Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My Biggest PE Fear

My Biggest PE Fear

I’m rather new to this game. I’ve been lurking around these boards for a while, maybe two months, but haven’t really posted anything. I’ve been at PE, likewise, for about two months. I have yet to see any measurable changes, but do feel slightly more “hung” in the flaccid state and have also noticed larger veins along my shaft. Despite the lack of measurable increases, I remain encouraged and determined to see this through.

Another thing I have noticed, is that after doing about 20-30 minutes of jelqing daily and an assortment of various stretches, my penis is starting to loose some of its sensitivity. Although I am determined to increase my modest size, (about 5.75 x 4.75), I am much more concerned about still having a functional dick when I’m in my thirties (right now I’m 18). My biggest fear is probably a fear shared by many other bubble-gummers such as myself. I don’t want to shock my dick numb. I have a long and hopefully active sexual life ahead of me, and whether it will be with a 5 or a 10 incher, I plan to use it, and will quit any attempts at PE if I feel like I am losing my ability to “perform.” That being said, I have a question.

I’ve gathered that the loss of sensitivity is caused mainly by nerve damage, especially the nerve bundle at the top of the head and the dorsal nerve along the top of the shaft. Is there any way to manually stretch without putting such an severe amount of pressure on the glans? Anyway, that’s about it. Thanks to everyone who contributes to this community. I am a kind of habitual liar, but I think that I may have finally found a place where I can be totally honest.

Re: My Biggest PE Fear

Originally posted by Obi
Is there any way to manually stretch without putting such an severe amount of pressure on the glans?

Yes, try pulling from behind the glands.

2-15-2003: 7.25" x 4.75"

4-24-2019: 7.75" x 5.375"

Goal: 6" EG | Picture proof

If done correctly PE will only enhance your sexual experience… You will have better erections, be able to last longer and yes, it will make it bigger… I am one of those slow gainers but I chalk much of that up to not understanding exactly how to do the exercises. I’ve been at this a year and it seems every week that goes by I’m learning how to do the expercises better w/ better results. Take things slow and easy as this is not a sprint but a marathon (forgot who said this but it’s true). Good to see you out in the open.


There is a mexican saying that goes “Lo importante no es saber llegar primero sino saber llegar”, i.e. the important thing is not to arrive first but to arrive. Regarding your fear, listen to your body (penis) and stop when it feels wrong.


>>Is there any way to manually stretch without putting such an severe amount of pressure on the glans?

Grip behind the head about 1/2”- 1”. When I do this and stretch down, I feel a stretch at my base. When I grip right behind the head, I feel a stretch on the top near the head, which is what I don’t want to feel. (Just doesn’t feel right to me.) Try different grips and see where you feel the pressure and use that as a guide.

My biggest PE fear is that I’ll rip the damn thing right off and I’ll have to go to the emergency room with my dick in a Tupperware container. Numbness and dysfunction are a distant second.

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

I’ve had enough close calls that I practically wrap my dick in bubble wrap and wear oven mits. I’ve been doing nothing but jelqs and squeezes for a while. Anything more makes me nervous now.

"It's not the destination that matters. It's the change of scene. " - Brian Eno

My biggest PE fear is that I cannot physically grow any more and am stuck at my current size for the rest of my life….

That’s scary…

Or maybe even worse - that I reach a certain point where the exercises are killing off cells and I begin to shrink - that would be super-bad.

Originally posted by secjay
My biggest PE fear is that I cannot physically grow any more and am stuck at my current size for the rest of my life….That's scary…

You’ve sparked up that little thought that I’ve thrown to the back of my mind and almost forgot about. Now it’s backing waving it’s ugly little head at me. Thanks a lot! ;) :D

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Originally posted by secjay
Or maybe even worse - that I reach a certain point where the exercises are killing off cells and I begin to shrink - that would be super-bad.

Shhh…. That’s impossible.


Right? :( ….. ;)

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

I often have the same thought Secjay (fortunately not the one about my cock shrinking ;) ). And it persists for as long as I’m not gaining. I get generally depressed in life, and it can almost put me to the point of tears and beyond (pretty sad of me, lol).

BTW: love the topic, don’t think I’ve read one on this before… :)


I am frightened and afraid, and yes, scared even!

Lets just keep telling ourselves: “It’ll never happen to me”
OR: “Thats just a story parents tell their children to scare them from pulling on their dicks too hard”

Yeah Obi, it’s all in the grip. Loss of sensitivity is in no way “normal” with PE. My erections are harder than they’ve been in 15 years (I’m 38) and my penis is as sensitive as it ever was.

Never pinch the penis on the top side of the shaft, directly below the head. That’s a no-no. I try to grip the sides of the shaft, just below the head, or around the corona (with an OK grip). And don’t squeeze too hard. If you’re having grip problems use baby powder or a toilet tissue, etc. PE is not supposed to damage the cock.

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