Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Need an Excuse for the Clicking Noise?

This is why I’m a big advocate of at least a “limited” truth leak to the wife…dude this just gets worse and worse! She may end up freakin’ out…imagining the worst, getting all paranoid and worried. The more you lie, the more embarrassed you are to come clean. NOT GOOD for a marriage! The more sneaky you get, the deeper she will dig, and the more scared she will get…really you have no idea the things she’ll be thinking!

I think, a guy living with his gal should say something like, “I recently read a article or study (whatever) where they talked about penile health, and how it will steadily decline with age. The best way to prevent it is increasing circulation. They gave some exercises that help prevent and reverse it…I want to start to do some of them.”

If she wants to see, great! Let her help, thats the best of all worlds. If later she comments that you are getting bigger, say that you noticed it too, and isn’t it lovely! :)

If she doesn’t want to participate, then all you pe gear or time can be explained by doing your “exercises”…SIMPLE AND CLEAN!

The way you are going, she is gonna freak out!

Originally Posted by figaro
My two cents,

1) Tell her. I told my wife, she thought I was weird, and still does. She knows I do it, doesn’t like it (even though she now cums every time we have sex) and our compromise is that she never sees it. I feel much better telling her. While telling her, I did downplay it, 5 minutes in the shower, etc, then she saw my clamp, I said I just put it on in the morning and wear it for 10 minutes while I am making coffee (I am wearing sweats) so it doesn’t take time away from anything. That one is important. It’s aside from the weirdness of it, it’s any wasted time that makes her mad.

Right…down play what you actually do, the amount of time etc. Present it as penile health, and keep it short and simple if she asks or wants to watch. Show her a simple 5 minute routine. For God’s sake (your sake) don’t explain a complex 5 hour heat-jelq-hang-heat-pump-heat-clamp etc routine! Anyone would think there is something wrong with you if you do that (except us…we’d be envious!) :)

So, now if you need to hide anything, its the AMOUNT of time…which is pretty safe to hide, because if you get caught, she doesn’t know you been sitting there playing with your dick for 3 hours…get it? She walks in with your dick in a clamp….and its “oh hi honey, just finishing my exercises”.

And if she freaks out about making your dick bigger…why mention it? Some gals get very insecure about a man enlarging his cock…they think you will want to use it on every woman on the block…and at work. Worse still she may think every woman will want to take it for a ride! Its like if your wife tells you out of the clear blue she wants to enlarge her breasts….you tell her she looks great like she is…she insists she wants to enlarge them. Some guys might get a little suspicious (they should).

If a woman really loves you, she thinks every other gal sees what a catch you are too…so this could just crank up the insecurity. That’s why you skip the “bigger dick” part of it, and just discuss preventative care. Women feel less freaked out by that.

Then the only other factor is the “pervert” factor. So I wouldn’t show her wet jelquing unless she doesn’t get jealous of you jacking off when she’s not there. So…show her clamping, and tell her that you didn’t tell her the truth because you were embarrassed.

If you try and make her think she is imagining things…and WHEN she finds out (not IF…SHE WILL FIND OUT) she will be totally pissed at you and really lose a lot of trust…not smart!

Originally Posted by Nadashyguy
“I’m going to do my cockercizes.”

I like that one.

Originally Posted by drilla9
On topic, you should find that lifting the latch and placing the side of your thumb just under the latch edge while you close the clamp will deaden the clicking noise but still be enough for you to tell how many clicks in you go.

Thanks Drilla, I am practicing outside the house.

Originally Posted by all4show

I like that one.

Thanks! It’s actually “cocksercizes” instead of “cockercizes” but I misspelled it and it wasn’t caught in spell check!

Originally Posted by sparkyx
As a joke…thats funny! If you’re serious…big mistake!

Sparky you have good advice, I hope you know I am joking.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Right…down play what you actually do, the amount of time etc. Present it as penile health, and keep it short and simple if she asks or wants to watch. Show her a simple 5 minute routine. For God’s sake (your sake) don’t explain a complex 5 hour heat-jelq-hang-heat-pump-heat-clamp etc routine! Anyone would think there is something wrong with you if you do that (except us…we’d be envious!) :)

So, now if you need to hide anything, its the AMOUNT of time…which is pretty safe to hide, because if you get caught, she doesn’t know you been sitting there playing with your dick for 3 hours…get it? She walks in with your dick in a clamp….and its “oh hi honey, just finishing my exercises”.

