

I thought I’d post here and see if anyone could come up with any intense girth ideas that I haven’t heard of.

I’m doing some very intense stuff now and seem to have plateaued, and I figure I just have to go one step further to start gaining again.

I basically triple clamp every night, and during most clamps I push the head of my cock towards my body to increase the pressure… this is the most intense I’ve gone so far. I would go for longer clamping sessions, but I hit a point where the swelling of my cock becomes too much (by the swelling of my cock I’m referring to any enlargement of tissue not including the tunica) and it becomes difficult and painful to clamp. Right now I can get to at most 7.5 inches in girth after a long session (from about 6.5 pre-clamp) and I think I’d need to get up to about 8 or so to be able to reach my goal size (my goal size is actually 6.5… the measurement I mention above is any day following a night of clamping… regular girth would be about 6.25).

So I’m here asking for people to give the most intense girth ideas they can think of, or to suggest existing ones which I may not have heard of. Yes I realize this is crazy, and if I think it’s too much for me I won’t do it. I just can’t think of how to keep gaining with what I’m doing now.

I dunno about more intense stuff, I think clamping is usually the most intense you can get. Maybe you should have a decon break?

PE isn't a chore. PE is a lifestyle.

If you feel down sometimes, come live inside my mind. I promise you'll enjoy the experience.

Originally Posted by Mick
I thought I’d post here and see if anyone could come up with any intense girth ideas that I haven’t heard of.

I’m doing some very intense stuff now and seem to have plateaued, and I figure I just have to go one step further to start gaining again.

I basically triple clamp every night, and during most clamps I push the head of my cock towards my body to increase the pressure… this is the most intense I’ve gone so far. I would go for longer clamping sessions, but I hit a point where the swelling of my cock becomes too much (by the swelling of my cock I’m referring to any enlargement of tissue not including the tunica) and it becomes difficult and painful to clamp. Right now I can get to at most 7.5 inches in girth after a long session (from about 6.5 pre-clamp) and I think I’d need to get up to about 8 or so to be able to reach my goal size (my goal size is actually 6.5… the measurement I mention above is any day following a night of clamping… regular girth would be about 6.25).

So I’m here asking for people to give the most intense girth ideas they can think of, or to suggest existing ones which I may not have heard of. Yes I realize this is crazy, and if I think it’s too much for me I won’t do it. I just can’t think of how to keep gaining with what I’m doing now.

I don’t have any ideas that would be more intense then mentioned above, but I am curious of your PE/clamping routine and schedule.
How often do you take time off, and when is a good indication that you need a break?
I have been clamping and doing bends everyday for a little over a week and my fella may be tired, because I wasn’t getting as much expansion the other day.
I’m sorry to intrude on your thread, but you seem like you know what your are doing.

Thanks in advance Mick.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

After reading Mdrg’s post, I concur and agree that a deacon break wouldn’t be a bad idea. I wouldn’t take a long break, because you wouldn’t want to lose what you apparently slaved over for years.

I’d take a week off at the most, but maybe ten days.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Wrap your shaft completely instead of just wrapping the part where you clamp. Then, get enough clamps to wear you can progressively clamp all the way up the shaft with the exception of the glans. Xeno said it worked for him. He has a thread on it just do a search. By all means let us know how it goes for ya.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Perhaps your penis is conditioned to all that clamping and it’s time to mix it up a bit. You could throw in a post-clamping session of slow, methodical jelqing at around an 80% erection. Perhaps you could do a brief set of Uli’s or Horses. I guess what I’m getting at here is the idea of forcefully moving all that blood throughout the tunica after it’s been ‘passively’ stretched by the clamping session.

Originally Posted by spaghettidick
Wrap your shaft completely instead of just wrapping the part where you clamp. Then, get enough clamps to wear you can progressively clamp all the way up the shaft with the exception of the glans. Xeno said it worked for him. He has a thread on it just do a search. By all means let us know how it goes for ya.

