Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New Jelq City!

I’ve been doing low level erection jelqs for the past 2 weeks, as I finish my 10 second pincer grip jelq I give bellow my head a nice squeeze and pull. To me it just feels better when working at lower erection levels, I feel more stretched and plump.. Who knows time will tell.

Start : Nbpel 6.2 x 5.7

Current : Nbpel 6.7 x 5.7 - Bpel 7.2

cheeva where are you mate! :)

Originally Posted by cheeva
Jelqing is the basis of manual PE. Anyone who’s spent any time at all on this forum should know what jelqing is, even if they haven’t tried it. The basic jelq is very simple—deceptively simple. Grasp the penis in an OK grip at the base and “milk” the shaft by stroking with a firm grip up toward the glans to move blood around and stretch/expand the penis. At the end of the stroke, grasp the base with the other hand and repeat.

But how hard do you grip? How erect should you be? What does a good jelq feel like? How do you know when you’ve jelqed enough vs. too much? How and why does the function of the jelq change at different erection levels? Wet jelqs vs. dry jelqs?

I would like to hear from experienced jelqers on this subject. I’d also like to hear about variations on the basic jelq, what has worked and what hasn’t.

Here are some of my experiences and observations:

Most guys seem to be interested in gaining some length as a top priority. It’s well known that you should target length before going for girth. In my experience, it is true that it can be harder to gain length the more girth you have. So target girth only after getting close to you length goals. (There is a good chance you’ll get some extra girth by doing length-focused exercises anyway.)

“Flaccid” Jelqing, or “the Jelq Stretch”

As far as jelqing for length, my feeling is that most guys are jelqing at an erection level that is too high. What I’m about to say flies in the face of received wisdom. Most instructions for jelqing say 40-50% is the minimum erection level one should jelq at. The videos also show jelqing at 50-70% erection level. I consider this erect jelqing. For me, this jelq is only useful for maintenance. The unit is too hard (rigid) to target length, and not hard enough to really target girth adequately. It is possible that this is only applicable to guys with thicker girth (say 5+), but it is certainly true for me.

The reason it is generally advised not to jelq below 40% e level is the dreaded “baseball bat effect.” This is not an issue for me, since my unit is shaped like a missile and it would take an inch in girth for my upper shaft and glans to match my mid shaft girth. Also, I have seen no evidence of someone who’s got the baseball bat effect from jelqing, and even it is true, I would imagine that targeted girth work like clamping could even out the unit. Also, the way I do it, the pressure of the grip is adjusted throughout the stroke so that there is never enough pressure on the glans and upper shaft to qualify as a girth exercise.

For length, I jelq straight down (SD) at an erection no higher than 20-30%. There should be no rigidity in the unit whatsoever—basically what you want is a “softie”—a unit that looks like a good flaccid hang, but not semi-erect. I do wet jelqs. I use an overhand OK grip, grasp firmly at the base and pull SD. At the beginning of the stroke, there is a strong pull on the ligs/base. About halfway down, the blood in the unit will be expanding the upper shaft and glans. The grip is adjusted so there’s not too much pressure as the stroke is completed and a little back flow is allowed as the opposite hand forms an OK grip at the base for the next stroke.

At the end of the stroke, I stop just behind the glans and hold a stretch in this position, then turn my hand out so that the glans is forming the foot of an L before releasing for the next stroke. Strokes are slow, between five and ten seconds.

How it feels:

Behind the stroke, the tunica and ligs feel like they are being stretched. (I get occasional lig pops doing this.) After the midstroke point, the lower shaft and ligs continue to be stretched while the upper shaft and glans feel mildly expanded. I have to be careful to allow enough back flow that the glans is not too expanded for the final stretch/tug at the end and the grip can be firm enough to really get a good stretch.

I will often pause at various stages of the stroke (1/4 up, 1/2 up, and 3/4 up) and kegel for ten seconds then release and continue. I bend the unit into an L shape as described above and focus on the stretch. When you kegel like this, you are stretching against the tug-back, and when you release you can feel your unit relaxing into the stretch.