And if she freaks out about making your dick bigger…why mention it? Some gals get very insecure about a man enlarging his cock…they think you will want to use it on every woman on the block…and at work. Worse still she may think every woman will want to take it for a ride! Its like if your wife tells you out of the clear blue she wants to enlarge her breasts….you tell her she looks great like she is…she insists she wants to enlarge them. Some guys might get a little suspicious (they should).

If a woman really loves you, she thinks every other gal sees what a catch you are too…so this could just crank up the insecurity. That’s why you skip the “bigger dick” part of it, and just discuss preventative care. Women feel less freaked out by that.

Then the only other factor is the “pervert” factor. So I wouldn’t show her wet jelquing unless she doesn’t get jealous of you jacking off when she’s not there. So…show her clamping, and tell her that you didn’t tell her the truth because you were embarrassed.

If you try and make her think she is imagining things…and WHEN she finds out (not IF…SHE WILL FIND OUT) she will be totally pissed at you and really lose a lot of trust…not smart!


I think you made perfect sense for most people but I think it is not for me. When she cornered me about that clicking noise, man I felt a rush, I know it would have been end if she found out. I know it sounds stupid, but I have to think this would at least be considered a hobby for most avid PE’s here. …And the thought of losing something important to me is just too risky.

BTW, it is not about balls, I could tell her, but I do not think it is good for her to know either.

Can’t some things just be private?

OK, I said I would tell an odd PE story, so here goes.

I had a g/f, who is now an ex, that was somewhat under-developed emotionally. Because of this, we sometimes had to have conversations where I was more like her parent than her b/f. So, anyway, one night we were having one of those conversations.

And, as would be predictable, she sulked and avoided like the emotional adolescent that she was. No insult, that’s just the way it was. Though, she did eventually become more mature, but she came from a family that ignored issues, instead of addressing them - problems only get worse that way..

Anyway, she was at my house and laying in the bed, when this conversation began. And instead of participating, she rolled over, looked at the wall, and took forever to respond. That was a pattern that would drive me insane. Not even getting into the fact that there were times I thought she was thinking - and she had fallen asleep!!

Anyway, this night she had shown up out of now where, and I had been PE’ing on a fairly consistent schedule. So after she did the sulk, roll over and try to avoid routine - I was pissed, but wasn’t going to let it draw me in, and waste my time for an hour, or better, like usual.

I thought she was asleep. So, I went down stairs and was wet jelqing in the living room. I couldn’t hear her come down the stairs because of the carpet. So before I know it, she is at the bottom of the stairs. I got behind the door quickly and was talking to her thought it. Of course, she was suspicious.

This, of course, pissed me off more. Because, now, here I am, dealing with her concerns - yet when I needed discuss something with her, she pouted and pretended like she fell asleep!!

So, basically, I was like ‘get the f*ck out of my face, now.’ She wanted to know I if I had someone in the living room (another girl)? But, as I said, I wasn’t concerned with her thoughts at that moment. I told her I would be upstairs a little later (after jelqing).

She went upstairs, and two minutes later was right back - before I could get to the right erection level to jelq…

This happened two or three more times, before she started getting loud and trying to push thought the door (it wasn’t locked, french doors). So there she is and my unit is lubed up with Vaseline!! With Vaseline on the table!!

So, by this time, she is almost in tears, and she eventually did cry (I said she was emotionally immature). And she is asking me ‘why I am doing this’ (she assumed I was spanking it) when she was right up stairs. She actually held up my penis and inspected it, like someone would check for a stain, on a neck tie, that was hanging up..

It was actually kind of funny when I think on it - her in tears, inspecting my penis, then storming away.

So, I figured that now that she knew there was no one in there with me, I could finish in peace. Wrong!

