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What do you consider to be quality jelqs ? 5 seconds strokes, very focused all the time?

Originally Posted by Walter5169
What do you consider to be quality jelqs ? 5 seconds strokes, very focused all the time?

Quality jelqs are not about time, it how you do them, and yes focus is key. I don’t jelq anymore or have PE’d in years, but here has been my observation reading many threads and posts of members jelq workouts. Many members try to see how many jelqs they can do in an hour and try to reach that same number the next time they resume their jelqing exercise. What they are failing to do is focus and concentrate if they are getting all they can from one jelq. This is what I mean, jelqing to fast from base to glands forces the blood to quickly go right back down to the base and as a result, the jelq isn’t fully finished, because of lack of pressure.

This was what I consider a quality jelq. First of all, everybody has a preference as to what state of erection one should be, and that is entirely up to the person doing the exercise and how their unit is feeling. This is very important. I preferred my unit to be almost erect. I would do the o-ring grip around the base of penis not squeezing yet, push towards my pelvic bone stretching the skin towards the bone as well. Tightly squeeze the grip and slowly sliding the grip up my shaft to the glands. being aware of what is going on and what area need more work. I will get to that one in a bit. As I slowly reach to my glands I hold for a bit and quickly start the next jelq not to loose blood pressure and do the same paying attention to what area needs more work. Once you are accustomed to this way of jelqing you will know what area needs more work by the amount of pressure you feel in that area. You will feel pressure but maybe not as much pressure as you would feel in other areas of your penis. This where you need more focus on the weaker areas. You will slide your tight grip slowly to that area and I mean slow and hold for a few seconds then continue the rest of the jelq. you will feel pressure, but you will learn toease up if necessary, because you can get the infamous red dots. When easing up, do not let too much pressure of but just enough to continue. Of course this going to hurt a bit, but so does clamp, pumping and hanging.

This all pretty simple and you will always be aware of what you are doing since the jelqs are a very tightly squeezed and slowly taken to the glands. As mentioned it is important to start out correctly. Place the o-ring grip around the base of penis not squeezing yet, pushing towards the pelvic bone stretching the skin towards the bone as well. Tightly squeeze the grip and slowly sliding the grip up the shaft to the glands. Lube works very well with this but not necessary. After 20 of these you will notice how swollen your shaft will be. This is not a race for time nor is it a competition of how many one can do in a certain amount of time. It is all about concentration and focus. If it takes a person 300 jelqs to get what I got with 20, then that is their problem. I just know that I am not fatigued when I consider that my unit has had enough for the day. Plain and simple.

This what I consider a quality jelq. It worked for me. I hope this helps or gives some insight to what you may want to customize for yourself. Did I answer your question Walter?

Last edited by tntjockey : 02-26-2015 at .

The “L” jelq-stretch that Cheeva describes earlier in this thread is excellent (while standing, jelq straight down using an overhand grip, stop at mid-shaft, turn hand up by 90 degrees so that lower shaft is still straight down but the upper shaft is now parallel to the floor. Hold for a count of X, then complete the jelq by moving the hand to the end of the shaft) .

I will try add these to my jelqs.

A variation might also be to do the L jelq-stretch straight up, or jelq to the left, or jelq to the right.

June 18: 7 x 5.5. (Starting stats: Feb 2016: 6.25 x 5")

I know I am late to this thread but basically you jelq but do it in a downward pulling motion? Also how many reps should I do?

Sitting or Standing

So is this downward jelq performed sitting or standing? Or does it make no difference?

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