Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My New Newbie Routine

My New Newbie Routine

I’m going to begin this routine on the following Monday (Feb. 2, 2004). It’s basic, and could be used as a beginner’s routine actually – which is by design. I’ll be doing this routine every other day.

Each session will begin with a 5-minute hot wrap, and end with a 10-minute hot wrap.

The jelqs will be wet jelqs, done with a firm grip – and slowly, at least 3-5 seconds each.

Off Days: 3-5 minutes of moderate stretching, followed by 15-20 rotary cranks. These are to be done slowly and with constant tension. Do 15-20 clockwise, then 15-20 counter-clockwise. Also, do a few piss tugs every time I’m in the bathroom.

Week #1: 5 minutes moderate stretching, 200 slow strong wet jelqs, 10 minutes heavier stretching, 25 rotary cranks each direction

Week #2: 5 minutes moderate stretching, 225 slow strong wet jelqs, 12 minutes heavier stretching, 30 rotary cranks each direction

Week #3: 5 minutes moderate stretching, 250 slow strong wet jelqs, 13 minutes heavier stretching, 35 rotary cranks each direction

Week #4: 5 minutes moderate stretching, 275 slow strong wet jelqs, 15 minutes heavier stretching, 40 rotary cranks each direction

Week #5: 6 minutes moderate stretching, 300 slow strong wet jelqs, 16 minutes heavier stretching, 45 rotary cranks each direction

Week #6: nothing

Week #7: 5 minutes moderate stretching, 250 slow strong wet jelqs, 12 minutes heavier stretching, 30 rotary cranks each direction

Week #8: 6 minutes moderate stretching, 275 slow strong wet jelqs, 13 minutes heavier stretching, 35 rotary cranks each direction

Week #9: 6 minutes moderate stretching, 300 slow strong wet jelqs, 15 minutes heavier stretching, 40 rotary cranks each direction

Week #10: 6 minutes moderate stretching, 325 slow strong wet jelqs, 16 minutes heavier stretching, 45 rotary cranks each direction

Week #11: 7 minutes moderate stretching, 350 slow strong wet jelqs, 18 minutes heavier stretching, 50 rotary cranks each direction

Week #12: nothing

This routine will take me into late March 2004. I’ll assess it’s effectiveness then, and make any adjustments accordingly.

- wad

Wadzilla, if you are going to be stretching on your offdays it would not be a bad idea to get about 20 30 wet jelqs afterwards just for bloodflow. Because I was on a routine where I just stretched on certain days and on those days I had flaccid hang problems. Just a suggeston, Good Luck. It has been very interesting reading your recent posts.

Yeah, I normally would follow those with about 20 dry jelqs - 10 with each hand - just to help circulation.

I think that we often concentrate more on what we can do to our cocks, than about repair & growth of our units. I can remember doing a 1-on, 2-off routine long ago, and getting some gains. I think I didn’t stick with that because of some stupid ideas about what I should be doing.

I know that a number of paysite recommend 5-on, 2-off - saying that the 2 days off are needed for repair. However, if we’re talking about “repairing” any tissue that we’re “breaking down,” that’s not a good schedule. PE work obviously “does something” to our cocks, as evidenced by the bruising when we go overboard. I believe that rest days are just as important as workout days. And I think doing some stretching on off-days is not a bad thing, as it helps to promote the penis remaining in the extended state, without the trauma of a full workout.

I forgot to mention, I’ll be taking a good multi-vitamin/mineral supplement as well as plenty of ginseng. But this time around, I’m going to pay more attention to my package….I just might end up back on a 1-on, 2-off schedule.

And keep this in mind: just because somebody gained well working out 5, 6, even 7 days per week, does NOT prove that it was best for them. The only way to confirm one’s optimal workouts is to experiment. I knew guys at the gym whom I’m sure were overtraining; yet, because they were making some gains they ignored my advice. The inevitable happened: a sudden, very stubborn plateau - which they could not get beyond.