She just knew I was spanking it. Which, to her, wasn’t as bad as some would expect. She had asked to watch me spank it before. I never complied. Not my thing. Why spank if she is there? If she wanted to, OK. But I wasn’t going to.

So now her was her opportunity, she figured. She stormed back in and demanded that I keep going.

I was like it’s not like that, I am not spanking. “Then what are you doing.”

You have to appreciate how odd this is, because, since she had maturity issues, that is generally how the conversations, were, in reverse. I am still standing there with fair coat of Vaseline on my unit through all this, mind you.

So after asking for a minute to tell her, I went through all the things I could tell her. I figured that a full explanation of PE wasn’t a good option. Because with her issues, that would be a problem for a zillion reasons, including her loosing her cool, and trowing it back at me at the worst possible time..

So I basically told her something along the lines of what sparky, said. That it was for a healthy man zone.

I told her I was massaging my vas deferens and checking for cancerous testicular nodules. “Why the Vaseline, then?”

So, the skin would slide through my fingers more easily, I told her. All of which was plausible. Because before we were really, freely, sexually active, we were fooling around and didn’t do it (she wanted to make me wait), and my left nut had swollen to the size of a grapefruit - it happens to me.

Anyway, that’s what happened. The scene with her holding and checking my Vaseline coated penis, in tears, was funny as hell - later. I laughed at her about it for a while.

Similar to what others have said, I don’t agree with lying in relationships, but in this case telling her the whole truth wasn’t a good thing. If we were going to be together forever, it might have been different, but with her issues (a final breaking point) telling her wouldn’t have been good.

So I guess I can see why some guys can’t come completely clean, but for her sake, all4, tell her something that will ease her mind so she doesn’t think she is loosing it.

I don’t thing anyone has suggested Monty’s air clamp yet. My wife knows I use it, but she doesn’t realize that I have used it right beside her while she’s sleeping. It is almost noiseless if you don’t pump too fast or let the air out too quickly.

That is a funny story. I bet you single guys get relaxed about location etc., I am always extremely cautious.

Originally Posted by mogro
I don’t thing anyone has suggested Monty’s air clamp yet. My wife knows I use it, but she doesn’t realize that I have used it right beside her while she’s sleeping. It is almost noiseless if you don’t pump too fast or let the air out too quickly.

Interesting I forgot about that.

Originally Posted by all4show

I think you made perfect sense for most people but I think it is not for me. When she cornered me about that clicking noise, man I felt a rush, I know it would have been end if she found out. I know it sounds stupid, but I have to think this would at least be considered a hobby for most avid PE’s here. …And the thought of losing something important to me is just too risky.

BTW, it is not about balls, I could tell her, but I do not think it is good for her to know either.

Can’t some things just be private?

Of course…I just doubt it will remain private, that’s why I advocate a limited reveal.

Ultimately it is your decision. Only you can decide your course, and of course you alone will have to live with it. I wish you luck in it.

Originally Posted by Tivase
OK, I said I would tell an odd PE story, so here goes.

I had a g/f, who is now an ex, that was somewhat under-developed emotionally. Because of this, we sometimes had to have conversations where I was more like her parent than her b/f. So, anyway, one night we were having one of those conversations.

And, as would be predictable, she sulked and avoided like the emotional adolescent that she was. No insult, that’s just the way it was. Though, she did eventually become more mature, but she came from a family that ignored issues, instead of addressing them - problems only get worse that way..

Anyway, she was at my house and laying in the bed, when this conversation began. And instead of participating, she rolled over, looked at the wall, and took forever to respond. That was a pattern that would drive me insane. Not even getting into the fact that there were times I thought she was thinking - and she had fallen asleep!!

Anyway, this night she had shown up out of now where, and I had been PE’ing on a fairly consistent schedule. So after she did the sulk, roll over and try to avoid routine - I was pissed, but wasn’t going to let it draw me in, and waste my time for an hour, or better, like usual.

I thought she was asleep. So, I went down stairs and was wet jelqing in the living room. I couldn’t hear her come down the stairs because of the carpet. So before I know it, she is at the bottom of the stairs. I got behind the door quickly and was talking to her thought it. Of course, she was suspicious.