Controlling erection level:

With this variation, there is really not a concern with having too low of an erection level. If I’m 100% flaccid (0% erection), which is only very rarely at the very beginning of a session, a few light strokes will give me enough blood to work with, or I can just do SD stretches. 5% e level is enough blood to work with.

If the e level gets above 25%, I grip firmly at the base, do a half stroke, then do a Uli type squeeze while pulling up to get a kind of inverted V stretch with blood trapped in the upper shaft. Or else I push staight down and rotate my hand to get the L shape. Sometime I’ll rotate the unit in a helicopter motion while holding the squeze. After about a minute e level comes back down to manageable levels. Once e level is back down I’ll focus on just stretching to allow the unit to calm down and stay in exercise mode before continuing with the jelqing. Also, if the jelq strokes are starting to cause too much stimulation, I will focuse on pausing at the various stages of the stroke and feeling the stretch without friction, as mentioned above.

O-bend type exercises are also good for bringing e level down. These “Ulis,” squeezes and bends are not intense enough, held long enough, or repeated enough to target girth—they’re just a means of managing e levels while keeping blood moving in the unit.

I think this approach might be the key to gaining length from jelqing, at least for some people. :shrug:


How do you jelq at this level, with any level of exertion, without squishing the urethra and glans?

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

Sounds great. Always been a big fan of downward stretches and sore ligs :) That’s combo seems to bring lots of gains. I’ve been doing that L stretch for quite some time without thinking about it. It’s a great stretch/grip and generates amazing leverage/power for stretching (especially downwards stretching). It’s great when your hand is tired or to hold for longer times. This is great stuff for attacking those ligs.

My Measurements | My Favorites

Originally Posted by Dicko7X5
Sounds great. Always been a big fan of downward stretches and sore ligs :) That’s combo seems to bring lots of gains. I’ve been doing that L stretch for quite some time without thinking about it. It’s a great stretch/grip and generates amazing leverage/power for stretching (especially downwards stretching). It’s great when your hand is tired or to hold for longer times. This is great stuff for attacking those ligs.

Dicko or anyone else; do you massage the ligs at the base of your unit while stretching? Also, If we are focusing on stretching the ligaments do Kingpole’s tunica tugs work on the ligs? Right now, what seems to get me the most leverage without squeezing the crap out of my urethra, is the following:

I do a overhand OK Grip jelq with my right hand, (almost like the “L” stretch Cheeva talks about), then I take my left hand, and with my thumb and forefinger, create a “v”. With the inverted V, I push down on the ligs at the base of my unit, while at the same time pulling the penis up to about a 10 to 11 “LOT” position, and hold there.

I’m sure I’m not making anything new up here, but curious if this is something others do?

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

I am using this low jelq method with stretch at the end to.
I have had some small gains using it, but only over a small time period.

Acid: I do not feel like I squish the urethra even though I slightly am.
I try to squeeze at the sides.
I feel this great i the whole firm “top cord” and ligaments, two what I belive important parts that limits my length.

Lord Harris, I am not an expert like cheeva but I can try to answer your question from my perspective. jelq/stretch halfway down, I then slow down a bit, releasing the pressure moving down, then at the end, I kind of pause for a slight moment, adjust slightly towards the L and finish off with more of a JAI kind of stretch. My stretching intensity increases towards the end.

trace: I do this in a one hand way even if I might alternate, two hands traps more blood in for me, not wanted in NJC.

(Acid: I am not massaging my ligaments btw, tunica tugs does not target ligs, you hold the base hand hard to focus on the tunica)

I read through this site for months before I started PE. (Thanks Thunder) I’m now on my second attempt at the Newbie routine and I’m doing wet jelqs like Cheeva has described. A full soft flaccid, no rigidity, say 20-30%, and it feels.right. No negative PIs so I guess I will find out if it’s the best way for me when I measure in a month or so. Thanks Cheeva

Originally Posted by Lord Harris
Right, I’v experimented with this to the letter and I have to say intrinsically, given the perfect level of erection level and pressure you could gain some serious length with this.