My approach is going to be hitting an intense but brief workout, then allowing growth to occur by taking adequate rest & dietary supplementation. I believe that PE gains need to be coaxed, not forced.

Originally posted by wadzilla
My approach is going to be hitting an intense but brief workout, then allowing growth to occur by taking adequate rest & dietary supplementation. I believe that PE gains need to be coaxed, not forced.

I came to the same conclusion myself. I just had a week off (did nothing at all. Boy going cold turkey is hard) and got back into it using the same routine I used when I started. The only difference will be a 3 on 2 off schedule were as I originally started with a 5 on 2 off schedule.

The longer I travel along the long and winding road of PE, the more I am beginning to believe that the most important thing we can do to facilitate the fastest gains possible is to take adequate rest periods to allow our penis’ to recover.

I am now a firm believer in “less is more”.

Wad, I am eagerly awaiting your results. My only concern is that maybe one week break between workout periods is not enough. I suppose that at the end of the 12 weeks you could always take an extra week break.

I always wondered how one would stretch after a jelq session. I don’t know about anyone else here but I’m pretty pumped after about 200 slow jelqs, and stretches are supposed to be done completely flaccid. So you got any advice wad?

Originally posted by inamo

I always wondered how one would stretch after a jelq session. I don't know about anyone else here but I'm pretty pumped after about 200 slow jelqs, and stretches are supposed to be done completely flaccid. So you got any advice wad?


Stretches don’t actually have to be done “completely” flaccid. There are obviously a number of guys who do erect stretches as an actual exercise. But I would say this, after your good set of about 200 slow strong wet jelqs, the cleanup can help relax your unit some. Wash off all the lube, dry it thoroughly, then apply some talcum. In the several minutes that takes, you should have lost a little inflation. Also, as was mentioned, after you’re finished with the post-jelq stretching, do about 20 dry jelqs just to aid circulation (sometimes, I end up wanking right after my wet jelqs, then it’s a pretty quick road to flaccidity anyway). :)

All that counting, counting, counting…….counting, counting, would drive me nuts! I put on some porn and go by the clock.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.


Just read the post about bigger guys having a potential to gain more. The reply by Seanjacobs suggests that having more surface area to expand may enhance gains for those with larger starting units. I’m thinking that this may apply to your current approach in that after some gains and a deconditioning period. We then start with a slightly larger surface area to ‘work’ with and have an opportunity for greater growth in this phase with of course the potential to repeat the moderate growth/revert to deconditoned cycle.

Just wondered what you thought.


gprent101 wrote:

>All that counting, counting, counting…….counting, counting, would drive me nuts! I put on some porn and go by the clock.<

Thank you. I figured out a long time ago how long a 3-4 second Jelq is, and I just crank ‘em for about 10/15/20/25 minutes, or however long it takes to reach my goal that day. I’m guessing a lot of people do that. Otherwise, what if you get to #287 and the phone rings? Then you’re screwed!


a quick question regarding your routine schedule….

You say you’ll be finishing up in late march, but by my calculations 11-12 weeks should be taking you to late april, instead of the late march you speak of. I was wondering whether this was an error in your math, or whether you are considering a “week” as six days instead of seven, since you are doing the 1 on/1 off schedule.

Yo Wadzilla,

any updates on this one ?

going for the 8x7 !!!

Sorry for the delay….

After an extended and very stubborn plateau, I decided on taking a break from PE. I went nearly a month cold turkey, so I wasn’t doing the routine.

Is jelqing more effective when you keep yourself close to orgasm for most of the time? I’m not talking about edging by jerking off, I mean just letting the jelqing strokes do the trick, then keep yourself there as best you can for the duration of the workout.

I always get a super pump this way, but sometimes I go overboard and when I do a horse squeeze, I’ll bust my nut by accident.

You think that keeping jelqing sexual will improve the results? It seems to make sense, but it’s hard to stay horny the whole time, every time… then dealing with the blue balls.

I dunno… just throwing it out there.

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