I have been going for about a month now and I am confident this will work. I was looking forward to hitting the one month mark and really starting to bump it up but I think instead, I need to take it down a notch. Slack even cautioned in a reply to one of my posts that it sounded like I was overdoing it. I didn’t think so at the time because I was never really pushing the pressure or tugging really hard, just mixing it up a lot. But, I have been noticing the lack of morning wood recently and the less-than-really-rigid erection when aroused. Alright, there is ONE thing I tried that I can probably point to as over-doing it. I did a preview of clamping one day (yes, stupid at the pre-one month mark) but just for a few minutes and I didn’t touch it while clamped. I just marveled at the ridiculous girth for a few minutes and took it off.
Anyhow, my normal routine involves a 2 day on, one day off but I am even backing off now to every other day and I think I may need to take an extended period off - like maybe 3 to 7 days (or longer :( ). I remember reading on here what sounded like a great suggestion and that was to let the morning wood be a guide as to how much we may be pushing things too hard. So, as tough as it is to give up for a few days, I think I am going to have to do it until the wood is back. Sounds like you may need to do the same.
On the plus side, there seems to be quite a bit of evidence on here that time off for full recovery is not necessarily time wasted. Some people seem to note a bit of a gain after time off. It’s true for weightlifting - muscle mass comes during rest. Period. You just look big immediately after a workout because of the extra blood/water in your muscle tissue. Hoping it will be similar with PE.