This, of course, pissed me off more. Because, now, here I am, dealing with her concerns - yet when I needed discuss something with her, she pouted and pretended like she fell asleep!!

So, basically, I was like ‘get the f*ck out of my face, now.’ She wanted to know I if I had someone in the living room (another girl)? But, as I said, I wasn’t concerned with her thoughts at that moment. I told her I would be upstairs a little later (after jelqing).

She went upstairs, and two minutes later was right back - before I could get to the right erection level to jelq…

This happened two or three more times, before she started getting loud and trying to push thought the door (it wasn’t locked, french doors). So there she is and my unit is lubed up with Vaseline!! With Vaseline on the table!!

So, by this time, she is almost in tears, and she eventually did cry (I said she was emotionally immature). And she is asking me ‘why I am doing this’ (she assumed I was spanking it) when she was right up stairs. She actually held up my penis and inspected it, like someone would check for a stain, on a neck tie, that was hanging up..

It was actually kind of funny when I think on it - her in tears, inspecting my penis, then storming away.

So, I figured that now that she knew there was no one in there with me, I could finish in peace. Wrong!

She just knew I was spanking it. Which, to her, wasn’t as bad as some would expect. She had asked to watch me spank it before. I never complied. Not my thing. Why spank if she is there? If she wanted to, OK. But I wasn’t going to.

So now her was her opportunity, she figured. She stormed back in and demanded that I keep going.

I was like it’s not like that, I am not spanking. “Then what are you doing.”

You have to appreciate how odd this is, because, since she had maturity issues, that is generally how the conversations, were, in reverse. I am still standing there with fair coat of Vaseline on my unit through all this, mind you.

So after asking for a minute to tell her, I went through all the things I could tell her. I figured that a full explanation of PE wasn’t a good option. Because with her issues, that would be a problem for a zillion reasons, including her loosing her cool, and trowing it back at me at the worst possible time..

So I basically told her something along the lines of what sparky, said. That it was for a healthy man zone.

I told her I was massaging my vas deferens and checking for cancerous testicular nodules. “Why the Vaseline, then?”

So, the skin would slide through my fingers more easily, I told her. All of which was plausible. Because before we were really, freely, sexually active, we were fooling around and didn’t do it (she wanted to make me wait), and my left nut had swollen to the size of a grapefruit - it happens to me.

Anyway, that’s what happened. The scene with her holding and checking my Vaseline coated penis, in tears, was funny as hell - later. I laughed at her about it for a while.

Similar to what others have said, I don’t agree with lying in relationships, but in this case telling her the whole truth wasn’t a good thing. If we were going to be together forever, it might have been different, but with her issues (a final breaking point) telling her wouldn’t have been good.

So I guess I can see why some guys can’t come completely clean, but for her sake, all4, tell her something that will ease her mind so she doesn’t think she is loosing it.

Great story…and fairly typical reaction from most gals. I’m telling ya’ they have radar for sneakiness, and will immediately suspect the worst. Trying to frame it in a positive way with a crying woman in front of me, and my greasy dick in hand is not what I consider a dignified way to have to deal with it. Funny as hell to read, but thats exactly my worst nightmare!

All4show, as much as you insist, I still think a limited, “controlled” reveal is far better than a scene like the above happening. If she is as sensitive as you say, all the more reason for the controlled reveal. What would happen if she walks in on you? It would be far, far worse than a controlled reveal ahead of time.

See, you believe you can be clever enough to never get busted…I’m telling you, if she is suspicious now, your chances of keeping it hidden have just dropped considerably. If she is as sensitive as you say, then all the more reason to do damage control AHEAD of time.

You are taking a big gamble here friend, unfortunately I place odds on you getting caught “dick in hand” over not. I’m rooting for you…but I always did like the underdog! :)

Originally Posted by all4show
That is a funny story. I bet you single guys get relaxed about location etc., I am always extremely cautious.

IF you keep it entirely out of the house, like at work or something, then maybe you can pull it off (no pun intended). The downside is everyone at work may end up thinking your jacking off in the bathroom!


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