Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My Girlfriend said those lovely words...

I think it is a wind up guys!

Previously known as rundown.

I think maybe so. Mr Orange has only posted once in this forum.

But, this technique of flacid bend and squeeze sounds like an exercise that could work. What do you think?

Guys sorry for the delay in responding, and I can imagine this is a wind up, if I read it I wouldnt believe it but after killing my dick for a year and making zero gains, I know it had to be technique. My previous stats were 6” length and 4.8” girth, so now I am bang on 7” and 6” girth (like I said nearly an inch and a half). Thing is before I worked on my technique using Jelquing I could get my girth quite big whilst exercising but I never could make it stick, so I feel I made no gains. Now my gains are staying and allowing me to build on each session, so maybe with hindsight the change of technique may have benefitted from the previous years workouts…..

The point I was trying to make to you guys is that I think the it suited me is because I have gotten to understand when my dick is ready to exercise and when its ready to take a good expansion of blood. Sorry If I was unclear but I am basicly doing what one guy did before where he pulled his 70% erect penis down and bent it and rolled the bend along its length. I am doing the same but more flacid, using a combination of my hands my pc muscle to pump blood into my penis and then begin to bend my dick in any position where I can acheive the max expansion, I know when I have acheived this as my dick does go lumpy in the immedeate area, then I work along, making sure I dont start to get too hard and that my dick is malable. To be honest I think it will work with any PE exercise as long as my penis is in the right state any other degree of hardness and density will be a waste of time and the stetch my penis undergoes wont stick, but that I feel is how my own penis repsonds the best!!!

I wouldnt say I have found the holy grail I have just found my own key to unlock what suits me and I now you guys will find yours by reading all the forum info, trying testing improving tweaking and finding your own method.

Yes it didnt take long, the question is will it plateau, I am gessing it will, or has something esle changed to make this happen, I cant be sure, but I have not made any gains over the last week and thats been 4 sessions and I was making gains at every session in the previous two weeks. Also I have been doing alot of hill sprinting recently and supposedly that causes quite a boost in HGH and testosterone… but that may be grasping at straws..

Still being dumb and not quite understanding this technique. Congratulations though!

Previously known as rundown.

Originally Posted by mrorange
My previous stats were 6” length and 4.8” girth, so now I am bang on 7” and 6” girth (like I said nearly an inch and a half).

Thats unreal gains, I believe you said you gained this much in a few months time?

Originally Posted by mrorange
I am basicly doing what one guy did before where he pulled his 70% erect penis down and bent it and rolled the bend along its length. I am doing the same but more flacid, using a combination of my hands my pc muscle to pump blood into my penis and then begin to bend my dick in any position where I can acheive the max expansion,

Let me see if I have this.
You don’t jelq at all?
You just apply pressure at the base, then do bends up and down the shaft?
Do you bend it backwards, or to the side, or down? How long do you hold it for?
Could you describe the bends? this seems to be a important aspect.

About 4 sessions a week?
At very low erection levels…
If this is the holy grail of PE. We can name it mro’svague

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Ok forget my last post, I just tried the method mrO has presented. First of all I’d like to point out that I have been a proponent of jelqing at low erection levels. So when mrO posted this, I was extremely interested to say the least.

This exercise is the single most intense low erection level exercise I’ve ever done! It’s kinda scary really, that thing blows up like a balloon. I think this is a really good exercise. When he says low erection level, he ain’t lying. It has to be low for one thing, if there is any stiffness it wont bend or expand. Erection level is key, just like mrO stated!

MrO really didn’t do a bad Job explaining his method. You have to try it then come back and re-read what he wrote. Then it makes much better sense.

How long do you hold the bend for mrO? I was kinda afriad to go very long per set. With my base hand I was cutting off circulation completly. I was bending for maybe 1 to 2 minutes. Do you go much longer than that?
Do you bend then hold or do more of a slow rolling technique?
And do you do any form of jelqing?

Did you come up with this exercise? I haven’t seen this method before.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

The way I understand it, just fold your flacid penis in half, clamp the base, and use the other hand to squeeze the folded unit so the part at the crease receives intense pressure. Then, move the crease so all areas of the shaft receive the pressure. You don’t have to bend down, you can also bend up or to the side. Does that describe it acurately?

Do you just bend it or do you bend it around your finger or thumb. And are you keeping the OK grip tight around the base the whole time after you pump some blood in there?

Thanks Micro

I think this needs a MAJOR description from someone!

Previously known as rundown.


I have a question I am working on in this thread,

When I have made great gains, I…

What signs do you notice when you have gotten it right? Enlargement at that time, larger flaccid size during the day? Increased erectile force and frequency at nite and in the morning? What tells you that your session has been productive and how do you know when to do it again

I am examining what Physiolgic Indicators are noticed that show you that you are "in the zone" and what ones indicate you are doing too much or too little.


I just wanted to congratulate Mr. Orange on his PE discovery. I can’t help but be a little skeptical by the amazing gains over such a short time, but you did gain something significant and that’s what matters. I tried this new technique, in my own little way, and I must say that it delivers a hell of a work-out.

This might be the holy grail of PE. To bad MrO doesn’t post but once a year!

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Seems kinda risky though, but maybe I don’t understand it properly.

Previously known as rundown.

We need more info!!!???

This is what I did and it worked very well.

After the normal warm ups and stretches. At a very low erection level almost flaccid. I grab the base with my right hand (strong hand) in the standard OK grip. I would then bend the penis down towards the ground, if you were standing. Starting right at the grip and slowly work my way up the shaft. According to the talkative MrO he bends his in any and every direction. I am new to this and have only been bending down and back, mostly down. Working at such low erection levels there is no pain. But you can feel and see the expansion which is huge right at the bend!

I have done a few variations:
Pull a little with the base hand towards the glans it intensifies even more.
Start the exercise standing in front of your bed. Push your head into the mattress and slowly roll it down, then roll it back. This is amazing you have your base hand pushing blood forward, you have the bend expanding and you also have the head pushing blood back. Also kegel allot! I also mix in some C grip jelqing, kegeling after every stroke with very slow strokes over 3 seconds always.

Just try to do what I’m saying. It took me about 20 minutes of messing around before I started to understand what MrO had posted. Erection level is key. You want an erection that you can bend so that clearly isnt very high. The more you do it the better of an idea you will have to where the erection level needs to be.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


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