Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New Jelq City!

Remember that this jelq is targeting length specifically, so a plumper, fuller flaccid is not necessarily a good indicator of a successful workout. I think a better indicator is a feeling of mild but not unpleasant fatigue in the ligs and/or tunica, and slightly higher FSL measurements post-workout (much like what you look for with stretching, hanging, or ADS.) That being said, as long as there’s no rigidity in the unit, you can do this jelq, so yeah, 20-30% is fine.

Originally Posted by cheeva
Start with a good fluffy flaccid. Grip the base with an overhand OK grip. Use lube. Stroke slowly straight down with a very firm grip. When you start to feel resistance from the blood in the upper shaft, stop the SD stroke and turn the gripping hand parallel to the floor. The lower shaft will now be pointed straight down, while the upper shaft and glans is horizontal. The unit will now be in an “L” shape. This allows intense pressure to be applies to the ligs and lower shaft without putting undue strain on the upper shaft and glans. It takes practice to know how engorged the upper shaft/glans can be without causing spotting, which is why a little lessening of the grip may be required to allow some back flow before doing the “L” stretch.

You can also finish the jelq stroke in the “L” position without pausing.

Could this stretch add a upward curve in erection? What about a backward L?

10/10/08 Bpel 6.50 Eg 4.9 base 5.0 few weeks off due to injury :( 12/10/08 Bpel 6.875 Eg 5.0

03/10/09 Bpel 7.25 Eg 5.0625 base 5.25 Donations Keep The Community Going, Click Me

05/10/09 Bpel 7.50 Eg 5.1 base 5.5 11/10/09 Bpel 7.6875 EG 5.125. Goal is as much as I can

I don’t see why it would cause a curve. Since you are effectively flaccid (no rigidity in the unit), you can bend it any way you like.

Just wondering, I like how you described these, want to try them but today is a rest day for me so I’m anxious lol.

10/10/08 Bpel 6.50 Eg 4.9 base 5.0 few weeks off due to injury :( 12/10/08 Bpel 6.875 Eg 5.0

03/10/09 Bpel 7.25 Eg 5.0625 base 5.25 Donations Keep The Community Going, Click Me

05/10/09 Bpel 7.50 Eg 5.1 base 5.5 11/10/09 Bpel 7.6875 EG 5.125. Goal is as much as I can


I’m confused as to why it would be a good idea to change the jelq to a stretching exercise rather than an overall penile health/girth exercise. If it were for length, why not just do normal stretches where you should be flaccid anyway? This seems to be taking away the major benefit of jelqing and basically turning it into a stretch. Please correct me if I’m missing something here. Thanks. :)

I’m not sure I’m “changing the jelq to a stretching exercise” per se. First of all, I think the lower level erection jelqing I’m advocating here also serves as an overall penile health exercise. It’s still moving blood around and manipulating/massaging the entire unit. In fact I would argue that for many (myself included) it’s healthier than the standard 50-70% erection jelq, since for me I get pretty extreme spotting almost instantly when I attempt to jelq at that e level. As I said in the OP, I consider 50-70 percent erection jelqs (as demonstrated in the videos, for example) as “erect jelqs.” Beyond newbie gains, I don’t think that kind of jelqing will take most people very far in terms of either length or girth. Of course this is only my opinion based on my personal experience with my own unit. :)

Another point: as a length-targeting exercise this form of jelqing is a good supplement to standard stretching for several reasons. First, it isolates the ligs and base much better than normal stretches; second, standard stretches put a lot of stress on the glans which can make it difficult and/or dangerous to hold intense stretches beyond a minute or so. This jelq variation, if performed correctly, does not put as much direct stress on the glans; third, it’s a more active and less boring exercise than standard stretches. And finally, it allows a virtually limitless range of motion for manipulating and stretching the unit, from the base to the upper shaft, with a far greater degree of force than could be safely applied with higher erection level jelqs.

Thanks Cheeva,

That makes sense. This is obviously individual specific as well…and I seem to have better response with a bit more blood. I mentioned it being possibly worse for penile health only in the sense that many members report diminished erections with too much manual stretching, and the opposite for jelqing. I definitely agree with your last points about less, “direct stress on the glans,” due to the blood creating a better attachment (grabbing) point further from the glans and, “virtually limitless range of motion for manipulating and stretching the unit, from the base to the upper shaft.” There is definitely no other way to do that so effectively! Thanks for the reply.