Are you kidding? Lol.

I have actually tried quadruple and quintuple (five) clamping… but for some reason anything over three just doesn’t seem to work too well. I’ve never tried all the way up the shaft, but I’m not exactly sure what this would do other than only expand the head. Anyway, I’ll read the thread you mentioned… thanks.

To the replies suggesting a decon break… I’ve tried that and it really doesn’t work for me. The only thing it really does is make me lose the next day gains that I have, then I just have to work harder to get results I was getting before.

For Mr. T… I take as little time off as possible, for reasons mentioned above. I don’t seem to get less expansion if I go for a week or so. I will generally take maybe one day off a week, more because I’m forced to due to lack of time than because I want to though.

Oh ya, also, pumping is one solution I came up with. After all the intense clamping I could do some pumping. This wouldn’t irritate the sensitive tissue developed during clamping. I lost my fucking pump though and I don’t really want to buy another one. If I can’t think of anything else though I’ll buy a pump.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Triple clamp it, then put it under the wheels of your car and have someone roll over it. Start with once and work up to one hundred as you condition to it!

Seriously though, I don’t think you need more intense, maybe a layoff is the smart move here. I think you are really risking injury.

LOL! Maybe he should go for the ultimate PE - tying your dick to a bridge and then jumping off the bridge.

Just out of interest… How much would say is a good decon break, sparkyx? A week? Two weeks? A month?

PE isn't a chore. PE is a lifestyle.

If you feel down sometimes, come live inside my mind. I promise you'll enjoy the experience.

I’ll take your current girth and put away PE and you can have mine and gain as much as you like, deal? :)

I’ve tried like all girth exercises there is and gained nothing mid-shaft wise. I don’t think adding pumping to your schedule will increase your gains. Are you jelqing after each clamping set?

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

I’m sure that you’ve tried them before but….O-bends are the greatest thing ever and they can get pretty intense if you want them to

June 1st: Nbpel: 6.1 Sept 18th08: Nbpel: 6.2

Eg: 4.0 Eg: 4.5

Originally Posted by Mdrg
LOL! Maybe he should go for the ultimate PE - tying your dick to a bridge and then jumping off the bridge.

Just out of interest… How much would say is a good decon break, sparkyx? A week? Two weeks? A month?

The more intense your PE has been, the higher the pressure and the longer you have been doing it…the longer the time needed for decon.

Lets say you jelque with moderate force for about 30 minutes a day, a two week break would be pretty effective.

For super high pressure clamping for a long period of time, I don’t think anything less than 1 month would make much difference, and it might even take 6 months to be effective!

Compressig your penis from top to bottom (vertically, but also cautiously) while clamped near 100%. Not for the inexperienced or un-conditioned. (Side note: I need to start doing this again :) )

2005: 5.5 EL & 5.6 EG, FL: 4in > Now: 7.5 NBP & 6.1 MEG, 5.8 BG (Goal: MORE !)

Stumpy1's Progress Thread

Everytime I Visit Thunders, I Do 50 Kegels or More

Bad idea, Stumpy.

Originally Posted by Mick
Oh ya, also, pumping is one solution I came up with. After all the intense clamping I could do some pumping. This wouldn’t irritate the sensitive tissue developed during clamping. I lost my fucking pump though and I don’t really want to buy another one. If I can’t think of anything else though I’ll buy a pump.


I notice your a fellow Ontarioan. If your looking for a cheap, yet high quality pump, try Princess Auto. They have all kinds of awesome PE related stuff. A Powerfist vacuum pump runs for 20, and sometimes 15 dollars. They have lots of high quality PE merchandise once you see what they have, and think of things you want to do. If you don’t know where one is close to you just feel free to ask me anytime.

I'm consistent in spurts, but gains are undeniable!

2007: BPEL 5.5" / MSEG 4.7" / BG 5.5"

2017: BPEL 6.8" / MSEG 5.3" / BG 6"

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