Cheeva I have some questions however;

1) Halfway down the stroke, when you release the grip a little in order to enable the L stretch, are you continuing to jelq downward, or do you pause. In other words are you jelqing the L or merely using it as leverage to stretch down?

2) You mention that you hold the stretch just before the glans, although in theory you have been stretching from roughly halfway down then stroke is this correct?

Cheers friends, I really think this has big potential going by that all important inherent “feel” but I need to be as close to a 100% as possible.

It would be cool if cheeva would reply to this post. I have the same dilemma as Lord Harris and would like these issues to be clarified so that everyone can try cheeva’s method the way he envisioned it.

BTW, this is a gem of a thread! I know this method could have some real potential for length gains as I can attribute most of my length gains to low erection level jelqing.

Originally Posted by willywilly38
Acid: I do not feel like I squish the urethra even though I slightly am.
I try to squeeze at the sides.
I feel this great i the whole firm “top cord” and ligaments, two what I belive important parts that limits my length.

(Acid: I am not massaging my ligaments btw, tunica tugs does not target ligs, you hold the base hand hard to focus on the tunica)

I think “squishing” my urethra was a phenomenon that occurred primarily early on. As my dick has become conditioned, this “issue” is going away. Also, I have adjusted my jelqing grip to focus on the CC’s.

Right now when I manually stretch, I feel it in both the ligs and the tunica.

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

Sounds good Acid Jazz.

I got an enlarged vein at the top near my glans, probably because I started to hard after a month off, or a combination, I was doing New Jelq City the last month or weeks before that break.
Might just been that I started to hard, just thought I would add it to this thread because of this technique, always be careful.
Not a real thrombosed vein or anything, maybe partly, but no pain, just an enlarged vein I think.

(Could come from stretching while not completely flaccid, from edging or sex to.)

Originally Posted by willywilly38
Sounds good Acid Jazz.

I got an enlarged vein at the top near my glans, probably because I started to hard after a month off, or a combination, I was doing New Jelq City the last month or weeks before that break.
Might just been that I started to hard, just thought I would add it to this thread because of this technique, always be careful.
Not a real thrombosed vein or anything, maybe partly, but no pain, just an enlarged vein I think.

(Could come from stretching while not completely flaccid, from edging or sex to.)


Right now, I am having a tough time keeping the erection level down. I recently started a new job where I’m up at 5 am. So, all of my old morning wood patterns haven’t stopped. (or adjusted)

But, your description of the “length” jelq sounds like how I am doing it. I squeeze at the base with the overhand ok grip, pull straight down to feel a stretch at the base, and finally, complete the jelq away from my body. I’m not sure if it’s working, …. yet. :)

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

I do low level jelqs

I’ve gained quite a bit in three - four weeks, and more girth than length go figure

Forgot to ask, when you say pull down, what if you have a low lot, should it be up?

Please check out my progress thread

I’m sure you will find it confusing


Forget LOT, IMHO.

Originally Posted by marinera
Forget LOT, IMHO.


It’s a load of tosh (no disrespect to anyone)

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

Sorry for the long delay in responding here guys. Haven’t been around much lately. Just stopping in for a quick visit now.

To Lord Harris: whether you hold the “L” or jelq through it is up to you—the main thing is downward jelqing at very low erection levels (virtually flaccid) and focusing on the stretch aspect while still moving enough blood around for it to qualify as a jelq. I just mentioned some of the variations that I’ve tried to get people interested/started. Ultimately it’s about whatever works, right?

Good luck!

To Acid Jazz: The glans isn’t squished because you stop right behind it—in fact the glans is expanded, just as in a normal jelq. I’m not sure why “squishing” the urethra would be a problem—again, it’s the same thing that happens in a standard jelq. Blood is trapped ahead of the stroke. The only difference is that there’s far less blood behind the stroke.

I will say again that it’s important to be careful with the amount of pressure you apply—it can be a very intense workout, so avoid the temptation to overdo it.


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