Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New Jelq City!

Originally Posted by cheeva
Sorry for the long delay in responding here guys. Haven’t been around much lately. Just stopping in for a quick visit now.

To Lord Harris: whether you hold the “L” or jelq through it is up to you—the main thing is downward jelqing at very low erection levels (virtually flaccid) and focusing on the stretch aspect while still moving enough blood around for it to qualify as a jelq. I just mentioned some of the variations that I’ve tried to get people interested/started. Ultimately it’s about whatever works, right?

Good luck!

To Acid Jazz: The glans isn’t squished because you stop right behind it—in fact the glans is expanded, just as in a normal jelq. I’m not sure why “squishing” the urethra would be a problem—again, it’s the same thing that happens in a standard jelq. Blood is trapped ahead of the stroke. The only difference is that there’s far less blood behind the stroke.

I will say again that it’s important to be careful with the amount of pressure you apply—it can be a very intense workout, so avoid the temptation to overdo it.

If your reading dude, thanks! :)

Originally Posted by cheeva

… —the main thing is downward jelqing at very low erection levels (virtually flaccid) and focusing on the stretch aspect while still moving enough blood around for it to qualify as a jelq. …


In my view, moving enough blood to produce an expansion of the unit qualifies it as jelq. Very low erection level means very little blood, not enough to build up pressure by a jelq-like move. Unfortunately we are not talking on exect terms, as erection levels are more intuitive than measured, so it is possible that we are thinking different things about “very low erection levels”.

Your description makes me picture an image of moving just the skin (not the blood) in something like an intermitent stretching. I’m sure you have a different image in your mind and I’d like to know the benefits of that low EL jelq. As I said, for me seems just like a less effective stretching.

Starting BPEL: 6.9" (Dec.1st, 2008)

Current BPEL: 8.11" NBPEL: 7.63" BPFSL: 9.09"

Current MEG : 5.6"


As far as I get it, here, low erection means that the penis doesn’t start to stiffen, but it is full of blood and plump, yet still soft. Actually, it allows to build quite high blood pressure. Your grip actually compresses the shaft and really doesn’t allow blood to get out. I can’t stroke farther than 60% of shaft because pressure builds up so much it isn’t possible to move any further.

I haven’t been doing these for long, just about 3 weeks before I got some acne and burst blood vessels - so no blood pressure exercises for me for some time to come - but I did have gains. Not so much of length, maybe couple of mm - not sure, because I’ve been jelquing at higher erection before that, and had some length growth as well - but had half a cm girth growth at the upper shaft.

Originally Posted by Nevod
As far as I get it, here, low erection means that the penis doesn’t start to stiffen, but it is full of blood and plump, yet still soft. Actually, it allows to build quite high blood pressure.

That’s it exactly!

Nevod, cheeva,

Thanks, that makes sense!

Starting BPEL: 6.9" (Dec.1st, 2008)

Current BPEL: 8.11" NBPEL: 7.63" BPFSL: 9.09"

Current MEG : 5.6"

I have read this thread carefully and most of the discussions and replies and really learned a lot. I thought I had the hang of jelqing but learned that I have executed it with too much erection all the time. It will be interesting to see how this new knowledge will effect my PE training.

Historical graph since start including all Measures and Goals -

Start 2008-09-01: 5,9" X 4,5", 2012-03-31: 7,3" X 5.4" - Goal 7,5" X 5,5"

I am going for my third re-start in PE seriously this time. Difference is this time I’m going to incorportate these cheeva jelqs as well as the usual stretches and to a lesser extent normal jelqs. I shall keep everyone posted.

Good luck mate, and please do keep us updated!

Before coming across this thread I was thinking of jelqing while somewhat erect, possibly even watching boner popping stuff and taking ginseng before hand.
Now I am thinking of being more flaccid and possibly even ejaculating before hand?

I’d say I have a difficult choice in front of me. Jelq while somewhat erect, like I normally would, thinking of something that makes me slightly erect and keeping my rod slightly up or keeping it down? One way or the other I guess? Difficult choice, but I may still go with regular jelqing til the gain’s stop.

Just wanted to say bravo on “New Jelq City”. Classic! LOL

2009-05-01: BPEL ~8.25", EG ~5.5" (start) / 2009-08-25: BPEL ~9.00" / EG ~6.0". 2010-02-06: BPEL ~9.25", EG ~6.2" / 2010-08-23: BPEL ~9.4", EG: ~6.25"

This jelq really is excellent. I have been re-pe’ing about a week now with relativley little stretching but plenty of these jelqs and am seeing length improvments already. The hardest part is keeping erection level down, so need to re-read the intro.

I can’t wait to try this tomorrow! I’ve been jelqing at always higher than 50% erection till now and no wonder I haven’t seen any length. Although I haven’t been at this long, my goals are more length than girth so I’m gonna change my jelqing to this and see how it goes.

Thanks Cheeva!

Question for NJCers:

Is NJC a good substitute for manual stretching for uncut guys who can’t stand dry glans chafing?

Or is manual stretching still fundamental/indispensable?

Maybe I’ll go right too this?

Uh, nevermind my last question - PE vets seem to advise against dropping manual stretching (in this and other threads):

How important are stretches

Still, NJC’s feel like a good supplement.


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