Question for cheeva.. Is this type of jelqing recommended for newbies or only for people with some PE experience?

Also, I can’t help but have an erection while jelqing even if my life depended on it. I hope I’ll find a way to keep it down to jelq properly.

thanks for this.

Great post,once again Cheeva. This stuff is unbelievably valuable to newbies like myself so once again thank you,your efforts in sharing knowledge and experience like this are truly appreciated.

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

Originally Posted by then00bn00b

Question for cheeva.. Is this type of jelqing recommended for newbies or only for people with some PE experience?

I think it’s fine for everyone. I did it as a newbie (it just felt natural to me.) Just be gentle. :)

Originally Posted by then00bn00b
Also, I can’t help but have an erection while jelqing even if my life depended on it. I hope I’ll find a way to keep it down to jelq properly.

Maybe try ejaculating first?

Originally Posted by cheeva
For me this type of semi-flaccid jelqing gives a very intense stretch that I can’t achieve any other way. There is a completely different feeling in the unit after this kind of jelqing vs. normal stretching. I think there are several reasons for this: 1) After warm up the friction of jelqing keeps the unit warmer than standard stretching. 2) The ligs and lower portion (base) of the shaft are isolated better with this type of jelqing. 3) It is difficult (for me at least) to hold standard stretches beyond 30 seconds or so without creating too much stress on the glans. With “jelq stretching” I get a much more intense stretch than standard manual stretches can provide, and the entire unit gets a good workout. Basically I’m starting the stretch from the very base and slowly extending it down the entire shaft until I’m at FSL, holding briefly, and repeating. This causes the unit to feel more pliable than simply pulling the unit out to FSL and holding until the glans starts to go numb.

So I think there’s an advantage to having a warm, pliable softie with just a little blood in it to work with, and doing jelq-oriented length work in this condition. :)

Same here brother.

This is the first time I’ve read, digested and understood this technique and cannot wait to try it out tonight.

I agree that it can be as effective as standard stretching, maybe more. The problem is that maybe you are stretching only part of the penis (around 50% I think).

Right, I’v experimented with this to the letter and I have to say intrinsically, given the perfect level of erection level and pressure you could gain some serious length with this.

Cheeva I have some questions however;

1) Halfway down the stroke, when you release the grip a little in order to enable the L stretch, are you continuing to jelq downward, or do you pause. In other words are you jelqing the L or merely using it as leverage to stretch down?

2) You mention that you hold the stretch just before the glans, although in theory you have been stretching from roughly halfway down then stroke is this correct?

Cheers friends, I really think this has big potential going by that all important inherent “feel” but I need to be as close to a 100% as possible.

Originally Posted by cheeva
I don’t see why it would cause a curve. Since you are effectively flaccid (no rigidity in the unit), you can bend it any way you like.

I don’t see why it would either cheeva, but it has given me a noticeable upward curve. Nothing drastic, but still noticeable visually. Judging by the wife’s reactions, the slight change is noticeable with things other than the eyes, namely the g-spot. She also has commented a number of times on how “cool” this upward curve looks.

This may be just an increase in penile health, and I want to repeat it is not a huge curve. I am estimating about 12 degree upward curve. 45 degrees divided in half twice. Before starting cheeva jelqs a few months ago I am estimating I had half that, which was noticeable because before PE it was flat and straight, no upward curve at all.

It may or may not be the cheeva jelqs, but it has come about more so in the last months of doing them. It may be just a continuation of the trend that started with me doing PE.

I should note that I do the cheeva jelqs at what I think is a slightly higher erection level than what is described, but I am not sure. If it is slightly higher, it is not by much.

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

After experimenting a few ways of jelqing, I have a quick question(s) with regards to this method.

Do you use the other hand to grip onto the base when the jelq is complete or after the L-Stretch is done?
Also, how hard do you grip onto the base with that other hand?

I’ve just started 2 hand jelq recently. When I grip onto the base, i can see the blow going to the top of my unit. It is sort of like gripping a balloon. However, my unit starts to feel (slightly) numb real quick (after about 2 + minutes).

My question is, am I gripping the base with my other hand properly when I am starting the next jelq? Should I revert back to one hand jelq (let go of one hand before the other hand grips onto the base)?

Is one hand jelg less efficient / effective than two hand?



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